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"....guard it well." A ----- ------ patrol log.

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If you're worried about control, you could probably paint the Apethecary White into the recesses, as they're fairly well-defined (you could also use multiple thinner coats to build up the effect). It's possible that the "contrast effect" might not be so strong over the paint you used, so that might also go some way to mitigating that.

So I tried the ushabti bone but it just didn't blend well at all. It was a really really sharp transition. So I redid the colours and tried putting apothecary white right on top of the agrax. Honestly, I don't think it looks terrible but to me it doesn't look quite...cloth like. I'm not sure how to fix it though. Maybe a mix of grey and ushabti with agrax over it? Any suggestions?


I also started adding lead belcher on the gun and picking out more of the metallic details. For the skull icon stop the powerpack, I'm thinking retributor armor underneath with either highlights of canoptek alloy or maybe a dry brush of a lighter gold.






19 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

Hmm I can see your point. You could try the grey-bone mix but maybe also try more thin layers to build up the transitions through glazing? 

Think layers of gray with agrax over you mean? Honestly I kinda wish I'd stopped after the agrax the first time. That looked closer to cloth, albeit dirty cloth

I think it's one of those cases where the more you interfere with it, the more of a problem you'll make. :sad: 


You could re-do the base coat (carefully, using thinned paint to ensure you don't sacrifice the detail) and have another go.


If you're trying to blend, it's generally advisable to use really thin, transparent paint, and build up opacity through several layers, each covering a bit less area. You could also mix the two colours to get a half-way tone, to reduce the jump between the colours.

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
2 hours ago, hd3 said:

Think layers of gray with agrax over you mean? Honestly I kinda wish I'd stopped after the agrax the first time. That looked closer to cloth, albeit dirty cloth

Yeah, that's what I meant :sweat:


Live and learn :smile: Painting is all about experimentation. Cloth can be tricky depending on what the end result is your after.

I might try that and if it fails just our agrax over it and call it a day. 


I'm also trying to figure out how best to replicate the colours on the iron halo on top of the power pack.  I thought maybe retributor armour with reikland fleshshade wash to make it a tad more amber, then old gold/liberator sporadically highlighted to give it contrast. Then probably nuln oil or nuln gloss on the skull.


I got invited to try kill team for the first time so I rushed my heavy intercessor to get him ready for game day. Picking out all the rivets with runefang steel was harder than it looks. I went with eshin gray for the deathwatch? veteran symbol in the right shoulder and flayed one flesh for the skull. I dunno why but the eye lenses in the blood ravens feel so much easier. Maybe the tesseract glow flows so much more easily. Then just a single spot of warp lightning in the corner for depth. Next decals and basing. 


I'm gonna try to duplicate the pre made bases I bought as much as I can. So stirland, glue a few shrubs and rocks, thern valhallan blizzard.











So I got the day off and stayed up the night prior as well to finally finish painting my Eliminators for a break. I managed to get everything done except the evil sunz highlights on two of them. I used mechancium, eshin and administratum grey to make triangles on the capes and copied my gun formula for the sniper rifles.


This was also my first real attempt at doing my own faces. The sergeant (bald) came out ok but the other two look a bit cartooonish to me, especially around the eyes. Luckily,  their faces are mostly obscured by their hoods so I don't think anyone will notice. 



Finally, I decided to try using that leftover sand I had from my army painter kit as a foundation for thy bases, instead of the normal stirland battlemire. Honestly, I thought it was far too bright so I went heavy with the valhallan blizzard to cover it up. I figure that makes sense in terms of basing consistency as the snipers would range farther out into the snow than the regular troops.


Next time, just the bright red highlights, the blizzard and blood ravens decal to go.



This unit is number IV because it was the fourth blood ravens unit I started



I might need to tidy up the belts with rhinox hide a little too.











Edited by hd3

I added a hazard stripe to one of the cables on the heavy intercessor though I might use a little extra Abaddon black later to make the yellow segments more angular. I also painted the little bit of terrain at the foot. I wanted to make sure the shell casing was the same colour as the rounds you can see in the chamber.  I still need to wash them with agrax though. 



I also added the snow effects to the remaining Eliminators. Zerowolf was right, this stuff is tremendous for easy winter details. It just sets and freezes rigid in place. I'm interested to see how it goes on the other bases once I start moving onto bases where I don't want 100 percent snow.


I also added the evil sunz edge highlights. In retrospect, actually I think the eyes aren't too bad on the sergeant and the crouching sniper. It's just the one with the raised eliminator rifle that really looks off. He looks internally terrified like he just realized he forgot his passport as he's about to board the plane.








Edited by hd3
13 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

That's some good looking Blood Ravens :smile: 


Glad you've found success with Valhallan Blizzard! The snow helps to make the red armour pop more 


Thanks zero. Unrelated, my blood ravens were victorious over the iron warriors in my first ever killteam game!







Finishing up the primaris Lieutenant. I made sure to only use bronzes of various shades, starting with warplock on the knees and brighter Balthazar gold on the skulls. He's not a captain but he is an officer so he should have bling but not too much. I also did the skull on the chest aquilla in Balthazar. 


The one place real gold appears is the primaris vambrace. Finally for the neo-volkite pistol I did gryph hound orange over corax white. Then canoptek alloy on top of the coils before more gryph orange.


I'm undecided what to write on the banner on the officer pauldron. Does anyone know what a traditional Lt. pauldron says? Otherwise, I'll add probably just pick something fitting in high gothic. Alas, I don't think "omnishambles" will fit.




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