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53 minutes ago, LSM said:


That's not Jes Goodwin. (His signature is a pretty distinct Jes followed by a triangle.) I believe it's fanart, done in 2009 by someone named Javi. (I do really like it, though the legs are not quite right perspective wise.)




I've been poring over the Noise Marines, and I think I can note:

  • 6 bodies (no special chest pieces for the Disharmonist - they all seem readily interchangeable)
  • 6 Backpacks (again, they all seem interchangeable)
  • 2 Blastmasters, ~4 Sonic Blasters (there's definitely at least 4 Sonic Blasters, going by their housing trim! Exciting!)
  • 1 Power Sword, 1 Screamer Pistol (the pistol has two arm poses to choose from)
  • 6 EC shoulder pads, ~6 speaker shoulder pads (impossible to see well enough to make a call)
  • ~12 heads (only 11 visible, but I'd wager on their being a twelfth)

The presence of (at least) four 'Blasters in the kit is a welcome sight, as that should mean that the Disharmonist will be able to take one... I hope.


Down-and-dirty collage of the eleven heads:





I think this might be your 12th NM head? From the army box picture so pretty blurry. 


11 minutes ago, Fire Golem said:

I think this might be your 12th NM head? From the army box picture so pretty blurry. 



It is!


Oddly, that second Noise Marine squad is armed with 4 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blastmaster, and then the Screamer Pistol on the Disharmonist.


I can't imagine wanting to take a Sonic Blaster over a Blastmaster, unless the former have received a major upgrade.


Edited by LSM
2 minutes ago, Marshal Loss said:

That Noise Marine collage looks like a heretical version of the brady bunch and I love it. :tongue:


I'd be really pleased if the Disharmonist can take a sonic blaster as well.

I hope he does too but I’m guessing he won’t and it will technically be like a squad of 5 noise marines and he’s a chaff body to die first 

4 minutes ago, Macidious said:

I hope he does too but I’m guessing he won’t and it will technically be like a squad of 5 noise marines and he’s a chaff body to die first 

But with most units more than likely being lead by a lord kakophonist that can run dual screamer pistols , that’ll be 3x screamers in a squad which sounds like a decent amount 

4 minutes ago, Macidious said:

I hope he does too but I’m guessing he won’t and it will technically be like a squad of 5 noise marines and he’s a chaff body to die first 


That's precisely why I'm hoping he can take one - always feels a bit silly having a unit champion in a heavy weapon unit function as a bullet sponge. Not that the sword & pistol doesn't look very cool, but I much prefer the Kakophoni vibe especially now that Noise Marine champions have lost the Doom Siren. But we'll see.


I'm just excited to see how their weaponry functions in the new book and what the inevitable Noise Marine focused detachment does for them

Looks good. Could just leave them with the dueling sabres and run them as Inductii in 30k without having to obtain those Tzaangor chainswords though.


For those of the purple persuasion, I saw this Flawless Blade photoshop floating around reddit also (not sure who to credit)



I think I only have 1 current concern and it isn’t models it’s a rule that was told on the stream that the army rule for them is that they can advance fall back and still charge , “but with a few restrictions” just not a fan of restrictions or “once per battles” like the space marine veterans detachment , it never seems fair when other armies have stuff that lasts all game and are still really good, just makes no sense.


But we will have to wait and see what the restrictions are might just be because ec have op combat so it isn’t fair for every unit to advance and charge 


like it might be an oath thing where each unit has a challenge where they declare a unit that is their challenger and they can only advance and charge or fall back towards or from that unit 

Edited by Macidious

I must say everything’s really grown on me over the last few days. I had a good 8 years of expectation for the Emperors Children, I’ve been anticipating them since the plastic Thousand Sons, and I was initially a little disappointed in some of it, but with a few days of seeing the models for what they actually are I’m coming around on them. There was a lot I did like anyway, and I still wish the Noise Marines were a bit less pink havocs with speakers and a bit more messed up monsters, but for what they are the models are pretty great. 

4 hours ago, Marshal Loss said:

Looks good. Could just leave them with the dueling sabres and run them as Inductii in 30k without having to obtain those Tzaangor chainswords though.


For those of the purple persuasion, I saw this Flawless Blade photoshop floating around reddit also (not sure who to credit)




That actually looks fantastic in purple..... hmm choices choices......

I think I’m gonna go for a magenta scheme for mine, somewhere between the heresy Purple and the 40K pink, for a very late heresy force. I saw this scheme on Facebook a while ago, something like this. 


1 hour ago, TheArtilleryman said:

The purple looks way better than the pink


I expect to continue to see a lot of people using it.


For me personally, the Purple & Gold of the old Legion is very noble, majestic, and luxurious. I love it for the dutiful, "exemplars of humanity" pre-Heresy Third. (And those like Bile who refused to follow Slaanesh, and so clung to its continued use.)


Pink & Black combined are an aggressive and transgressive colour combination, punk and kink. Which is what I want out of my Emperor's Children. I like how far they've fallen.

1 minute ago, LSM said:


I expect to continue to see a lot of people using it.


For me personally, the Purple & Gold of the old Legion is very noble, majestic, and luxurious. I love it for the dutiful, "exemplars of humanity" pre-Heresy Third. (And those like Bile who refused to follow Slaanesh, and so clung to its continued use.)


Pink & Black combined are an aggressive and transgressive colour combination, punk and kink. Which is what I want out of my Emperor's Children. I like how far they've fallen.

I get this, but I for me the fact that the old colours remind us of their noble origins shows how far the “royalty” have fallen.

8 minutes ago, LSM said:


I expect to continue to see a lot of people using it.


For me personally, the Purple & Gold of the old Legion is very noble, majestic, and luxurious. I love it for the dutiful, "exemplars of humanity" pre-Heresy Third. (And those like Bile who refused to follow Slaanesh, and so clung to its continued use.)


Pink & Black combined are an aggressive and transgressive colour combination, punk and kink. Which is what I want out of my Emperor's Children. I like how far they've fallen.


Purple and gold is a nice mockery of where they came from. Just to wind the distant family up even more, delicious :)

7 minutes ago, 01RTB01 said:


Purple and gold is a nice mockery of where they came from. Just to wind the distant family up even more, delicious :)


I guess it's a question of degrees. I like the fluff around them keeping the name and the motto, as a snide irony. That they kept those as a joke.


One could also keep the colours, I suppose (mockingly). Someone might also keep the Aquilla (mockingly), keep the concept of statuesque form as perfection, keep the discipline required for precise military manoeuvres, keep selflessly protecting humanity, etc, etc.


At a certain point... "If you're ironically being a jerk all the time, then you're just a jerk."


(Folks will naturally vary on where the line is, if they even agree that there is one.)

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