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I brother carpenter embark on the 12 months of hobby challenge 2025 and vow to finish this tech priest manipulus that has been sitting like this longer than i worked on my skitarii alpha.


And i just broke one of his antenna during the photo shoot :facepalm:




I, Cleon, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete four LI scale Baneblades.


I'm also going to set up my plodding along to fail at this year....

I'm going to try and clear my LI backlog and push on with a little SA HH project





One SA Battleforce,

10  Veletaris


6 Land Raiders

4 Spartans

4 Sicarans

1 Astartes Support box

8 Russes

8 Artillery

1 Auxillia support box (minus the Cyclops I already did)

One box Industrial terrain

one box buildings (already assembled)



I don't expect to get much painting done this month because it's too horrible to spray, but I'll try and get some built.

22 hours ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Looks epic! This is a Sigmar kitbash, right? There are so many good models in that range that are begging to be 40kified.


Which brings me to my January pledge. I hereby pledge one inquisitor conversion. Haven’t decided on a colour scheme yet…



Custom inquisitor completed. My son was trying to get me to switch the gold and silver colours around but I stubbornly held on. Hope I made the right choice …






Edited by TheArtilleryman

Pledge complete!


My camera sucks, and the yellow over the white pin wash didn't turn out as cool as I wanted, but the basing is kinda neat despite being nearly impossible to get set correctly.


(PSA: salt looks amazing as a basing material, but next time I try it I'm going to use UV resin instead of super glue. Took way too long to cure.)




I, MadGamerAK, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to build and (Hopefully paint) 1x Emperors champion, 5x Sword Brothers, and last but not least, 3x Primaris Eliminators by months end.  I built the Sword Brethren sqaud this morning. 


I, Lord_Ikka, vow to paint for the month of January the following: 3 Rogue Trader entourage (2 assassins and a medic from last month/year), and 2 Imperial Agents with Mystic Staves.




I won't be nearly as active this year, as I have a lot of non-board appropriate models to get done, but I'll still try to do a model or two each month.

Edited by Lord_Ikka

I, Jaxom , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete 3 Eradicator's by month's end.



On 1/5/2025 at 2:34 PM, TheArtilleryman said:

Custom inquisitor completed. My son was trying to get me to switch the gold and silver colours around but I stubbornly held on. Hope I made the right choice …



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Was the Master Bra'tac look on purpose? Either way looks great!

12 hours ago, jaxom said:

I, Jaxom , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete 3 Eradicator's by month's end.



Was the Master Bra'tac look on purpose? Either way looks great!

Haha considering I had to google him, complete accident! The head is one of the bare heads from the MK VI tactical squad sprue, and I just like painting grey hair!


Thanks for the compliment!

Edited by TheArtilleryman



I, Reclusiarch Jolemai , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January, pledge to complete 2x Rapier Carrier by month's end.





To do:

  • Everything



Edited by Firedrake Cordova
fixed nested spoilers

Quick note with regards to the Last Minute and Overtime badges:


Last Minute: 31/01/25 1400 UTC - 01/02/25 1400 UTC

Overtime: 01/02/25 1400 UTC - 03/02/25 1400 UTC

  • PST 0600
  • EST 0900
  • GMT 1400
  • CET 1500
  • EET 1600
  • MSK 1700
  • JST/KST 2300
  • AEST 0000 (Grotsmasha's timezone)
  • AEDT 0100 (next day)

Righto! Fell at the last month but will aim for all 12 again =).


To start off for Jan, I vow to complete, the 10 marines I didn't finish for Dec 2024 (x5 Sternguard, x5 Tacticals) + repaint 5 Scouts


x10 Marines from Dec in their part-done state






13 minutes ago, Kennyjapan said:

Righto! Fell at the last month but will aim for all 12 again =).


To start off for Jan, I vow to complete, the 10 marines I didn't finish for Dec 2024 (x5 Sternguard, x5 Tacticals) + repaint 5 Scouts


x10 Marines from Dec in their part-done state


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Good luck! I like what you’ve done with the green textures. Looking forward to seeing them finished.

I, The Ergonomic Enginseer, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete a five man Tyrannic War Veteran squad by month's end.


Bad hobbying  news from my side. We are starting an international moving (new job, new country) and the local market for housing at our drop point is such a mess that we will end up in an AirBandB or other temporary solution for the next 4 to 6 months. As such all my hobby stuff and associated activity will be frozen for awhile, with all in crates and in a self storage.


So, no 12MoH contribution in 2025 for me and for a while, or may be only casual painting, for a few easy to bring with me minis... Except miraculous event unlocking the housing situation...




Next blog of mine entry will therefore be probably focussed on packing stuff.

That sucks @Bouargh but I hope it works out for you sooner than later. 


Hobby update.....I stared at my models and was lacking motivation. but started working on my Knives in the Shadows kill team stuff.  I need to clean my work station and get it were my projects are organized 



I, Peteysodes , who has almost no self followthrough and requires constant external accountability, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete this Chaos Knight Castigator by month's end.




Seems farther than it is, arms and a decent amount of armor plates are left so im gonna have to boogie here but im pumped. Nothing like a good BnC event to get goin'

I, Cryptix, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to finish 12 Thallax by month's end.




Some of my goals for 2025 were to finish the horus heresy portion of my dark mechanicus army and be more consistent with my hobbying in general. Seems like an excellent opportunity to do both!

Edited by Cryptix
1 hour ago, Dwango said:

So I'm going to add to my vow, at least 1 of these converted landspeeder proteus' for the Istvaan 3 shattered legion project. 


Did that thing belong to the teenage mutant ninja turtles before it was a land speeder? I mean, I knew they were desperate on Istvaan but …

Edited by TheArtilleryman

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