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If you see content here at the Bolter & Chainsword that you think would be great as an Article, please make your recommendation here. Your recommendation should include the URL of the content and the name of the author. For example, if you like @DanforthLaertes' tutorial for converting Stormcast Eternals to Space Marines, you could post your recommendation as:


By @DanforthLaertes


That example shows the URL from sharing the first post (clicking on the 3 dots that appear at the far right of the top of the first post, then clicking "share," then copying the URL (Link to comment) that appears in the Share this post dialog box that appears). Alternatively, you could take the URL that appears at the top of the page (when on the first page) and remove the "/#comment-~" portion, a la:


By @DanforthLaertes


If you are suggesting a specific reply within a discussion (rather than the first post or the entire discussion), post the URL of the specific reply and the name of the post's author. For example, we once had an interesting discussion where we debated theories on how the Exarchs and Phoenix Lords developed. If you thought that one person's theory would make a suitable article, you could link to that person's post. For example:


By @Brother Tyler


(Note that I'm already working on turning that one into an article, so there's no point in recommending it :wink:)


There are three ways to get the link to the member's profile.


The first is to simply type the @ symbol followed by the member's name, without spaces. The software may provide you with a list of likely members, allowing you to choose the correct one. Sometimes, however, that method doesn't work.


The second method is to use the BBCode:

[member=<member name here>]


That will achieve the same result and will always work (as long as you enter the name correctly). Granted, that method may stop working if Invision ever decides to terminate support for BBCode conversion.


The third method is to open the member's profile, copy the URL, and then enter that as a link with the member's name as the displayed text.


For example, the URL for my profile is:




Realistically, you can just remove everything that appears after my display name, so:




You would then simply type "Brother Tyler", highlight the name, and then insert the URL as a link to get:


Brother Tyler


That gives a slightly different result from the other two methods in terms of appearance, but achieves the same result in linking to my profile (though that method won't give the member a notification that someone has mentioned them).


When we see that someone recommends content for an article, we will reach out to the author to see if they're interested. If they are not interested, we may ask permission to create the article anyways, being sure to attribute it to them if they grant permission. If the content author is no longer active and does not respond to our queries, we may create the article, again, being sure to attribute it to them as the original author. If a content's original author explicitly directs us to not create an article from their content, we will respect their wishes.


If you recommend content that later becomes an article, you will receive achievements - the more articles we see from your recommendations, the more badges you'll get (see the ARTICLE SUGGESTION progression in the description of Achievements & Ranks in our community information).


Note that the Librarians will also be identifying content that they recommend for article submission, and we will track those recommendations here so that we know who recommended what first (the first person to recommend the content is the one that will receive the achievements if that content later becomes an article).




Only include one recommendation per post. Our method for awarding achievement badges will be to do so via the post in which you originally recommended the content. We can only award one badge per post, however.

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I think this kind of complete visual reference guide to a Faction/Sub-Faction could be such a useful tool for people planning armies, doing lore research, etc.


(Already suggested to the author via PM, but it doesn't hurt to point out how great it is again! :biggrin:)



Edited by Lysimachus
  • 1 month later...

Note that I'm not going to earn the achievement badge(s) if any of the content listed in this post is later published as an article, so I'm going to violate the "one content, one post" rule. My intent here is to (hopefully) motivate members of the community to contribute articles (and they'll earn the achievements for doing so). This is just a very quick set of picks, chosen from content that is easily accessible without having to trawl through pages and pages of site content (since our content stretches back almost two decades).


by @Minigiant



by @Codex Grey


by @Lysimachus


by @Codex Grey


by @Lysimachus


by @Lysimachus


by @Messor


by @Lysimachus


by @Ioldanach


by @Ioldanach


by @Ioldanach


by @Lysimachus


by @Lysimachus


by me (yes, I will submit this as an article)


by @apologist


Those are most of the articles that currently appear in the Liber Showcase. They were all damaged in the software update a few years ago and I've only fixed a few of them. Luckily, there are undamaged backups, so we're able to fully recover each (just in case the original authors need help). And while I've started with those DIYs, there are a ton here at the B&C and I would love to see as many of them as possible submitted as finished articles.


Here is more content that I think would make great articles, with a bit more diversity to demonstrate the realm of the possible.


by @Octavulg


by @Commissar Molotov


by @shabbadoo


(updated, and with the pictures restored)

by @BitsHammer


by @Subtle Discord


by @Karak Norn Clansman


by @Skits


by @Brother-Chaplain Kage


by @Romulas


by @Cpt Stahl


by @xenofexx


by @tagsta


by @GreaterDragon


by @Prot


by @Cordova


by @jaxom

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