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12 hours ago, ThaneOfTas said:

I'm expecting nothing more than the characters from Martian Civil War for Heresy, maybe some more Mechanicum or Legion tanks but even that feels like it's reaching.


40k will be Eldar or Guard


They've usually reserved resin reveals for Heresy Thursdays (iirc Warhammer Day was the only post 2.0 exception), so I'm still banking on it being something plastic - even if it's more t0nks.

21 hours ago, Lord Marshal said:

I reckon it's just going to be Krieg for 40k. They usually show or tease some stuff at New Year, so I reckon we'll be waiting until then or LVO to see the rest of the Eldar.

You're probably right on the money. Although it depends on what the new year's preview actually is. If it's a proper preview we'll probably see at least some of the Eldar, but if it's just various silhouettes like what we got this year we might see something like one of the Eldar, the supposed new Armiger and a Noise Marine. It seems they change their mind about what to do with the new year reveals every single years, so who knows really. Specially now that they've substantially changed the format of their preview shows.


In any case, yeah, this is also my line of thinking based on what we officially know, rumours, and some (somewhat) educated guessing. Krieg reveal now for a January/February release, Eldar at LVO and maybe some followup reveal stream or WarCom articles and release in late February/March or April but I think that's pushing it, Emperor's Children at Adepticon and release April/May maybe June, but June/July smells like prime HH time for that rumoured big box, and then Wolves in the summer. The HH box and Wolves probably being the Warhammer Fest reveals (or equivalent preview event).


Probably worth a mention that all previous Cult Legion releases were attached to some narrative. War Zone Fenris for the Thousand Sons, 8th Edition's Launch and the Plague Wars for the Death Guard, Arks of Omen for the World Eaters. Even CSM and Abaddon came with Vigilus as a framing device. So maybe we're getting some sort of narrative series next year to tie a story to Fulgrim's grand reappearance? Might even thematically tie the Eldar, EC and/or Wolves releases together, and whatever else is released between them.

Edited by DeadFingers
2 hours ago, DeadFingers said:

So maybe we're getting some sort of narrative series next year to tie a story to Fulgrim's grand reappearance? Might even thematically tie the Eldar, EC and/or Wolves releases together, and whatever else is released between them.

I think this makes a lot of sense.

Nope. Fool me once with the "You can't miss this massive reveals". 

For the record I am sure there will be some reveals, maybe Krieg or something. A little EC I could see after the shoulder pad. They did call out 40k this time, so a little something but I don't expect anything massive or super surprising. 

1 hour ago, crimsondave said:

I’m would bet Krieg will be on it but they really need to throw the rest of Chaos a bone.  Poor World Eaters got hosed last edition.

According to the rumours that came out before the World Eaters' release, which nailed quite a number of details about rules even before the rule preview articles went up on WarCom, there was a unit that never made it into the Codex because it wasn't tested or something along those lines. More recent rumours from Valrak also say there might be a Khornate Kill Team of sorts coming. Could be that those two are one and the same. This would put the WE Codex a bit later down the line if it includes this unit, since it'd have to take into account Kill Team release windows, but I'll happily take a late Codex with a new unit and maybe a new HQ.


There's also the rumour that Daemons are getting folded into the four Cult Legion Codices and that's why they're all on the back end of the edition, to have the Emperor's Children be the ones to rip that particular bandaid off.

Edited by DeadFingers

Carnodon is now Sold Out Online on the webstore, dare I to hope...? 


Infernus and Valdor have completely vanished off the webstore now, so odds seem higher of seeing those.


Edited by Lord Marshal
4 hours ago, Corswain said:

For selfish reasons I would like to see the Sabre make the jump to plastic. Want to add a few to my Iron Warriors.

Yup, I second this. Sabres and Proteus speeders would be great to see in plastic.

15 hours ago, Lord Marshal said:

Carnodon is now Sold Out Online on the webstore, dare I to hope...? 



As are the Aurox and Charonite Ogryns. A wave 2 of Solar Aux might be too much to ask this soon but I'll be crossing my fingers. 


If they go with Marines then Rapiers and Javelins are Sold Out Online, both of which would be nice to see in plastic. 

40k predictions 


Krieg or eldar

Kill team



Primarch Angron or Dorn

Plastic kit of some description 


Expectation Plastic krios + new edition 30 second trailer tease





Old world empire



Warcry new edition tease 


No I shan't elaborate 


18 hours ago, Lord Marshal said:


Infernus and Valdor have completely vanished off the webstore now, so odds seem higher of seeing those.


The preview banner includes 'black library' so maybe Dan Abnett's rumoured Valdor book will be revealed with an accompanying new model.

1 hour ago, ShibeKing said:

All I want are new MK IV marines. Since we need MK II and V to come out first, I don't really have much invested in this preview.



Would love some new MK IV though I'll be content with some MK II in the interim, doubt we'll see either this time round. A tease of the MK II perhaps. The Sabre, as others mentioned, would be lovely too.

Don't think it's worth anyone getting their hopes up for Heresy tbh. Suspect it'll be a few miniature previews and maybe some more info on what is coming next year.


That being said, GW has removed all of the Mk IV upgrades and now all of the old resin special weapons kits that work with the older style, more posable kits that don't use weapons with moulded-on hands. So, MARK IV ARMOUR CONFIRMED!

Using my big brain and ability to look at pictures


Every legion apart from 4 of them ( With a few being we know it's coming but haven't seen yet RG etc) has had a model release in 2.0 or just prior to it in the new big scale.


One of the legions without has had its primarch pegged as the next resculpt and another is night lords.


The last two without any minatures or profiles are rumored to be the next editions poster factions.


Now it could be wishful thinking but it seems very gw to not release anything for two factions because they're going to feature in a edition launch a few years down the line 



Heres my 2 cents on what they´ll show:


40K: Some of the Krieg, not all. Probably the Death Riders and the rumored cavalry captain. And a picture of the cover of the Imp codex.


30K: Tanks! Fellblade/Glaive


Thats it.

Predictions for the whole event:


40k: Some Kreig stuff, maybe something for Aeldari too, teases of "Big things for Chaos" next year, but nothing actually shown.

HH: One single Tank, announcement of the next "Big Box" release (Imperial Fists vs Iron Warriors).

ToW: Empire stuff (Pretty much confirmed already), probably taking up a disproportionate amount of the Preview.

AoS: "Reveal" of the Single Character Orruks are getting and the range update for SBGL.

Post Direct Teaser: Chaos Dwarves for AoS.

The event isn't even here yet but I already feel dissapointed. I'd love for lots of cool Horus Heresy stuff but I'm expecting to get some LI nonsense.



12 minutes ago, The Praetorian of Inwit said:

The event isn't even here yet but I already feel dissapointed. I'd love for lots of cool Horus Heresy stuff but I'm expecting to get some LI nonsense.



I am expecting the announcement that the next reveal show after this one will have a round table discussion for Dark Mechanicum LI book that was just released. With the promising announcement of a painting article within two months that will not, in fact, include the actual painting tutorial.


Lord, it feels like discussing the state of HH brings out the mean in me lol.


Jokes aside, it probably will be about Mechanicum, just up in the air for which system.

Edited by StrangerOrders
53 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:

Predictions for the whole event:


40k: Some Kreig stuff, maybe something for Aeldari too, teases of "Big things for Chaos" next year, but nothing actually shown.

HH: One single Tank, announcement of the next "Big Box" release (Imperial Fists vs Iron Warriors).

ToW: Empire stuff (Pretty much confirmed already), probably taking up a disproportionate amount of the Preview.

AoS: "Reveal" of the Single Character Orruks are getting and the range update for SBGL.

Post Direct Teaser: Chaos Dwarves for AoS.

With the latest batch of rumours I'm thinking they'll reveal the Krieg boxset. The rest of that particular release also showing up or not I find less predictable, but if they don't, they'll probably do WarCom reveals or they'll be shown at new year's, as I don't think the release can be much later than January if they truly intend to release all that's rumoured.


So doing 2 things for my guess :

1. Once again take the theme literal, despite this never having had any footing before.
2. Have moderate guesses that reflect earlier showings.. not my usual approach ;)


40k:  I actually think/feel its All of the AM/Krieg releases that will be shown, not just the limited box. But "only" that for 40k. We have had full drop previews before, and the timing seems to fit more than a dragged out one.
ToW : Empire, for a shared "rise of humanity" title with the above, like others said (and happened before.) it will be very lightweight with lots of talk about very few actual new miniatures.
AoS: I think all greenskin previews will be handled trough the Grotmass calendar wich replaces the Advent engine this year. Could very well be that its just the rumored campaign book here.
HH : new Angron ( this is the miniatureside of slaughter of humanity in the title.)
Black Library : The first scouring book ? ( wich is another more symbolic take on rise and slaughter of humanity.)


Since this seemingly combines the BL review, Likely there will also be a BL miniature right ? wich is not always tied to the releaseschedule, nor pops up in rumors often. I dont know enough about BL if there are any standout characters not already done. I only vaguely know of Bequin, Maybe the last years Inqusitiroish servoskull belongs to this one. But it could just as well be an HH or AoS character.


5 minutes ago, TheMawr said:

Since this seemingly combines the BL review, Likely there will also be a BL miniature right ? wich is not always tied to the release schedule, nor pops up in rumors often. I dont know enough about BL if there are any standout characters not already done. I only vaguely know of Bequin, Maybe the last years Inqusitiroish servoskull belongs to this one. But it could just as well be an HH or AoS character.


Caiphus Cain still needs a 40k release.

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