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5 hours ago, Alby the Slayer said:


I feel you, my friend.


They decided to go forward with the years and the narrative and now they are stuck with chars who cannot die (there is no stakes in every battle stories and the Rubicon is a joke).


Aside from that, I do hope the new Exarch for the Warp Spider will be a female one. I do like the idea, aesthetically.


As long as people can still use their models I'm all for lore killing off characters. Until now, Blood Angels players were able to use Tycho and it was fine. 

2 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

I'm still hoping that Logan will don a suit of custon Gravis, similar to Calgar.


I'd bet we see a new Calgar model in Primaris-scale Terminator armor before we see Grimnar downshift to Gravis.

13 hours ago, Petitioner's City said:

I feel really sad - from a world building perspective - that primarisation hasn't led to a new generation of named characters. Astartes should die, and there should be new faces to replace them. Instead they feel stuck in time, with no sense of time - nor any sense of mortality.


Hercules, Odysseus, Sun Wukong, Sherlock Holmes, Frodo Baggins, the list goes on and on. These characters have all been around for longer than anything created by Games Workshop. In some cases, thousands of years longer. Good characters stick around, and people just want to see those characters in new situations rather than seeing them replaced.


The issue here is that GW chose to drive the setting forward in a manner that should result in many characters going away (maybe - depending on which day it is and whether we are being asked to believe there is no canon or timeline today), but the characters will not go away because they are popular.

I agree we are most likely going to get a few bits on Wolf  upgrade set for our Termies, for GW it makes financial sense, both in production costs and the fact you will most likely have to buy 2 or 3 upgrade packs to get a decent set of bling on 5 Termies.


I'm kinda excited to see what we get, but I know it won't be 100% what I want or 100% what Bob or Jill wants, cause we all want something different.  I would be bummed too, if it were not for the amount of decent 3D printed parts out there for Wolves.

17 hours ago, Lord Nord in Gravis Armour said:


I'd bet we see a new Calgar model in Primaris-scale Terminator armor before we see Grimnar downshift to Gravis.


I expect you'll be correct, but I just want GW to take a few more bold decisions with their character refreshes. 

57 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:


I expect you'll be correct, but I just want GW to take a few more bold decisions with their character refreshes. 

I think that if the new Terminator sculpts had been done when calgar was refreshed, he would have been in Terminator armour. I do get what you mean though, but given how some choices landed with fans, can't blame them for trying to do more 'faithful' refreshes.

Honestly a new plastic version of Terminator Calgar would be cool. Wouldn't even have to fully replace the current model, like how in earlier editions you could take him with either power armour or the Armour of Antilochus.

21 hours ago, mecanojavi99 said:

But I would contempt if GW finally remembered that Hellfrost weapons are a thing and gave us more of them, heck, give us a new Grey Hunters unit that is all about Primaris marines armed with Hellfrost weapons.

Like the new flamer squad, only sloshing your enemy with ice water and freezing them on the spot (you could actually use that squad for this).

Could give cool extra rules for shooting at vehicles and monsters, like movement restrictions.


1 hour ago, Brother Carpenter said:

Like the new flamer squad, only sloshing your enemy with ice water and freezing them on the spot (you could actually use that squad for this).

Could give cool extra rules for shooting at vehicles and monsters, like movement restrictions.


I do wonder if this might be a future Long Fangs type direction they could go in. Would be cool to see Jarls and Priests get options for helfrost pistols though.

On 10/30/2024 at 9:51 AM, ZeroWolf said:

I think that if the new Terminator sculpts had been done when calgar was refreshed, he would have been in Terminator armour. I do get what you mean though, but given how some choices landed with fans, can't blame them for trying to do more 'faithful' refreshes.


You are probably right as well, but I honestly feel this would be worse. 


I know the Primaris were contentious to some, but for me personally a new take on the faction was far more exciting than simply refreshing models endlessly with more scale creep.

Also, personally, I really like the Gravis armour. Calgar, Tor Garadon and Feirros look great, and I like how these characters tower over the rest and how they look more upright than Terminators.


So yeah, Logan will probably be a chunky Terminator but I would prefer it he was a towering and mighty Gravis character.

Edited by Orange Knight
On 10/29/2024 at 1:00 PM, Orange Knight said:

Also... I'm still hoping that Logan will don a suit of custon Gravis, similar to Calgar.


The existing Calgar model wolfs up quite nicely. Admittedly I have to run him as just a regular Gravis Captain with Relic Fist but he looks pretty cool doing it.



On 10/29/2024 at 8:15 AM, irlLordy said:

Speaking of Lukas, would he even be able to be primarised? Not sure how many surgeons would be willing to work on him given that if his heart stops, he blows up thanks to that statis grenade he wired into himself.


I think I've seen at least one person saying that it would be an interesting decision if Lukas didn't return specifically because he got Lucias with the Grenade Trick and then when EC roll around they don't get Lucias and instead get a different Champion. 

I think they seem to be getting rid of the minor characters these days like the UM tank guy and the DA scout sgt so I really doubt Lucas will come back and will probably just not be mentioned again.


The new terminator librarian I always thought would be a great njal conversion so I am really interested to see what they do for his new model and if they base it on that model.

On 10/28/2024 at 1:33 PM, StrangerOrders said:

Lack of Lukas is kind of sad (his book is amazing) but promising.


My headcannon is that the Apothecaries are still trying to figure out how to put him through the rubicon without setting off his statis bomb and killing them both.

23 minutes ago, spiros14 said:


My headcannon is that the Apothecaries are still trying to figure out how to put him through the rubicon without setting off his statis bomb and killing them both.

What's an apothecary?

41 minutes ago, Dark Shepherd said:

Its an athiest Wolf Priest

Or a lazy wolf priest.


Guy can't even be bothered to get a doctorate in totally-athiest theology to go with his medical doctorate.


Dirt poor standards, those codex guys.


(Sidenote: it is objectively hilarious the fluffwise the same guys can do all a Chaplain and an Apothecary's duties without any issue, not sure what that says about either role...)

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