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  So it all started with those images, I'm sure you've all seen them. Those blacker thjen black, 3d objects that appear almost as shadows. 
Next step was falling in love with One Page Rule's scults for their demons of war. 
There is a third step but that's a next project that will tie with these to make me a proxie heavy demon force, one day.

The unrealness of 3d shadows that some of the really black paints can make captured my imagination as a way to make a demon model on the board that feltt unreal or at least a little unsettling. 
For me I went with Musou black for these proof of concepts below, over a black base spray. My reading suggests a second coat of musou will be needed and that'll come. Once I've renewed my spoons draw. Working with it was interesting but i felt that notmal stress of what if i get black on a bit i don't want it magnified a few times.
With out further a do Images!.

Base cost Black



1 layer Musou Black



These were all taken under an led painting light at not far away, To give a sense of likght through cameras (something I'm still practicing to get better with) In this tag is the light in question andd the doggos with just room and a little near by day light.



To come, 2 layers Musou Black

Thanks for the video, I'm a little happier then he was but overall, eh? 
So Images under tags below so you don't get image span unless you want it.
But speaking to my painting, the paint wasn't bad, I found it easy enough to work with though it was a little powdery when dry but they do warn you about that and the second (maybe I should even try a third but probably won't) coat helps with that.

The smell I was warned of with this paint didn't bother me but I should warn I'm not possessed of the most sensitive nose. Though I am better then Wormwoods. Sorry couldn't resist.
Anyhow, so it worked sort of, not as deep terrifyingly unreal black as I'd dreamed though i have yet to sort of i guess look at them from playing at a table perspective rather then at my desk with led light near by. 
They do do a little bit of the deeper then you'd expect but because of the nature of them being minitures its easy to read as I just put down too much paint and drowned the details or I wouldn't expect to make them out with out being closer any way kind of darkness. I'm tempted to try it on a bigger set peice model and tempted to try it black first high light details second as well to ease putting down a couple of coats of solid black with out worrying about going over the metal or bone etc.

All in all, happy with the test. Not sure if i'll pursue it at an army wide level or not yet. Secondary tests, black first and on larger model, to follow I hope but probably not for a while as the call of other bits of the hobby are strong.  

P.S Basing them may help i think as it'll help put colour near them to help highlight or darklight? the contrast. But I've not got spare bases for them right now so images of that to follow one day I promise.




I really like the idea and I actually think the result is pretty good (I can't tell if you're satisfied with it yourself, but I do think it looks quite ok). But I can't help but feel that no matter what paint you use, it'll probably always be very difficult to paint minis pure black without them appearing kinda "flat" without any sort of highlights (and highlights will of course make them less black...).

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