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30 minutes ago, phandaal said:


What is this "Points" you are talking about? The only "Points" I know is the system we have today where everything costs a single flat amount, and your lasgun has the exact same value as a plasma gun or flamer!


BTW - this is completely different from the old Power Level system we had, where everything costed a single flat amount, and your lasgun had the exact same value as a plasma gun or flamer. It is different because there is an extra digit on the end of the number.

I said before that I would forgive free wargear if you at least had to pay for individual models. As is, GW isn't fooling anyone regardless of Cruddace's denial he outsmarted us. 

33 minutes ago, phandaal said:


What is this "Points" you are talking about? The only "Points" I know is the system we have today where everything costs a single flat amount, and your lasgun has the exact same value as a plasma gun or flamer!


BTW - this is completely different from the old Power Level system we had, where everything costed a single flat amount, and your lasgun had the exact same value as a plasma gun or flamer. It is different because there is an extra digit on the end of the number.


Not so much arguing for the system we have now as I do like poring over the points values, but to be fair, having a unit cost 165 points is a bit more granular than power level 9 or something. And it does make it much quicker to set up a list for a casual game. It's a compromise of sorts. It is silly though that a squad with just lasguns costs the same as a squad with a plasma pistol, meltagun, heavy weapons team and a vox. The system is the system now though, so yeah. 

3 minutes ago, HeadlessCross said:

I said before that I would forgive free wargear if you at least had to pay for individual models. As is, GW isn't fooling anyone regardless of Cruddace's denial he outsmarted us. 


Yes, it would be far better if we could take, say, a squad of 6 intercessors if we wanted to without the massive points handicap. Although in a casual game, it's easy enough to just pay the points for 1 and 1/5 of a squad, if that's OK with your opponent.

1 hour ago, phandaal said:


What is this "Points" you are talking about? The only "Points" I know is the system we have today where everything costs a single flat amount, and your lasgun has the exact same value as a plasma gun or flamer!


BTW - this is completely different from the old Power Level system we had, where everything costed a single flat amount, and your lasgun had the exact same value as a plasma gun or flamer. It is different because there is an extra digit on the end of the number.

Tooooooooooooooooootally separate. Totes. Definitely not at all some convoluted marketing strategy like Comcast changing their name to Xfinity to attempt to leave their "old, terrible reputation" behind, haha.


9 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:

Just what I love, another thread devolved into complaining about points.


Mods, stick a fork in it. It's done. 

To be fair, when people are talking about contents, value, usability, etc... of a box, "tabletop usage context" does matter for the folks who play the game.  These are very expensive luxury goods that people want to have an idea of how many real dollars they'll need to spend to be able to get on the table, and also understand effectiveness so they're not getting curbstomped every game.

Some tongue in cheek gests alongside going over the points about how screwed up 10th's system of balancing those factors for "tabletop usage context" mentioned above is certainly merited at least for as long as it's left as a quick gest and used to contextualize options and opinions when kept civil.

Edited by Dark Legionnare
On 1/13/2025 at 12:55 PM, Emperor Ming said:

Which is really annoying when its not consistent across all games:facepalm:


Converting for old world and necromana is encouraged:happy:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't The Old World fall under SGS/SDS?  That'd explain the promotion of conversions, as they're much 'freer' when it comes to dealing with stuff.

Edited by Timberley

Apologies for any off-topic from me. I'm not the worst but I know I've contributed to it.


TLDR of my (relevant) views:

  • Krieg boxed set is nice, models are nice, particularly the artillery. I prefer many of the 3rd party deathriders I've seen though and I'm not sure about the legs on the horses. Nice that they've not just put ordinary horses in though cos I've always thought they'd be wrong for a 40k battlefield.
  • Set is good as an add-on to an existing army but not as a core force imo because it needs more infantry. This would be fine if the planned combat patrol wasn't built along the same lines and there was a platoon of Krieg infantry in it. Guard players need better-value ways of getting hold of lots of infantry, which they won't have anymore without this. 
  • Price is standard to what we've seen with other sets. Feels a little on the expensive side, but then doesn't it always.
25 minutes ago, Scribe said:

Isn't 11th coming soon anyway and we can hopefully move on from the (many) failures of 10th?

Please no it’s too soon. Give us some breathing space.


13 minutes ago, ThaneOfTas said:

Most likely a new Heresy edition/starter box an reprint of the core rules with FAQ/errata added in.


Please no new edition of heresy for a long time. Reprint with errata is fine. Annoying that it wasn’t just right the first time, but fine.


Sorry, Krieg boxset. Krieg boxset. Krieg boxset.


Nice guns. No, that sounds weird. Nice helmets. Oh no please stop :facepalm:

=][= The topic of discussion for this thread is the new Death Korps of Krieg models, not the merits (or lack thereof) of any edition of the game, timeline for the new edition, etc. Please try to stay on track. =][=

9 minutes ago, MechaMan said:

Is that all that’s left from the once glorious forge world guard range? 


Let the Bell of Lost Souls ring out for our fallen heroes.


Looks like guard have suffered the same fate as marines with everything even slightly Heresy related getting the boot alongside anything that is oop. Hope the legends rules are brought up to date quickly for people playing casually.

10 minutes ago, MechaMan said:

Is that all that’s left from the once glorious forge world guard range? 


No, but in order to use the rest of it, you have to be willing to use Legends as GW intended (and perhaps tell other people where you play that they should use Legends as GW intended as well).


In other words: Not a tournament? We're using Legends, because that's what the makers of the game advise.

8 minutes ago, MechaMan said:

Is that all that’s left from the once glorious forge world guard range? 

Yes. And I'm glad they published this today, not next week when people had bought the Solar Auxilia tanks that are going up for preorder this weekend.


The Krieg army box has gone up from 310 in the codex to 405. Their heavy weapons teams are 75 points, compared to 50 for Cadian or Catachan. Death riders being more expensive than Attillans seems particularly weird to me, but I guess I'm no expert on 40k so we'll see.

If GW simply let Legends units exist in their App it'd solve this weird dichotomy they have where they say to play them, but sock them away in places to never be seen.


I get it, it's to lessen confusion and whatnot, but we are all adults. Give us an opt in toggle if you think the unwashed masses aren't trustworthy enough. 

1 hour ago, ThePenitentOne said:


No, but in order to use the rest of it, you have to be willing to use Legends as GW intended (and perhaps tell other people where you play that they should use Legends as GW intended as well).


In other words: Not a tournament? We're using Legends, because that's what the makers of the game advise.

"The Imperial Armour datasheets comprise many units found on the Forge World webstore, and unlike Warhammer Legends, these forces are all sanctioned for use in official tournament games. Points for these units are available in the Munitorum Field Manual." - https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/kFYy7vX1/downloadable-datasheets-and-points-for-imperial-armour/ 


Am I missing something? 


The December Munitorum Manual had 29 Forge World options for Guard, now we have two. Crassus, Marauder Bomber, Death Korps Marshal, Macharius tanks, Stormblade etc etc... all gone 



Edited by MechaMan

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