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The Rhino kit has IMO stood the test of time pretty well. It's easy to build, nicely customizable, has just the right level of detail and even has a proper interior! [Glares at Land Raider] However, whilst I personally don't think it needs an update, it did get me thinking; if GW decided to bring out a new Rhino kit (not a Primaris Transportinator, an actual honest-to-god updated Rhino) with the fluff excuse being it's a Mk. III upgrade as the Mk. II replaced the Mk. I/Deimos, what changes or updates would you like to see?


Speaking purely for myself...


GENERAL SHAPE/SIZE: Whilst I'd give it a very slight size increase, it'd probably be less than the Mk. I to Mk. II jump; I'd still want the Mk. II to be useable without causing arguments. If anything I might make the troop compartment a bit taller and a smidge wider. The overall shape would be something of a hybrid between the Mk. I and Mk. II, with more of the sloped shape of the RT design fused with the general detail and design language of the more modern kit.


TRACKS/RUNNING GEAR: I'd give an option to leave the track guards off, with the full tracks modelled, wrapping around the hull in classic WW1/Interwar style ala the Land Raider. I'd also be tempted to add some Rogal Dorn styled optional track-skirts so you can show off more of the suspension if desired.


ACCESS POINTS: Whilst it would have the same points as the original, I'd be tempted to go with Mk. I styled round doors for not only the side hatches, but also the rear ramp and the top hatch; this top hatch would fit onto a ring-shaped mounting that would also work as the turret mount for the other variants.


WEAPONS: Rather than the conventional pintle-mount, the (optional) storm bolter would be mounted into a mini-turret on the commander's cupola, which would be slightly larger than the current kit, such that it could theoretically be operated without exiting the vehicle.


OPTIONAL PARTS: As with the classic RT model there would be a choice of front glacis parts. You'd have the "twin plates" option, the more angled "wedge" option and another one inspired by the Mk. II. There would also be extra parts in the kit for either a dozer blade or a ram, in addition to the usual smoke launchers, searchlights, stowage and such. I'd also add access panels for the 4 compact engines the Rhino apparently has, with details behind them (designed such that if built permanently sealed, the engine details can be left out and used for other conversions).


INTERIOR: The kit would retain the detailed interior of the Mk. II. I'd actually be tempted to remove the inner bulkhead separating the driver from the troop compartment, giving the kit a full (optional) interior and as such a more believable amount of space for its transport capacity, even if it wouldn't be quite true-scale (a true-scaled Rhino would be awkwardly big after all). That might be me going a bit overboard but anyway.


VARIANTS: Ideally the Mk. III would be followed by refreshes for the other Rhino-variants. Notably, the base kit could be built as a Razorback, with the turret replacing the top hatch on its round mounting. I'd be tempted to go back to the "manned" turret of 2E (and optional las-plas build for fun). The other options would of course also be made (but not in the same box as an all-in-one Rhino variants kit would be very expensive); I could wax lyrical about the changes I'd make to the other variants (notably the Predator would get the "boxy" turret ala the 2E metal autocannon version and optional anti-RPG chains like the IRL Merkava) but I'll spare you my treadhead ramblings.


Anyway. Over to you!

6 hours ago, Evil Eye said:



So putting aside the option of "Just upscale the Classic Rhino to Primaris Scale"...


I see 3 real options:

  1. "The Cawl Retrofit" A Classic Rhino with the classic Rhino weapon options, but upscaled and with the Primaris Hover stuff. Essentially as close as possible to "Just upscaling the Classic Rhino" but still doing the Primaris thing of giving it Cawl Hoverstuff. In lore, this is portrayed as a literal retrofit of the Classic Rhino to keep the venerable war machines in operation.
  2. "The Spiritual Successor" An unrelated Tracked Transport that visually resembles the Rhino, with Primaris equivalents of the Rhino's loadout and the same Transport capacity as the Rhino In lore, this is NOT any type of Rhino but rather a new vehicle inspired by the Classic Rhino.
  3. "We put a roof on the Impulsor" Exactly what it says on the tin. GW just put a Roof on the Impulsor, give it a new name, call it "The Rhino of the Indomitus Era" or something and that's it. In Lore, there is no lore. This thing has just "always been there".

Oh, based on some papercraft templates that I can't seem to find now, I made some plasticard prototypes as to the shape, size and tracks. I think the models are a great mix of the Rhino and Land Raider aesthetics.







I'll need to get back and properly finish these models, perhaps even for my Primaris-scale marines. I'll think about the weapons system when I get back to them.

Edited by Brother Christopher
1 hour ago, Indy Techwisp said:


So putting aside the option of "Just upscale the Classic Rhino to Primaris Scale"...


I see 3 real options:

  1. "The Cawl Retrofit" A Classic Rhino with the classic Rhino weapon options, but upscaled and with the Primaris Hover stuff. Essentially as close as possible to "Just upscaling the Classic Rhino" but still doing the Primaris thing of giving it Cawl Hoverstuff. In lore, this is portrayed as a literal retrofit of the Classic Rhino to keep the venerable war machines in operation.
  2. "The Spiritual Successor" An unrelated Tracked Transport that visually resembles the Rhino, with Primaris equivalents of the Rhino's loadout and the same Transport capacity as the Rhino In lore, this is NOT any type of Rhino but rather a new vehicle inspired by the Classic Rhino.
  3. "We put a roof on the Impulsor" Exactly what it says on the tin. GW just put a Roof on the Impulsor, give it a new name, call it "The Rhino of the Indomitus Era" or something and that's it. In Lore, there is no lore. This thing has just "always been there".


Yeah i'd be fine with 1, really don't want 2 and would rather just have "big rhino", but I expect 3 is the way it'll eventually go.

Forlorn hope, but if/when we ever get a MK III Rhino I hope they stick with a treaded version.  I’ve yet to see a grav version of anything so far that looks aesthetically pleasing to my eyes.

The only way we DO see a new Rhino is if it's the Indomitus Transportinator.  Don't get me wrong I'd love to see a 12ish Not-Repulsor Transport for the big squads of smol(er) boys.   But I don't see it happening soon.  They're definitely not going to make a new transport for the guys they're trying to kill off.  Tacs and Devs are going to be lucky to live through 11th.  The only thing keeping Devs around are the weapon options that haven't been handed out to bespoke specialists.  No Grav Gunn-Ors.  Technically no Las-Cannon-Ors (And no 3 Snipe-Ors using lascannon carbines isn't it). and so on.  We've got a couple Flame-Ors, and we've got a couple Plasm-Ors, a Bolt Ors, and Melt-Ors But the rest are still missing.    The only thing keeping the Tacs around is making sure the Devs aren't alone. 

I’d like to see something that’s between impulsor and repulsor size, I think if we get a pure transport it’ll be grav, because literally all the other stuff is (and lore wise, so were original rhinos and land raiders).



I think we have to accept that they have moved away from tracked vehicles for the Marines. The biggest question that remains is how they plan to fill the niche of the Landraider in the future.


We need a vehicle that has more transport capacity and an assault ramp, hence I suggested that they might look to do something like a Grav Spartan.


I would have been more keen to keep the tracked vehicles before GW relegated the best and newest plastic kits to Legends. The plastic Spartan, Sicaran and Kratos tanks are, imo, the best looking Astartes tanks GW ever designed. With them firmly in the legends category, I don't have any particular interest in preservation for the really old Rhino chassis vehicles. The Land Raider should probably stick around until it's replaced, unless they modify the Repulsor rules in the future so it functions more like a Landraider. 

12 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

I think we have to accept that they have moved away from tracked vehicles for the Marines. The biggest question that remains is how they plan to fill the niche of the Landraider in the future.

I've memed about "Hover Landraider when?" for quite a while, but apparently the Repulsor/Repulsor Executioner is intended to be the "Primaris Landraider".
With that in mind, all we actually need is a Repulsor variant with the Assault Ramp ability.

9 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

I think we have to accept that they have moved away from tracked vehicles for the Marines.

I think they moved away from Rhino Chassis for Marines.  They've given it to Sisters as a Hand-Me-Down.   I think we keep the Land Raider.  At Least until we see a Repulsor Crusader with a capacity of about 20. 

If we hadn't just gotten a new Terminator armor kit I would have also said that the Land Raider was in line to be replaced completely with something else. Now though I'm not so sure. Maybe they will eventually just give them an updated kit like they did its passengers.

6 hours ago, AutumnEffect said:

If we hadn't just gotten a new Terminator armor kit I would have also said that the Land Raider was in line to be replaced completely with something else. Now though I'm not so sure. Maybe they will eventually just give them an updated kit like they did its passengers.

The Land Raider has Dawn of War Plot Armor.  It was the Super Duper Relic Unit.  It wasn't too far off in Relics.  Its too ingrained in too many computer games to get Squatted just yet.  Also (probably) why you saw generational transport cross over there "first". 

The new fresh terminators need a new fresh Land Raider. It is the most iconic marine vehicle, even more so than the vaunted Thunderhawk.


While we have a modern kit in the HH one, we could really use a 40k era one that's not old enough to drink.

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