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Kill Team '24 Rules and Gameplay


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While I've only had 3 games of the new edition so far I've been enjoying them. I wanted to get a thread going to hear about other people's experiences with the new edition, both in terms of teams and general gameplay. 

So far I've had games playing star-striders against warpcoven, and two games of Angels of Death vs Phobos then Nemesis claw.


Elites are definitely in the driver seat this edition it seems. Dropping down to three objectives benefits them, as does the introduction of the kill-op and the counteract ability. I think non-elites are going to struggle for a while in this edition, partially because I think they're a bit over-tuned right now, but also because I think people (including myself) are playing the game a bit...wrong. In KT'21 players HAD to get onto the points TP1 and onward to score their primary points, which led to a generally more aggressive style of play. I think moving forward non-elite teams will have to play much more cagey than previously, specifically into elite teams, and avoid direct conflict until TP3 or 4 rather than going hot TP1 and 2. 

As for the edition rules at large, I'm generally a fan. The new line of sight/shooting rules are great, removing non-reciprocal shooting is a huge win for the game in my opinion. The change in a lot of the tac-ops/crit-ops to require mission actions is interesting but I haven't played enough games to really develop my opinion on them yet. I love the new set-up rules and equipment rules, as well as the changes to initiative. 

I'm not crazy about the "access point" movement tax. Especially when combined with the fact that you can now place most equipment right on doorways, though I'm fairly sure that was an oversight that will get fixed. I'm still on the fence about the change to plasma. While I think the new Hot rule is interesting, it disproportionally affects mortal teams and limits their ability to fight into elites. 


I imagine I'll have more to add at some point, but those are my initial thoughts. Anyone have some experiences to share in the new edition? Any teams that you're enjoying so far? 



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I find that the last edition and by extension this edition is very complicated, way more than it needs to be honestly.

I get confused more easily for some reason with KT over 40k. 

Which means I play less. I have Gellerpox. But they will be gone in about a year. They aren't as good as they used to be that is for sure.

Currently Elite teams are way too strong. But I think it will be a while before any of that is changed. Horde teams are suffering right now.

I am very hesitant for buying anything new. the cost of KT is just through the roof now. I have a whole thread on the wave 2 boxes getting released here on the baord.


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The new rules have made it a lot easier to teach people in my experience so far. I've run 1 dedicated teaching game and helped a few others learn. Learning in Layers is still the way to go for my money. Cleaning up the deployment step and allowing for order flips on TP1 have helped a ton as well. I haven't tried running a PVE game as a teaching experience yet though, and would be interested to see how that works, I've heard good things about it mechanically

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