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1 minute ago, Indy Techwisp said:

I'm still hoping for Multipart Outriders, but I'd like to have Generic Jet/Hoverbikes as well as those.

Because, again, Base LSM has exactly 3 Mounted units and 1 of those is the ATV.


I'm fed up with Dark Angels having more bike options than the actual Bike Legion who've been relegated to Core Codex, so if GW isn't just going to give their unnecessary Bike units to us then the least they can do is give us more usable bikes.

1. Nobody is a "bike" Chapter. There might be preferences but all Chapters engage in different types of warfare. This is part of why the separation of Chapters outside a core Codex for Space Marines was always a bad idea. 

2. You know what would work? Make Speeders count as Mounted units. 

4 minutes ago, HeadlessCross said:

1. Nobody is a "bike" Chapter. There might be preferences but all Chapters engage in different types of warfare. This is part of why the separation of Chapters outside a core Codex for Space Marines was always a bad idea. 

2. You know what would work? Make Speeders count as Mounted units. 


  1. Chapters do have a very obvious preference for a style of Warfare tho. The White Scars overwhelmingly prefer Bikes. The Dark Angels, who's deal is having their fingers in everyone else's pie, have more dedicated Bike units.
  2. That would help. Still doesn't solve the issue of Dark Angels hording all the unique bike units and then basically never using them.
4 hours ago, firestorm40k said:

No no, it's clearly a Votann Hover Board which will be a throwback to this bit of art, one will have 'SLAM SECTOR' decals emblazoned across it :biggrin::laugh: 



Shortly to be followed by Codex : Zoats, and a multi part squad kit including the  zoat with missile launcher option!

I'm hoping it's a new Primaris flyer.


I've never been a huge fan of the Stormtalon/Stormhawk but I love aircraft so not having one that looks good has been a bummer. Primaris gives them a chance to put out a good looking flyer for marines.

11 minutes ago, Robbienw said:

Marines have several good looking flyers, just not for mainline chapters or are only in 30k now (in game at least, if not the lore).


1 hour ago, AutumnEffect said:

I've never been a huge fan of the Stormtalon/Stormhawk 


:rolleyes: I figured it would have been obvious that I was talking about mainline marines.

Edited by AutumnEffect

I think this will be for 11th edition and bikes will become jet bikes, 10th replaced Terminators 11th for marines will focus on replacing things like Black Knights,  potentially paving the way for a new Sammael. 

it will also give options to do flavours around white scars etc. 



6 hours ago, AutumnEffect said:



:rolleyes: I figured it would have been obvious that I was talking about mainline marines.


It would have been if you had actually said that :wink:

Edited by Robbienw

Land speeder? At least I hope. I got into this hobby as a kid with the 3rd edition boxset, so an update to that classic model would be nostalgic. 
The primaris flyer isn’t bad, just didn’t quite do it for me. 

On 11/27/2024 at 12:03 AM, HeadlessCross said:

1. Nobody is a "bike" Chapter. There might be preferences but all Chapters engage in different types of warfare. This is part of why the separation of Chapters outside a core Codex for Space Marines was always a bad idea.


In the same way there is no chapter who is known for stealth tactics, in the same way there is no chapter known for flamers and meltas, in the same way there is no chapter known for siege warfare, in the same way there is no chapter known to exemplify the codex, in the same way there is no chapter that is known as machine adepts.

Much like how there isn't a regiment of siege specialists in the Imperial guard who bombarded a hive city to nothing but dust for decades. Much like how there isn't a regiment of famous jungle fighters.


If you are going to oh so callously say the White Scars are NOT the Biker chapter then you may as well take any other chapters identity and chuck that aside too. It is why there is such massive annoyance at the White Scars character being on foot and not the representative of primaris outriders in the HQ slot. Shrike got to be the front man for jump troops for Primaris, we saw Calgar and Garadon appear for Gravis (Calgar does get broader privilege but he is clearly Gravis first) but yet despite having outriders the Khan got done dirty.

The White Scars are THE chapter of swift attacks, they strike hard and fast via the use primarily of bikers units forming their core.

Want more proof? We had the Khan on Bike as a HQ choice.


The only other chapter known for any sort of Biker Cohort are the Dark Angels but their use of the Ravenwing is far more specialist and reserved compared to the lauded tactics of the White Scars hit and run methods.


You can't of missed harder with that point fellow frater.

In fact, there is even stories told of how certain chapters struggle in certain theatres of war due to their preferences robbing them of the ability to take the foe down effectively. See a rather wonder story of how the Raven Guard and White Scars once worked together to bring a shared foe to the Emperor's justice. Shrike and Korsarro were the leads on that one.


Next you'll tell me there are no Chao legions who are particularly aligned with a chaos god! Or that there are no Ork Clanz.



At the very least I partly agree with the second part of your point but even then, the history of certain chapters extends their range of units or even their dismissal of the Codex astartes. Blood Angels and Dark Angels are notable for their specialist units with the former most famous for the death company and the later famous for the Deathwing (Check: both also headlined in space hulk with their terminators, the later having their version of space hulk named after their wing!). Space Wolves and Black Templars are notable for using the Codex Astartes as toilet paper and so only natural we see these two have their own divegerence into supplements, and for all accounts the Black Templars are the reason we have the Land Raider Crusader (kind of where it's name came from).

It is why we can't avoid seperate codices for these exceptions.

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