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I'm glad so many others feel the same about this: First of all I've been waiting for ages for these kits to come back. How these could ever have been a limited time release for about 2018/19 is beyond me. Even more so because it was never marketed that way, after it replaced the old cities of death kits which had been around for 15 years.


Then they randomly dropped a tiny bit of this back when they released the Chalnath box like 2 years ago. Considering that there was a theme of urban fighting I was sure we would see more of it back. But nope. What boggles my mind even more is that this is the terrain you see in every codex and official battle report, in artworks and recently in Space Marine 2, the video game. They just never solt it again after that first sales window. Why? How? I mean, as far as I get their business side, sprues need to make their money back and they already knew that terrain sells differently than actual armies.


Whatever, I'll see what their prices are and will then think about getting some of that terrain. But honestly, GW had 6 fething years to sell these to me, but since they didn't, I've sourced my terrain from elsewhere for full-on city fights. 

  On 12/16/2024 at 9:03 AM, dickyelsdon said:

the Imperial Sector is not actually the same as the kill team box. It was a special set to make 3 big buildings and doesn’t include any of the arch doorways of the kill team box.  The walls are actually a special (only in this set) triple wall panel. So the set isnt quite as modular as others. 





Quite a relevant input indeed. Thanx a lot for underlining this differene. It affects the versatility of the kit quite a bit. Though if you are short of scenery it is not necesary an issue. But if one plan custom buildings sure it does. 

According to my FLGS that stuff is for release on 18th Jan - it's just that they need to stick their orders in now. So don't think it'll be up for Sat pre-order for customers

Edited by Frogian
  On 12/16/2024 at 8:29 AM, Chaplain Raeven said:

Man, I DETEST that this is the next MTO-kit announced MINUTES after I ordered the damn terminators. I don't have the spare money for these. These kits never should have been discontinued in the first place, it's some of the best they've made!


Same here brethren, I caved in for the terminators, but now I feel a bit betrayed (as much betrayed as one can be about plastic soldiers) as it would have been a tough choice that they did not let me make.

  On 12/16/2024 at 9:57 AM, dickyelsdon said:

I was in WHW yesterday and saw a few table where players had took off the nicely painted provided gw terrain and instead used (unpainted) mdf terrain they brought with them. :facepalm:



Seems like they're trying to play tournament games on tables designed dominantly for narrative gaming. 

  On 12/16/2024 at 9:54 PM, Xenith said:


Seems like they're trying to play tournament games on tables designed dominantly for narrative gaming. 


To be fair even i use the mdf ITT terrain and layouts now even in casual games, its jsut better. I find. fairness is prob the right word:ermm: (its miles cheaper to)


Most of the time I even us a chess clock in casual games, and for those of you who ae gona pooo pooo at that:tongue:


Once you have lost a few times to slow play. it just changes ur mind about chess clocks, i did a 360 over night:laugh:


and really it helps me, i don't have time to over play most of the time and that keeps me in check:happy:


Its both factual and a joke...in check get it?:happy: 

Man, I just play games to have a good time with friends, often while having adult beverages and chatting about whatever. I can't imagine having chess clocks unless the game takes more than 3 hours. Certainly can't imagine making a great table look worse even if it is "more fair".


Warhammer players. Amirite? It does take all kinds. ^_*

  On 12/17/2024 at 12:00 AM, The Yncarne said:

Man, I just play games to have a good time with friends, often while having adult beverages and chatting about whatever. I can't imagine having chess clocks unless the game takes more than 3 hours. Certainly can't imagine making a great table look worse even if it is "more fair".


Warhammer players. Amirite? It does take all kinds. ^_*


Yup, to each their own but if someone brought out the chess clock I'd be conceding. That isn't to diss Emperor Ming, it takes all sorts and we all enjoy in different ways. However, "casual" lol

  On 12/17/2024 at 12:00 AM, The Yncarne said:

Man, I just play games to have a good time with friends, often while having adult beverages and chatting about whatever. I can't imagine having chess clocks unless the game takes more than 3 hours. Certainly can't imagine making a great table look worse even if it is "more fair".


Warhammer players. Amirite? It does take all kinds. ^_*


Genuine question. How do you manage this? 

We are regularly far past three hours playing 2000 point games while chatting along. Even with familiar armies and a pre set up battlefield. 

  On 12/17/2024 at 11:50 AM, Rhavien said:

Genuine question. How do you manage this? 

We are regularly far past three hours playing 2000 point games while chatting along. Even with familiar armies and a pre set up battlefield. 


Frankly, I moved to a different game system. I play with the same minis, but I don’t have to mentally balance all the rules interactions that GW brings.


note I’m not advocating dropping 40k, but I’m already off topic. 

On topic, I do have a basilcanum and hope to get another one along with the sector imperialis set. 

Edited by The Yncarne
  On 12/17/2024 at 12:48 PM, The Yncarne said:

Frankly, I moved to a different game system. I play with the same minis, but I don’t have to mentally balance all the rules interactions that GW brings.


note I’m not advocating dropping 40k, but I’m already off topic. 

On topic, I do have a basilcanum and hope to get another one along with the sector imperialis set. 


How large is the basilicanum please?

It depends on how it’s built. Most of the terrain I play is a mix of multiple sets. I believe the WC article states two sprues of walls with windows, a ruins and floors sprue, a ruins sprue, a columns sprue, and two statue sprues. 

The way I built it:

  • 10” wide on the front
  • ~7.5” deep max
  • ~14” tall max

WIP scale




Edit: BTW: do not store your terrain like this. It crashed and all that terrain needed to be rebuilt. 



Edited by The Yncarne
  On 12/16/2024 at 8:51 AM, Xenith said:

This stuff is gorgeous, and I wish I'd got the Kill Team boxed set that had a load of it in for not much money. Will get some, dependant on cost! 


It was also designed to play nicely with the Sector Mechanicus terrain. Ray Dranfield (the designer) had some great suggestions on Twitter, but he has since conducted Exterminatus on his account. :sad: 

  On 12/17/2024 at 11:50 AM, Rhavien said:

Genuine question. How do you manage this? 

We are regularly far past three hours playing 2000 point games while chatting along. Even with familiar armies and a pre set up battlefield. 



Plan for more than 3 hours?  I dedicate like a 5-6 hour chunk to my hobby if I'm planning on playing; 2 hrs of commuting, 3-4 hours of playing.


I play 1-2 times a month and that's a good amount imo. Warhammer isn't my only hobby though. 

  On 12/17/2024 at 2:10 PM, DemonGSides said:


Plan for more than 3 hours?  I dedicate like a 5-6 hour chunk to my hobby if I'm planning on playing; 2 hrs of commuting, 3-4 hours of playing.


I play 1-2 times a month and that's a good amount imo. Warhammer isn't my only hobby though. 


OP already said he changed to another game system to achieve this:laugh:

Dont get me wrong, I really enjoy playing Warhammer, but we regularly call it an evening after four hours around end of turn three.


I don't want to derail this thread anymore, so I'll start a separate thread in amicus. 

These terrain kits are very similar to those which were included in the edition sets from 9th. Very easy to build and paint but there isn´t enough space to put a lot of models onto any upper levels like it is tradition with all Gee-Dubbs ruins. If you want to have more room on upper levels than I suggest building your own ruins with styrofoam.


Here are my overgrown ruins built for a Jungle Death World 20 years ago: 


  On 12/17/2024 at 2:03 PM, Firedrake Cordova said:

It was also designed to play nicely with the Sector Mechanicus terrain. Ray Dranfield (the designer) had some great suggestions on Twitter, but he has since conducted Exterminatus on his account. :sad: 


Thanks for this a quick google search and i found a pdf containing these suggestions. 


Really hoping they are cheap now as looks like multiple boxes could have some fun possibilities.

Sector Imperialis build suggestions.pdfFetching info...

GWs terrain strategy is one of the more baffling decisions. I'd think they'd want terrain as cheap as possible to get people to buy it, since they are basically competing with themselves at that point (Do I spend my $100 on more dudes or some crumbly walls?  Pretty easy decision I would think for most people and in most snap buy situations).


Yet, here we are with limited edition terrain and multiple fomo printings. 

  On 12/18/2024 at 7:46 AM, Frogian said:

A lot of people aren't financially constrained in that way. They can afford to spend the money on more dudes and spend the money on crumbly walls. So why not make profit off them both? 


Shelv space or something? I also found it baffling that this terrain was discontinued so fast after all the fuzz they were making about it. However, I found it very time consuming to assemble. Especially the the floor parts, where you had to combine some crumbly parts to get a whole tile. Also scraping of mold lines :furious:

  On 12/18/2024 at 7:46 AM, Frogian said:

A lot of people aren't financially constrained in that way. They can afford to spend the money on more dudes and spend the money on crumbly walls. So why not make profit off them both? 


A lot more people are. Even when you get started out, if you're aiming to get a 2k army to play "standard" with, that's a lot of cash and they won't pause to buy expensive terrain. Even after the army is built and they're ready to play, I'd still wager the terrain cost is enough to erode hobby budgets when really they want more tools for their list.

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