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I probably won’t start a guard army but I wanted to know. 

where do you find models other then cadians? Do you use other wargame models or find STL to get different parts.


I am still stuck trying to find another army to get into (only lore for rn but who knows) and cadians are kinda like white bread. Good but needs flavor. 


It's hard to give suggestions when I'm not sure what kind of flavor you are looking for.

There are lots of bits and bobs out there to find.


I use Cadian models for my own Thanadus 33rd because Cadian standard equipment is reproduced everywhere in the Imperium so it doesn't bother me.

1 minute ago, WAR said:

I use Wargames Atlantic Eisenkern heads on my Militarum Tempestus army





Are they around the same price as 40k models? 

cause I’d assume only heads are around the 15-25 bucks that gw charges

9 minutes ago, AutumnEffect said:

Cadian standard equipment is reproduced everywhere in the Imperium so it doesn't bother me.

That makes sense, I’d probably only add a few things to make it look more helldivers esqe


But cadians would be a good start.

Wargames Atlantic does a lot of kits that could count as proxies for Imperial Guard, although not all of their weapon options are exactly what you might want on a valid force, but for kitbashing potential I think they would be the best bet in terms of plastic kits. The Death Fields range ( https://wargamesatlantic.com/collections/demo-collection ) would be the best bet for guard equivalents, but as already mentioned the Eisenkern kits might also work nicely.

The kits from Wargames Atlantic tend to have a lot of spare heads, so even if the major attraction is the heads, it would be worth it in most cases.

There are other options for kitbashing proxies, like Anvil Industry or Victoria Miniatures, but the prices tend to be higher than with plastic kits.

It all depends on the style you are looking for.

As a matter of coincidence, I just uploaded my first pics of painted homebrew regiment, based on the usual suspects of kit bashed GSC with Skitarii bits. These are supposed to be either Mittgard PDF (Sadly destroyed during the cataclysmic "Wulfen-are-back-campaign", or whatever it was called, some 2 or 3 Eds ago (?)) or Kallidus PDF (for Space hulk nostalgics only, although I swear I do not play (yet) GSC from this GSC infested world (curiously also subject to exterminatus)).


My paint job is poor on these; but it may make the deal...



I started a proxy Taurox (Goliath painted in Russ Grey in fact...); it will carry on some proxy Scions previously kitbashed from scouts (CtA2023 - the old plasric models, dwarved out by the new ones...). I also have 2 comand squads in the waiting line, also GSC + bits from AdMech and SM scouts. These will hit the paint job line latter.


I just sculpted my own and got them cast up :) ... it's still a WIP but I have got quite far. Sculpting wise, I just have a pair of servitors to make and I've got all the troops I want :) :




They may look a bit like the old Squats but they are designed around Astra Militarum :) ... I've got two out of three platoons painted, plus most of the command/special units :) :




Most of them are available from Macrocosm Miniatures but my ones are resin, not metal (part of the sculpting deal).



3 hours ago, Brother Monty said:

Are they around the same price as 40k models? 

cause I’d assume only heads are around the 15-25 bucks that gw charges


yeah have to buy multiple full kits to get all the heads I needed 

I have a small, unfinished force of Makers Cult Feudal Guard, which are quite nice. Printed. I should finish my other two mortar teams. Makers Cult also does a few Guard proxies, one more Cadian-esque, one more Kireg, it's a solid set of options.







Edited by Wormwoods
13 hours ago, Brother Monty said:

I probably won’t start a guard army but I wanted to know. 

where do you find models other then cadians? Do you use other wargame models or find STL to get different parts.


I am still stuck trying to find another army to get into (only lore for rn but who knows) and cadians are kinda like white bread. Good but needs flavor. 

GW have done some suggestions regarding this. I don't remember the exact combinations but it was things like putting IG head and arms on Freeguild bodies, Freeguild heads on IG bodies, IG heads on Genestealer Cultists bodies, Cawdor bodies with IG heads and weapons, Traitor Guardsmen with the chaos stuff removed, etc.

Liber Daemonica has a lot of bits, including some for Imperial Guard.


They are a good quality place to buy from if something catches your eye.

Anvil Industry, Mad Robot, & Victoria Minatures are my gotos for alt guard parts.


Grotsmasha posted Victoria link, heres the other 2





Edited by Gnasher
spelling + links

you can go as simple as head swaps(3rd party or STL) on cadian models. I used tiny legends dkok heads on cadian bodies for a "Modern" dkok look. Go full spectrum and buy 3rd party complete models or print entire models. Guard is a converters dream army(2nd only to orks imo). 


I'd find a regiment you like and then start searching for models. Lots of videos on youtube for various regiment lore and then you can usually find videos on converting them too. 

If you’re looking for punk rocker amazons, Escher from the Necromunda range come with 6 lasguns and enough options to kit out as a krieg proxy squad straight out the box. Add in the escher weapons box if other types of special/sarge weapons are wanted.

Somewhat ironic, but the cadian head upgrade sprue on non cadian models (Krieg Solaux etc) can look quite unique.

Especially if you painted them something strikingly different like blue or red.


Anything with GW parts is going to be pricy, but the added benefit is that it won't look offbrand at all.


Random pics found online: 







Personally I just collect resin Krieg, but they seem on the way out.

You could try Age of Sigmar minis for a more feudal world look.


I'm considering converting these to light infantry skirmishers similar to Tanith



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