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The Rumour Engine - 15th October, 2024

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Hmm not sure about it being necron tech (I won't rule it out though) but it's definitely going to be the business end of a gun. Too clean to be chaos but also not curvy enough to be Eldar or their moody cousins.


Then again, there's also the possibility that this isn't 40k but necromunda/ kill Team related which won't narrow things down!

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It does look like the gun on the Stalker, yeah. Looking at the highlights, it's not big enough to be a 28mm scale version of it, so it's something else: Some other Darm Mechanicum weapon (here's hoping) or it's Necron tech, which it also looks quite a lot like. Could be a model for a codex release, maybe a new Kill Team?

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My gut says it's Necron, it looks very similar design wise to other bits in the range. The "energy" effect in the middle is also very reminiscent of the C'tan style trapped energy gubbins. 


However, Necrons have a codex and there's nothing obviously on the road map. Possibly KT? Is the current setting in the Pariah Nexus?

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My eyes are so trained on looking for eldar REs that the first thought was archaic deathspinner, but as I started seeing the details.. that would be way too far off in eldar design philosophy.


Id swear I'd seen the 3 blocks design before, but I checked the prime suspects ( Necron, Admech and votann.) without result.


I still lean towards 40k (kill team), we have gone through the majority of the predictable teams and might move into obscurer ones.

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2 minutes ago, Vassakov said:

However, Necrons have a codex and there's nothing obviously on the road map. Possibly KT? Is the current setting in the Pariah Nexus?

No reasons it couldn't still be Necrons, some rumour engines have hung around for a long time and I wouldn't be too surprised if we start seeing things for 11ht edition kits soon. There really seems to be no rhyme or reasons to when the rumour engines go up and when the appropriate kits come out. I'm hopeful it for Neconrs, maybe a new weapon for re-vamped Destroyers.

Could easily be Mechanicum/Dark Mechanicum and a 28mm version of the Harpax as @Joe suggested seems like a good bet.

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7 minutes ago, Vassakov said:

My gut says it's Necron, it looks very similar design wise to other bits in the range. The "energy" effect in the middle is also very reminiscent of the C'tan style trapped energy gubbins. 


However, Necrons have a codex and there's nothing obviously on the road map. Possibly KT? Is the current setting in the Pariah Nexus?


Current Kill team is not in pariah nexus I believe, however GW is very liberal with what kill teams appear where.


I agree that I dont think we see rumor engines for 11th edition codex releases yet, the rumor engines that took that long where usually special edition miniatures or known delayed stuff.. but we might just start seeing end-of-edition campaign ones, wich will likely start a year from now.


Personally, with how aggressive GW is purging resin kit based datasheets, no matter how iconic the unit, I expect that the majority that still linger around will see a plastic release this edition even if the datasheet will evolve beyond the original kit and be replaced ( we have seen this with Vespids and Tankbustas already.)

From this I theorize that Necron will have a large play in the end of edition campaign.


When looking around all the possibilities and suggestions, I just realise how much GW loves this general shape on weapons though. Id go as far as saying a theoretical lokhust destroyer update is the closest bet of all the known stuff, but it would be hilarious if the shape is introduced to another thing thats either new or did not have it before.



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Necrons only have a couple of stuff in resin though I thought (special characters notwithstanding) unit wise it would lokurst destroyer lord...and pariahs (which I think were stopped for not making sense within the new lore?). The majority of their resin is in special characters and C'tan (they used to be one and the same, christ I'm old).


End of edition campaign already has several candidates for who it'll be given Vashtorr (and his faction?) are up to something, necrons are in the midst of their own civil war, orks are heavily rumoured to be the next launch faction for 11th, and they'll shove snake boy in there just because. I guess Abaddon could show up and gloat like a Saturday morning villain. Poor Drukhari always get left out of the fun.

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