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Urkh's league


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Hello everyone! I am returning from a year of self banishment from posting on the forum due to my inexcusable failure to complete my vow at the last call to arms. Sadly, no progress has been made on eldar since I lost motivation after a few of them broke and the pieces that broke off vanished into the warp. However, over the year I've been collecting a new Leagues of Votann army! I've always been a fan of dwarves, and I've always been bigoted against elves, so it only seemed natural to pick these guys up. As I get them painted up, I will post on here their completions. As of now, I have an Einhyr Champion completed, so here you are!





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So... Change of plans, my fellow kin. I have found a tournament that is being held on my birthday in a few months, and recently I've been itching towards getting out and dipping my toes into the competitive field. I've never played in a tournament before, and want to take Votann for my maiden voyage, as I'm looking to make this my main army. As such, I'm going to be focusing on getting the army to a battle ready painted standard, as the tournament requires that. Right now I'm laying down base coats of Averland Sunset while studying up on votann strategy and tournament play. I will show pictures of the army as I progress. Until then, enjoy half a squad of hearthkin warriors who haven't be told where they're deploying to (their bases need to be done still, haha!)


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