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1 hour ago, Northern Walker said:

I think thunderwolf cavalry could have been better if there had been much more obvious cybernetic upgrades to the wolves so them taking the weight of a fully armoured astartes was more believable. The slight derpyness of aspects of the kit doesn't help either.

Amen to that. Between the juggernauth and the actual TW.

I love thunderwolf cavalry, and really hope they stay.. the problematic flanderization here ( for my taste/opinion ) isnt the wolfymcwolfness, the flanderization is the Spacemarinemcspacemarineness. Spacemarines imho shouldnt be drivers, bikers, artillery crew, pilots, medics, janitors, standardbearers, mechanics, communication specialists or any other thing that their far less resource heavy human and/or servitor companions could do just as well, its in my eyes a completely ridiculous thing in 40k, and a thing that has always put me off from spacemarines as an army. Im not even sure I like spacemarine librarians/psykers ( though I do like chaplains as spacemarines... in fact, I think there should be more emphasis there, but thats getting really offtopic.)


What I mean is that, Thunderwolf cavalry are great, both the concept and the wolf half of the model, but it should have been human companions to spacewolves that are riding them. ( wich is coincidentally also a conversion project I had put on ice when primaris came, but am considering to pick up again if the new spacewolf models are to my taste.)  Likewise, I love the sled.. but not as a spacemarine HQ transport. but as a mobile artillery carrier of said human companions.


ps : With human companion units I do include Neophytes, not just PDF style humans. Having them scattered throughout the units emphasizes the Spacemarines more as super soldiers, Black templars always had this stronger than other spacemarines and they are doing it with stormcast now, and it works perfectly imho. It breaks the symmetry.


4 hours ago, TheMawr said:

the flanderization is the Spacemarinemcspacemarineness. Spacemarines imho shouldnt be drivers, bikers, artillery crew, pilots, medics, janitors, standardbearers, mechanics, communication specialists or any other thing that their far less resource heavy human and/or servitor companions could do just as well


I have to say, this is a take that I haven't heard very often but I do agree with.  Though I'd say the WOLFWOLFWOLFness of the 40k Space Wolves is still more offputting to me haha, and I much prefer the viking vibe of the 30k wolves instead.

Im pretty sure I said for my taste, and with that I mean exactly that, MY taste.

Not a moment I say GW should do things differently just for me, want other people's toys removed or say other people's taste is wrong. Just that its how I like it, its how I will convert it and thats why I hope thunderwolf cavalry stay so I retain the option to proxy it.



Though, when rereading I do say "should" alot, wich implies differently.
replace all should with I would have liked mentally. Basically I auto include "in my opinion" with every post I read anyway ;)

Edited by TheMawr

non wolf-fans always want to get rid of them, but thunderwolves rule, they're staying in the codex and will eventually get an updated kit. :cool: 


i will echo the notion that a much heavier augmented cybernetic vibe would probably be wise in any updates they do for the models. Not as far as AdMech Serberys Raiders do to their horses - definitely think the thunderwolves should still fundamentally be organic beasts...


...but some sort of in-between gradient between a wild thunderwolf and fully converted serberys horse? some more robo limbs and adding armored plates to harden them.

Edited by Wispy
7 hours ago, TheMawr said:

Spacemarines imho shouldnt be drivers, bikers, artillery crew, pilots, medics, janitors, standardbearers, mechanics, communication specialists or any other thing that their far less resource heavy human and/or servitor companions could do just as well, its in my eyes a completely ridiculous thing in 40k, and a thing that has always put me off from spacemarines as an army. Im not even sure I like spacemarine librarians/psykers ( though I do like chaplains as spacemarines... in fact, I think there should be more emphasis there, but thats getting really offtopic.)


It's actually a very interesting point and in early editions of the game vehicle drivers and gunners (excluding Landspeeders) were said to be chapter serfs selected for their abilities and well-trained, but they were certainly not Space Marines. Later editions changed that.


Chaplains and Librarians have always been front-line warriors as much as part of what might be considered 'support roles'. Space Marine standard bearers fit in with the medieval and classical concepts of these roles. They would be combatants and would be well protected as it would say to your own side that that was where your leader was. If the standard fell it could be incredibly demoralizing. I see the standard bearers in that role rather than the more modern, more ceremonial equivalent.


As to the points about Thunderwolves, I personally struggle with them as a unit as they have always made the Space Wolves seem, to me, rather more comical than I would like them to be. This is very much personal preference, it has to be said. Other additions over the years, like the Lone Wolves, I thought were really flavourful and gave the army a really distinctive feel. But Thunderwolves, to me, always felt a little silly (even for 40k!). So it will be interesting to see what direction they take things in with the new book.

6 hours ago, LameBeard said:

I’m enjoying the idea of Space Marine janitors. I’m looking forward to seeing that rumour spread across the internet. 



(not my best, but it had to happen.)

This is purely personal but I like the 30k Space Wolves being more viking focused and the 40k Space Wolves being more wolfy focused. I like their being distinction between the two era's. Plus I also really love Wolves* so I would enjoy more wolfy wolfyness, though I totally get why some people find it off putting.


I wonder if any of the new characters will come with a wide range of melee and pistol weapons or if it will be just plasma pistol and ice pistol for example. I don't have great faith in GW providing versatile kits with many options these days. 


*The animal, not the football team. Manchester United for life!

@LameBeardThat level of Heresy would require, not one, not two, but three Bolters! Heavy Bolters!


@TheMawr Don't listen to this Heresy brother! Photoshop one in the glorious Emperor approved colours of Manchester United. The greatest football team past, present and future. The team of humanity. The team of the Emperor!

Edited by The Praetorian of Inwit
2 hours ago, LameBeard said:

@TheMawr you have been challenged to photoshop a “Wolverhampton Wanderers” themed space marine now.

Warhammer Wolverhampton did dally with a gold and black space marine chapter for their store home brew a couple of years back…

Edited by Wraithwing

Vid is up


Wolfguard/bodyguard have round shields. Confirmed as 3 models plus 3 4 legged wolves.


Greyhunters/bloodclaws confirmed as separate kits but no confirmation if just intercessors plus upgrade sprues


Bespoke Terminator kit with axes and other ranged and melee weapons


Wolf Scouts kit comes with one 4 legged wolf and one dude has a Staff?

Edited by Dark Shepherd

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