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Dark Angels Secret Santa, any takers for 2024?


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Same as last year, I'd like to run a Secret Santa for us. We take october to gauge interest and take sign-ups, I'll draw names and we'll complete our models in November, and send them in December.


Basic Rules as per previous years,

1- The B&C has no part in this and will not be involved in any kind of resolution. All participants accept the risk that their partner, however unlikely, may not be able to complete their gift.

2- Shipping costs are our own to bear, and international post is most likely, so budget for it. It also means you will need to trust myself and one other Frater with your real name, a postal address, and most Customs Forms now require a contact phone number.

3- Expectation is a single infantry sized model to match one of the recipients collected factions, using their threads on the B&C for inspiration.

4- Obviously, complete and send your model to your Secret Santa recipient.


So, if all this sounds good to you, and you have the time and budget to participate,

1- post your interest in doing so in this thread,

2- include any factions/threads you'd be ok recieving a model for (must be board appropriate)


and should we get 3+ participants by Nov 1st, I'll PM and confirm with everyone and draws names out of a hat.


Edited by Grotsmasha
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