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Back in Custodes: A Question of Shields


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So yea, this will be my 4th go around. This time though I'm questioning the value of shields in the army as far as the standard troops. 


There's something I found in other armies that have a 3rd wound that seems to be a great number. Chosen, Inner Circle...what have you, the benefit is requiring two failed saves from a 2 Damage weapon, or 3 failed saves from a single damage weapon.


This is kind of sad for me as the look is iconic.... however it seems the Spear is just very decent, and giving that up for a 4th wound, shorter range shooting, and a less impressive melee weapon seems a bad choice.


Am I missing something here? What is the best case scenario for the Shield?

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You've more or less nailed the shield. It's often not taken right now because more spears is just better. HOWEVER: The shield will allow you to absorb an extra attack you normally wouldn't. So for example if you are going to attach a character to a squad then you don't really want the shield because the characters really help maximize the number of shots (from Draxus for example) or the number of attacks you'll get from the squad. Most of the time you'll attach warden squads over regular guard with characters. Draxus being the outlier. Adding in a shield can be good for regular troops in that it gives them a little more durability, and I think this could be a good thing if you intend for that squads or those squads to hold objectives. 


EDIT: I should note that I would take a shield or consider it in a full squad of 5. Often times you'll see lists only running 4 guard. If you are only running 4 then take all spears. If you take 5 then a shield I think is a decent option to give them a little more durability. I don't think wardens need this at all right now, but regular guardians can benefit from it.

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She recently got a little nerf but she's still very good for Custodes. 

She is an Anti-Infantry unit

Stand Vigil - Re-roll wound roll of 1 or Re-roll the wound roll if on an objective they control

Sentinel Storm- once per game this unit can shoot twice in the shooting phase.


She has 2 ranged attacks 

Diresinger - Assault, Anti-infantry 4, Devastating wounds - 4 shots, hits on 3 (2 if the target is Xenos) str 4, Ap 0, D2

Psychic Tempest - Sustained hits 2 - 6 shots, hits on 3s (2s if the target is Xenos) str 6, Ap 0, D2

-18" range on both


What you want to do is shooting with this unit -(her plus a unit of Custodian guard) when they are on an objective they control.

This allows us to re-roll any of her Diresinger wound rolls to fish for Devastating Wounds.

If and or when we need to we can shoot twice - once per game. Which allows us to shoot both of her ranged attacks profiles again.

This will really put the hurt on almost any infantry unit.


As an example she would be good with a unit of Custodian guard x4 - 3 with spears, Vexilla / Shield / Misericordia

You could also go all spears. But here you see that the shield and sword isn't so bad with her range of 18"

You can use her unit with sticky objectives - very helpful. I know I said above that I would want a unit of 5 and I do. But it depends on how many points you have for that. The above unit is still very good.


Side note: You might be wondering why not give her to Wardens?

Typically you will have or want Valarian and or a Bladechampion with 5 wardens.

I like to take 2 units of wardens - 1 with Valarian and 1 with a bladechampion (w/ panoptispex if I can afford it)

This then leaves me with 1 to 2 units of Custodian guard.


You'll also probably want a Callidus Assassin. 

The Eversor has some big turn 1 charge threat but melee damage is not something we lack anyways.


The Callidus can fall back out of combat at the end of the opponents turn - her up / down is great for scoring secondary points.

Her 12' aura that apps 1cp to the cost of any stratagem on an enemy unit

She is used to help out army be aggressive. This is especially true when our opponent is down to 1cp.

Drop her within 12" of some important target, then they won't have enough CP to use any stratagems - which when against another melee army with fight on death or fight first stratagems can be the difference between losing a unit or losing nothing.

very strong.





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I actually had a unit with shield, standing on a objective with a standard too and they hold that objective the whole game a it would had taking a lot of resources for the opponent to take them out. 20W, T6, 2+ armour, 4+ inv and OC 3 on each model is tougher to take out then many people thinks. Of course that unit would do little damage but you have other things in your list that can do damage. So one unit is not to chabby if you ask me.


But in general, yes, spear is propably better. 

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