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Schrödinger VII Crusade: Helbrecht strikes back - Firstborn army restoration project

Go to solution Solved by Nightwing,

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Regarding the weapon colours, it's a tough one. Colour schemes and preferences are fads: they come and go. This makes it difficult to anticipate what you'll like in the future. The only certainty is that your models are yours and you should do what you like, even if it's right now.


To simplify matters: it's a quesion of planning. Do you want a consistent colour scheme that appears to be more and more favourable now - pick one colour for your guns. Do you want to have some fun and do guns differently? Go with that: back in my time (i.e. fluff in 4th ed codex), Templars were supposed to be a very individualised force with squads made on an ad hoc basis. That was the driving force behind my army. In retrospect, and with today's perspective and codex design, I kind of wish I stuck to one or two colours. But I don't really regret doing this.


If you're worried about mixing too many colours, there's the middle ground: do things on a per-squad basis or, better, based on roles, i.e. one colour for special weapons, another for heavy weapons, another for regular bolters.


Therefore, I suggest that you do whatever feels right now and worry about it in the future. The colours you mentioned are great for Templars, including hazard stripes. The yellow casings of the AoBR Marines you posted look amazing, too.



Apothecaries almost done.


Need to do a bit of text and purity seal scribbling, and then on to bases.





Feeling great about the uniqueness of each.


When I get these lads onto a display board/diorama, I'm thinking the idea will be to have each Crusader Squad lead by a Chaplain and Apothecary, in addition to the Sword Brother.


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