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"....guard it well." A ----- ------ patrol log.

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4 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

Isn't it normally their name that gets written on there? 


Ah, I thought maybe that was it. Thanks!

3 hours ago, Tallarn Commander said:

Looking great ! In honor of the latest Kingdom Come video game, how about "Fortune favors the bold" (Audaces fortuna iuvat."  :biggrin:


That's good too. What do you think about "Ultima Ratio Deus Imperator" the last argument of the god emperor?


Though both are probably too long.



 Or Vae Victis!

Edited by hd3
7 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

Can't go wrong with Vae Victis! I've had that stuck in my head since playing Blood Omen 1 on the original PlayStation 


I'm still waiting for the full legacy of kain on GoG then I'm going to play the whole series start to finish at last.


I finished the Captain's body today. I couldn't find my glaze medium which I normally use to thin my metallic paints so I experimented with metal medium. It gave me a more pale gold which is what I wanted for this model but it is too far removed from the original colour for anything else. 


Following the same principle as the lieutenant, I used the yellow gold for backing on the knee pads and the halos and the paler metal medium old gold for the skulls and highlights on the knee pad. For the relics on the tabards, I put iron hands steel for the bright silver to contrast the retributor and old gold then washed everything with nuln for more definition.




Edited by hd3
6 hours ago, hd3 said:


I'm still waiting for the full legacy of kain on GoG then I'm going to play the whole series start to finish at last.


I finished the Captain's body today. I couldn't find my glaze medium which I normally use to thin my metallic paints so I experimented with metal medium. It gave me a more pale gold which is what I wanted for this model but it is too far removed from the original colour for anything else. 


Following the same principle as the lieutenant, I used the yellow gold for backing on the knee pads and the halos and the paler metal medium old gold for the skulls and highlights on the knee pad. For the relics on the tabards, I put iron hands steel for the bright silver to contrast the retributor and old gold then washed everything with nuln for more definition.




I'd love a re-release of Blood Omen. I'd been hoping that it was going to be part of the Soul Reaver collection as a bonus, but alas, it wasn't. Bit of a missed opportunity there.


Some fine detail work there, nice and crisp, he's going to be a good looking Lieutenant. :smile:

  • 2 weeks later...

So I've added the chapter badge and the campaign badge decals for the lieutenant and captain. The white is a bit too jarring to me so I'm going to steal a trick from my terrain set and apply a tiny drop of rattling grime over he badges to dull down the colour once the micro sol has dried. 


These were both separately gifted to these officers in recognition of a campaign the blood ravens fought along side the blood angels and dark angels in the taurus faecibus sector. Strangely neither of the angels chapters have any record of this.



Edited by hd3

So I had a pass at the base for the heavy intercessor. This is kind of a test case for some of the others. The pre-made bases are if course mostly grit with some snow, so I was attempting to duplicate that here to match the pre-made bases. I'm trying to keep things consistent.



I'm continuing gradually, having blocked in the burnt red base, black legion armour seals, black templar recessed details and some evil sunz highlights on the armour before adding some lead belcher and rhinox hide with agrax for the leather parts. 


Now the new stuff: I added a space marine scout warrior with boltgun to my combat patrol. I wasn't going to but I realized that while I don't want to go beyond a combat patrol for the blood ravens, there are 3 different astartes kill teams. Once I finish my angels of death Killteam, if I ever elect to revisit this, I can do them in blood ravens colours since I already have the paint and decals. Now I've already made a start on a scout team! Though I have tragically misplaced the 28mm base. I used this model of a scout from dawn of war 1 as a reference photo for the scout.


As for the space marine captain. I wanted to keep the fancy captain shoulder pauldron and I had a spare plasma pistol from the assault sergeant who got converted to regular intercessor sergeant. I wasn't confident I could balance out the wrist, so I just cut above the vambrace and tamiya's the wrist onto the inside of the arm instead. It doesn't look too terrible but the captain is clearly just mid way through unholstering his pistol.


I also tried out my new painting/spray painting station. This has been really helpful since the chests and inside of the arms and guns are unreachable once the models are assembled so I went with the sub-assemblies option. 


Finally, I'm trying to decide how to do the lieutenant's storm shield, I'd love to replicate the colour scheme on the box art . Though I have no clue how I'd get that shade of white if anyone has a suggestion. I also need to decide what to write on the banner too. Kronus maybe? Aurelia? Cyrene?











Ive started gluing models with the completed bodies at least onto the bases. I really like how the natural bases contrast with the industrial ruins of my alpha legion bases. I tried to position the running assault intercessor feet so the raised foot is usually touching a rock or something elevated to give it a second contact point and hopefully giving it more hold.


Next I'm moving onto the arms since bodies are done. 


One thing I'm curious about, does anyone have any tips for painting black leather? I want the scouts book to look distinct from the black I use on the guns and chainswords. Black leather would also work for fabius bile's gloves.



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