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46 minutes ago, The Praetorian of Inwit said:

The poor QC is embarrassing. 


It also amazes me that this box only has 305 points worth of models. To make a 2000 or even 1500 point army that isn't tank heavy you need a lot of bodies!

Well on the plus side, it’s a fair bit more than that with the updated points (which I don’t think I’m allowed to discuss, sorry). But yeah, I’m not sure it’s accurate to call this an “army”. It’s closer to a combat patrol. 


Speaking of, the new IG combat patrol is 10 attilans (2x5), 10 Kasrkin and a Cadian command squad with no infantry to join. I think it’s a bit absurd. Might make an ok CP but it’s useless as a way to buy guard. 

There is clear evidence, and has been for some time, that the 40k rules team is very overworked. 

Sadly I missed out on the box, as we had a health scare with my dad and I lost track of time. 

22 minutes ago, Mandragola said:

Well on the plus side, it’s a fair bit more than that with the updated points (which I don’t think I’m allowed to discuss, sorry). But yeah, I’m not sure it’s accurate to call this an “army”. It’s closer to a combat patrol. 


Speaking of, the new IG combat patrol is 10 attilans (2x5), 10 Kasrkin and a Cadian command squad with no infantry to join. I think it’s a bit absurd. Might make an ok CP but it’s useless as a way to buy guard. 

Not allowed to discuss 

It's an absolute joke that the influencers and other reviewers who generally get the box for free  are given info about changes to the boxset and codex yet the people who are actually paying for it aren't given any info about how they are going to nerf stuff in the box and are likely not to actually announce such changes publicly until after everyone has preordered said box and it's out 

Obviously the rest of the stuff in the codex that may be changed isnt the issue more the stuff in the boxset they released an article telling us excatly what it costs pointswise that should have some form of announcement for 

Yeah absolutely great must be nice to be kept in the loop 

Edited by Plaguecaster
16 minutes ago, Mandragola said:

Speaking of, the new IG combat patrol is 10 attilans (2x5), 10 Kasrkin and a Cadian command squad with no infantry to join. I think it’s a bit absurd. Might make an ok CP but it’s useless as a way to buy guard. 

It’s a top-up for an existing army rather than a starter box. If they had any sense they ought to carry on selling both.

33 minutes ago, Plaguecaster said:

Not allowed to discuss 

It's an absolute joke that the influencers and other reviewers who generally get the box for free  are given info about changes to the boxset and codex yet the people who are actually paying for it aren't given any info about how they are going to nerf stuff in the box and are likely not to actually announce such changes publicly until after everyone has preordered said box and it's out 

Obviously the rest of the stuff in the codex that may be changed isnt the issue more the stuff in the boxset they released an article telling us excatly what it costs pointswise that should have some form of announcement for 

Yeah absolutely great must be nice to be kept in the loop 

Could be grounds for a lawsuit potentially tbh.

a bait a switch.

People will complain no matter what happens. "There's barely any points in the box." Guard has always been like that..cheap bodies with vehicles being the major points sink.


Combat Engineers are too cheap. Nerf on day 1 faq=they're only nerfind things after it sold. 


It's like nothing makes some of you happy. It's all doom and gloom. 

26 minutes ago, CommissarXin said:

People will complain no matter what happens. "There's barely any points in the box." Guard has always been like that..cheap bodies with vehicles being the major points sink.


Combat Engineers are too cheap. Nerf on day 1 faq=they're only nerfind things after it sold. 


It's like nothing makes some of you happy. It's all doom and gloom. 

People moaning about the cost of them to begin with aren't usually the same people who complain once the unit gets nerfed. Yes guard are generally low points on infantry but maybe they could of put something bigger like a tank to make the points cost better not just up the cost of everything in the box after preorders are up 


Also it's not just the fact "they're only nerfind things after it sold" but the fact they release codex books without even bothering to playtest or proof read 

They shouldn't even bother putting points in codex at all 


Ah yes we're all doom and gloom we should all just shut up and be happy when GW keep screwing up with the rules they expect us to keep buying


Also take with grain of salt but apparently it's not just the engineers and scions they screwed up / have to change but some other stuff 

Would be nice if ones like goon could be more open about the review stuff concerning the day -1 faq but if true alot more annoying nerfs will happen as looks like the artillery, drier and rest of new stuff going up as well 


Edited by Plaguecaster
12 minutes ago, CommissarXin said:

There's barely any points in the box." Guard has always been like that..cheap bodies with vehicles being the major points sink.


I've seen this a number of times from a few people in this thread but there's some context to this. Yes, the tanks have always filled in the points in the army, but the infantry used to be a low investment.


Back in the 3rd-4th era you got 20 models for like, $45 and that was 120 point before any upgrades. That added up fast in a game where 1500 was a common game size and required fewer boxes to satisfy your infantry needs.


Game size up, points costs down, prices up, box sizes down. It adds up on the wallet. The FW Krieg infantry was a luxury army back in the day. I wouldn't be surprised if its just the standard price of guard infantry these days. 



My big point was is the giant amount of negativity that seemingly follows every release. These boxes are generally a discount if you want the stuff in them. (Will be my first Death Riders in fact) if you don't want/like the models..don't get it.


I hate FAQs as much as the next person..blame the people who want 40k to be a competitive game..but like most games I always expect almost an immediate 'patch' sadly. 

Guard armies are expensive. 35 pts was too cheap, 75 pts seems too expensive. shrug... can't win.

tanks will cost you a good deal of points but most of the infantry cost near no points and you need a ton of them, kinda what the army is about.

47 minutes ago, SkimaskMohawk said:


I've seen this a number of times from a few people in this thread but there's some context to this. Yes, the tanks have always filled in the points in the army, but the infantry used to be a low investment.


Back in the 3rd-4th era you got 20 models for like, $45 and that was 120 point before any upgrades. That added up fast in a game where 1500 was a common game size and required fewer boxes to satisfy your infantry needs.


Game size up, points costs down, prices up, box sizes down. It adds up on the wallet. The FW Krieg infantry was a luxury army back in the day. I wouldn't be surprised if its just the standard price of guard infantry these days.


Current prices are bad but they're still not quite FW price bad so that's some little solace.

Prices should be less across the board.  Buying infantry feels terrible right now.

I think people might be made a little sour by the warhammer community article released 28 hours before the preorder saying specifically: this is what is in the box, here’s how it plays, and how many points it costs. Yes a day on FAQ is needed to correct oversights, but it feels a lot like a bait and switch for the company that determines rules and points to deceive customers knowing full well (and having already told influencers) that the warhammer community article was outdated or outright wrong. 

1 hour ago, CommissarXin said:

People will complain no matter what happens. "There's barely any points in the box." Guard has always been like that..cheap bodies with vehicles being the major points sink.


Combat Engineers are too cheap. Nerf on day 1 faq=they're only nerfind things after it sold. 


It's like nothing makes some of you happy. It's all doom and gloom. 

Well if they could avoid writing rules that make units either trash or OP requiring an update immediately don’t think anyone would complain about that.


GW’s main goal is to sell models, but games and rules are the vehicle that drives those sales, it’s just too bad GW sucks at the second part of the job

1 hour ago, DemonGSides said:

Current prices are bad but they're still not quite FW price bad so that's some little solace.


I'm not sure.


When the SoBs got refreshed I remember seeing the prices and comparing it to the resin deimos rhinos i had gotten in 2016, and the resin rhinos were cheaper. 10 resin dark furies were 76£ which converted to 123.88 cad; 10 jump intercessors are 140 cad right now (and those 10 dark fury are now 220!). 


Now some things are better or the same as they were back in the day, like the 20 Horus heresy tacticals and some of the old world stuff. But the mainline 40k prices have become very high, to the point where ya, it's surpassed some of the old FW prices. 

6 hours ago, The Praetorian of Inwit said:

The poor QC is embarrassing. 


It also amazes me that this box only has 305 points worth of models. To make a 2000 or even 1500 point army that isn't tank heavy you need a lot of bodies!

Yep, my lists normally have the following at 2000pts

3 russes

2 chimeras

2 tauroxes

2 sentinels 

60+ infantry

14 hours ago, SkimaskMohawk said:


I'm not sure.


When the SoBs got refreshed I remember seeing the prices and comparing it to the resin deimos rhinos i had gotten in 2016, and the resin rhinos were cheaper. 10 resin dark furies were 76£ which converted to 123.88 cad; 10 jump intercessors are 140 cad right now (and those 10 dark fury are now 220!). 


Now some things are better or the same as they were back in the day, like the 20 Horus heresy tacticals and some of the old world stuff. But the mainline 40k prices have become very high, to the point where ya, it's surpassed some of the old FW prices. 


I mean you've can't blame GW entirely for the world getting more expensive, though they are greedy.

Death Riders got cheaper from their FW, which is at least relevant to the box at hand, and also not comparing 2016 prices to 2024, in which literally nothing is the same price as it was back then and everything has gotten more expensive for a couple of reasons.

It's all still outrageously expensive, no argument there.

Edited by DemonGSides

To be fair..I've yet to find a 'cheap' hobby. ;) 

Warhammer hits a lot of spots for me...I love model building and the painting is the closest I get to being artistic. 


On the topic of the box set...The models look great which is always a plus. Even with all the controversy (Points,codex,faq) I can't wait to just build and painting. I've seen that most of the 1st day faq is apparently in the wild at this point. 

2nd edition 40k, and to a lesser extent 3rd to 5th, seems more and more appealing to me. The codex is incorrect as it comes off the shelf and buying it is the only legal way to get the rules as the app won't even work without the stupid code. Some of the new models are cool but drastically overpriced.

I don’t currently play 40K as I share a lot of the frustrations of people in this thread. I’ve bought stuff in the past only to have it nerfed before I could get it to a table. I’ve got two young kids and there’s no way I can keep up with the churn nowadays.


I volunteered to paint up some DKoK for goonhammer because I thought maybe I could use them and some solar auxilia tanks I’ve got to make an army, but honestly that doesn’t look likely right now.


However that does mean I’ve got the codex. Here’s how special weapons work:


Cadians get 2/10 and can pick which weapons they want from flamer, grenade, melta and plasma. But you can only have 1 of each weapon per 10 (according to some tiny and easy-to-miss text with an asterisk), so no units with 4 plasma guns etc. They can also have a vox and limited sergeant upgrades. 

DKoK are a bit more complicated, weirdly. They also get 2/10 special weapons, including sniper rifles. For some reason they’re split into two categories, with a load of asterisks about the combinations allowed, which is very confusing. They put meltas and plasma guns with the vox caster, meaning you aren’t allowed two meltas, two plasma and a vox - but you could have 2 plasmas, 1 melta, a vox and one of the other special weapons (flamer, sniper or grenade). I’ve no idea why this is. Their sergeants can have plasma pistols and power swords, so they always will I guess. The codex is missing the option to give them a bolter but the day 1 FAQ adds that back. You also get 1 medi-pack per 10. 

Catachans get their 2 flamers per 10 and a box-caster. Nothing for the sergeant. 

The limitation on weapons applies to other stuff. Kasrkin can only have 2 of each special weapon, though they can have 4 in total, for example. Aquilons only get 1 plasma or melta, which is irritating as for kill team I didn’t incredibly simple conversion to make sure I had both - like everyone did - and now my squad isn’t legal. 

The weirdest unit for me is the Krieg command squad. It comes with a commissar in the box and so GW have included him in the unit rather than make him his own selection. This means that for rules purposes he is the only officer in the unit and the guy with the peaked hat and breastplate is “just some guy”. Otherwise the Commissar functions more or less like a normal officer and not like a Commissar. He doesn’t shoot people, can issue any of the orders and so on. 

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