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<<begin transmission>> Hello! I'm norfus, just a normal guy fighting for the Emperor and for Terra. I've seen 14 hours and 59 minutes of combat so far! I think I'm doing pretty great. I've been brought from my distant hive to defend the Imperial Palace against the traitor legions and, fingers crossed, so far so good.


Before all this... madness... I lived a pretty normal life working on the farm. I liked to play video games like Stellaris, Championship Manager 2, Space Marine and Horus Is Awesome (although we're not allowed to play that one any more ever since... welll... you know...) and I used to paint miniatures, and play with them sometimes too! I never used to win very much. I loved to read, especially about the Horus Heresy - ha! I used to think that was all fiction! But now I've seen a space marine with my own eyes, and I know it's all real. Primarchs, the Emperor, the heresy, all of it.


Anyway, I've got to sign off now; the transport has arrived at its destination. I'm not quite sure where we are... some spaceport near some wall. Sure it'll be fine. Ok, here goes. Wait, what's that? What's that sound? What is that?!...


AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! WHAT THE <<transmission ends>>

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
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Hello and welcome to the B&C. :smile: 


I'm not sure what was going on at the end of your transmission, but I hope you're OK and the Xenos/Heretics were driven off :wink: 

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
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Welcome!  I look forward to seeing you post around here, as soon as you get uneaten or whatever that was. :biggrin:


Myself, I've played a lot of Stellaris but have moved onto Crusader Kings 3 as it scratches that particular itch better for me.  That said, that's not really a discussion for B&C unless you are playing some particular 40K oriented mod (which I definitely haven't).


What particular 40K or 30K factions do you particularly have your eye on, if any?  From your intro, likely something imperial I would guess - if so, we may not cross paths unless you also frequent the WIP/Honour forums, as I mostly frequent there and the various chaos forums., as those are my current armies of interest. 

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43 minutes ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Welcome!  I look forward to seeing you post around here, as soon as you get uneaten or whatever that was. :biggrin:


Myself, I've played a lot of Stellaris but have moved onto Crusader Kings 3 as it scratches that particular itch better for me.  That said, that's not really a discussion for B&C unless you are playing some particular 40K oriented mod (which I definitely haven't).


What particular 40K or 30K factions do you particularly have your eye on, if any?  From your intro, likely something imperial I would guess - if so, we may not cross paths unless you also frequent the WIP/Honour forums, as I mostly frequent there and the various chaos forums., as those are my current armies of interest. 

Greetings! Playing a lot of Kill Team right now with some Ultramarines. I have a 1500-2000pt Space Wolves army. My son and I have a Necron Combat Patrol. I'm also painting the  Death Korps Kill Team at the mo,

working on that right now, some Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol at a leisurely pace, and I have asked Santa super super nicely for the Astra Militarum Combat Patrol. Helping my son paint some ork Kommandos too. There's some painted up hormagaunts and tyrannid warriors knocking around here somewhere too, and a plague marine champion lurking somewhere between the UHU glue and nurgle's rot, making weird gurgling noises and such.

Edited by norfus90
spelling and grammars are importunt
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UHU glue is awesome @N1SB If I can work out how to upload a photo of said plague marine champion I will ha!


Thanks everyone for welcoming me. Looking forward to exploring, learning some stuff and checking out the fan fiction especially I think! I will also no doubt ask lots of stupid questions. First of these stupid questions is how does one change one's profile picture here? :D

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That's not a stupid question, its a good question.  Indeed, its such a good question I don't know how to answer it - I set mine up under an older version of the site software and either the method has changed or I have forgotten how to do it.


If someone in the thread can't answer your question in a timely way, ask @Brother Tyler - he's most familiar with the software and has a habbit for changing his avatar picture for various events and such, so as a last resort, if anyone knows, he does.

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For a a more straightforward way to add an avatar picture, here's some recent help to another poster from @Grotsmasha:


3 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

top left of page, click your name, and choose "Profile", then on the left again, you'll see your current Profile pic, with a little picture frame on it, click that and you can upload any image to be your profile pic :thumbsup:


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3 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

For a a more straightforward way to add an avatar picture, here's some recent help to another poster from @Grotsmasha:




Both methods work, each for different purposes.


The easier method that Grotsmasha described only allows you to use an image of up to 102 Kb while using an image in the galleries allows you to use larger images.


Both methods are [now] shown in the Article that I linked (I added the easier method today).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/17/2024 at 5:08 AM, norfus90 said:

 @Dr_Ruminahui @N1SB May grandfather nurgle shower his blessings upon you. Here's a WIP including UHU glue fun



Ooooh man, that's so good, that's so visceral.  Thanks for showing us, Brother.

That's a proof of concept right there.  Wonderful stuff.

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