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50% assembled...  40% bits found.... 10% still missing in some boxes... I know it must be somewhere :sweat: 

I totally agree with Azrael... more plasma.   

Mine would be complete and ready to ship now, but Azrael gave me an idea for something a bit more special. Will take a little longer, but should be worth the extra wait.

Pretty sure you can open whenever. It's how we've done it in the past. Especially since some people may not receive until after Christmas due to international shipping delays. The US can't even mail to Canada right now, for example.

So thanks to someone…from Florida and his fluffy doggy I got one heck of an awesome Marine with side kick. Merry Christmas indeed. Thanks bud!







My gift was supposed to go out today but when I tested the magnets holding the base to the display base it failed. So unfortunately I went too fancy and now in order to salvage the whole thing I’m having to merge the bases together…this will probably make more sense once pics become available. So need time to let the green stuff harden followed by painting and then more drying. Better late than never!

Had a knock on the door this morning, one parcel safely received.


Inside you ask? Lots of padding and another parcel, then more padding...




Our poor Dark Angel is not as dead as it may appear, if we look from the other side there is a melta bomb attached...





A big big thank you to Lostrael for this amazing diorama.

3 hours ago, Lostrael said:

Sorry for the tons of paper, I wanted to make sure it arrives intact. :sweat:

No no, no need to apologise, it did the job and kept your work safe. It is a stunning piece and my old camera is hardly doing it justice. Thank you again.



Out of curiosity, is the Chaos crawly supposed to be from any particular Legion/warband or was it just a set of colours you wanted to experiment with?

What excellent timing, my Secret Santa arrived all the way from the USA, right on the Eve of Xmas. Unfortunately, he did not pass his Perils of the Warp save, and suffered some minor damage, but nothing irrepairable (some chipping on the shield, and a new sword handle) :thumbsup:


I'm truely astounded by the quality of my gift, and am thoroughly chuffed, thank you.







Glad to hear it made the long journey relatively intact. Was worried when I saw it stuck around the hell scape that is Chicago hahaha. Hopefully the base within the display base I mentioned as cause a delay now makes sense. Merry Christmas!

How it should have looked before having to do emergency repairs. 


Thank you to whoever was my Secret Santa - your gift arrived ages ago and I opened it thinking it was *the bits* for my own Secret Santa - I didn't put the pictures up so as not to put the pressure on anyone! I am blown away by it and my Heresy-Era Dark Angels will march alongside it in pride - I will try to base them to match I am so overwhelmed. Thank you again.





More angles



PS I was so flustered about how late I was posting mine I actually put my name on it so I am not a very Secret Santa any more. Anyway, my tracking says an attempt to deliver the parcel was made today (absolute last chance) and there didn't seem to be anyone in ... sorry Secret Santa recepient, I hope you can get it very soon.





Edited by LameBeard

Looks like mine is held up by the infernal warp deities known as US Customs. Which actually works out, as I'm currently out of state on vacation. Soon. 




I went to the post office today and fetched my package. The postman just missed me by an hour on Christmas eve. 

See who has arrived fresh from the battlefield. 

Thank you LameBeard. :wub:






I attached the bullets. He will be a good addition to my army. 

On 12/24/2024 at 8:04 PM, LameBeard said:

Thank you to whoever was my Secret Santa - your gift arrived ages ago and I opened it thinking it was *the bits* for my own Secret Santa - I didn't put the pictures up so as not to put the pressure on anyone! I am blown away by it and my Heresy-Era Dark Angels will march alongside it in pride


You’re welcome. 


It was a fun one to build, do a little conversion work on and paint.


I had toyed with some more extensive conversions to make it more Dark Angel, but the bits I did have did not pan out. While painting I got to a result I was happy with, with a much darker red initially, and then decided that the dark red and black were making it to samey, so went for a brighter red. The first two three ish coats of the bright red looked awful, patchy, and inconstant. I really thought I had screed up then, but several more coats of some carful glazing and now it looks even better.


Really glad you like it.



On 12/24/2024 at 8:04 PM, LameBeard said:

- I will try to base them to match I am so overwhelmed. Thank you again.


I unfortunately don’t have the basing recipe; I just threw some browns and beiges at it in a combination of contrast, stippling and drybrushing.


I think I started with a Zandry Dust basecoat.

Skeleton Horde and/or Aggaros Dunes (I think that is where the more yellow parts come form) Contrast.

Seraph Sepia and Agrax Earthsade washes.

Dryard Bark, Zandry Dust, Jokero Orange, Ushabti Bone and Wraithbone and for stippling/drybrushing.

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