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43 minutes ago, Khulu said:

I'm not sure why exactly since I have seen others paint WS with some more black and liked it but on my own mini it just never looked right to me.

Perfectly understandable; I’ve always found for me that going with the gut was more important than doing what I think should work or works for other people.

I've been a little bit optimistic with my expected output for january. Even though I finished the first par of my vow rather quickly, I ran a little bit out of time in january to finish the hellblasters, I have started on them, but they are rather far from done.


Given that I will be away for work starting tomorrow and only coming back saturday, I can already revow the hellblasters for february : 



One epic scale Hellhammer completed and my oath for the month. Most of my hobby time this month had been on painting none-board relevant stuff, so a tiny tank as a colour scheme test was about all that was in the cards.




I think it is down to the age of my camera, but the image is very much lighter and blue grey then the actual model. I used Kroxigor Scale and contrast and in person it is way more green then the image. Second image below is without the desk lamp on in case the warmer light was the culprit. Maybe it is because I had to use the flash on the camera as I don’t have proper light box.





I also noticed compared to the test Rhino I did last year with the same sort of scheme that the contrast is way more variable and not as good on the Hellhammer. Some areas are just bad.  I think all the extra small details on the Solar Aux aesthetic messed with my ability to get it on properly compared to the rhino and the more flat space marine aesthetic. I had hoped this would be a good and easy scheme, but I may have to go back to the drawing board for February as I still have a Baneblade from the same box to paint.

On 1/10/2025 at 7:18 PM, Cryptix said:

I, Cryptix, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to finish 12 Thallax by month's end.




Some of my goals for 2025 were to finish the horus heresy portion of my dark mechanicus army and be more consistent with my hobbying in general. Seems like an excellent opportunity to do both!

January's oath completed!


Edited by Cryptix
Typically you're supposed to put the models in the post you oaf

I'll have to call this one done with a few models from the original pledge in progress. I still got a solid gang ready (15 Goliath gangers of various load outs) for the tabletop despite this month being pretty rough with a lot of travel and a lower than average mental health level:




I'll probably pick up the models that fell through the cracks for February with the start of another gang or some guard stuff.

On 1/28/2025 at 10:21 PM, Trokair said:

I think it is down to the age of my camera, but the image is very much lighter and blue grey then the actual model. I used Kroxigor Scale and contrast and in person it is way more green then the image. Second image below is without the desk lamp on in case the warmer light was the culprit. Maybe it is because I had to use the flash on the camera as I don’t have proper light box.



I was having similar problems last year - a lot of cameras have various hidden settings that try and compensate for glare and over exposure, which comes more strongly off a white (especially glossy white) background, if you try using a more neutral or darker background you might find that solves that issue as it evens out the model and the background.

3 hours ago, Cleon said:

I was having similar problems last year - a lot of cameras have various hidden settings that try and compensate for glare and over exposure, which comes more strongly off a white (especially glossy white) background, if you try using a more neutral or darker background you might find that solves that issue as it evens out the model and the background.

Thanks, will have to give that a go.


I used to use a white card box as a makeshift light box, but recently have used some white wax/plastic bit of paper (and it is a bit glossy) that I happened to have lying around.   

1 hour ago, Trokair said:

Thanks, will have to give that a go.


I used to use a white card box as a makeshift light box, but recently have used some white wax/plastic bit of paper (and it is a bit glossy) that I happened to have lying around.   

I used to have similar issues, even with a light box. I switched to one of GWs cardboard folding gaming mats and have had much better results.

Getting February rolling a little early. 


I, The Ergonomic Enginseer, for the month of February pledge to complete one Ultramarine Lieutenant and another five man squad of Tyrannic War Veterans by month's end.


5 hours ago, MadGamerAK said:

Unfortunately, I HIGHLY doubt I'll be able to finish my vow for this month, however, I will at least finish it in February. 


Just remember, the criteria for a Completion is only one model, regardless of what you have actually vowed. Additionally, you get an additional 48hrs(GMT+10) after the 31st to allow for time zones.

On 12/31/2024 at 1:24 PM, W.A.Rorie said:

Happy New Year all!


I, WAR, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete Hierotek Circle Kill Team and a Deathwatch Veteran Kill Team and Deathwatch Librarian by month's end.










Well I have not picked up a brush in a few weeks cause of work and now I got the cold going around so I'm even further down.  Gonna switch this to my plodding along in the hopes I find motivation soon




One month down, 11 to go. Firstly, I'd like to welcome all the newcomers to the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and thank all of the regulars for

returning for another go around the sun.

Kicking of the year, we've had 28 Participants take up the Challenge in 2025, with 25 of us managing to complete at least one model 

in January, leaving 3 Frater to earn the Next Month badge.

Together we pledged to complete 164 models, and between us we managed to paint 127 of those models.


Below you will which Badges you have earned for the month, which you may display in your Signature.



Brother Carpenter 







Bob Fossil (ARTIFICER)



Brother Argent (ARTIFICER)













nightwing1511 (ARTIFICER, LAST MINUTE)





TheArtilleryman (ARTIFICER)

The Ergonomic Enginseer (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)








PeteySödes: Chaos Knight Castigator





Edited by Grotsmasha



The following award badges are up for grabs this month,



There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic


List of Participants

  • BadJokeAK: 6x Vertus Praetors and 1x Valerian (vow)
  • Blissful Brushes: 1x Spartan (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, LAST MINUTE)
  • Bob Fossil:  2x Primaris Lieutenants (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, LAST MINUTE)
  • Boc: 1x Land Raider Redeemer, 1X Repulsor, Fabius Bile, 10x Legionaries, 10x Felgore Ravagers, 1x Eversor (STUBBORN) (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, LAST MINUTE)
  • Bouargh: 1x Datasmith & 2x Kastellan (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Brother Argent: 1x Repentia and 1x Arcoflagellant (vow, completion), 1x Cadian New Eden Command Squad (5), 1x Counts as Cadian Castellan/Creed, 2x Commisars, 1x Santioned Psyker (vow, completion), 2x field gun and 1x Sentinel (vow) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Brother Carpenter:  
  • Cleon: 2x Legions Imperialis Baneblades (completion) (STUBBORN), 3x LI Malcadors 4x LI Buildings (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, LAST MINUTE)
  • Cryptix: 2x characters, 6x Thallax, 6x Castellax, and 3x Domitars (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Dwango:  Counts-as Decimator (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, LAST MINUTE)
  • gaurdian31: 1x Chaos cultist (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER)
  • Grotsmasha: 1x HH Dark Angel (completion) (ARTIFICER, OVERTIME)
  • Heraclite:  5 Hellblasters (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Llagos_Tyrant: 6x Van Saar gangers, 2x Chaplains, 5x Devastator Marines + Cherub, 2x Deimos Predators (vow)
  • Lord_Ikka: 1 Questoris Knight, Ser Hektor, 3 Knight Armigers (one only needs basing), 2 ratlings for an Only War RPG, and four Necron characters (Szeras, Imotekh, Overlord- repaired SK model, Orikan).  (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • jaxom:  3x Bladeguard Veterans (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, OVERTIME)
  • Jolemai: 1x Landspeeder (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, OVERTIME)
  • kennyjapan: 5x Sternguard, 5x Tactical Marines (to be finished), 5x Scouts (repaint) (vow, completion) (stubborn) (SERIOUSLY)
  • Khulu: 1x White Scars Rhino (vow, completion), 1x White Scars Support Squad (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • madao: 4x Inquisition operatives (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, OVERTIME)
  • MadGamerAK: 5x Sword Brothers (stubborn) (vow), 1x Emperors champion and 3x Primaris eliminator (vow)
  • nightwing1511: 1x Catachan Devil (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, LAST MINUTE)
  • PeteySödes: 6x Chaos Cultists, 4x Chaos Cultists (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, OVERTIME)
  • _Saracen: 4x Goliath Forgeborn, 2x Goliath Juves (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • SquigPile: Chaos Lord, a Chaos Champion, and Chaos Sorcerer (vow)
  • steamboat28: 6x Hearthkyn Warriors, 1x Cthonian Berserk, 1x Khâl (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, LAST MINUTE)
  • TheArtilleryman: 1x Iron Warriors Breacher Squad (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • The Ergonomic Enginseer: 1 Ultramarine Lieutenant, 5x Tyrannic War Veterans (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY, LAST MINUTE)
  • Trokair: 1x Legions Imperialis Baneblade (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER)
  • W.A.Rorie:  



Plogging Along Pledges for 2025

  • Blissful Brushes: 1x Warhound (vow)
  • Brother Christopher: 1x scratch-built Thunderhaw (vow)
  • Dwango: 1x Istvaan III Armies on Parade board (vow)
  • Cleon: 
    • Horus Heresy: 1x Solar Auxilia Battleforce, 10x Veletaris (vow)
    • Legions Imperialis: 6x Land Raiders, 4x Spartans, 4x Sicarans, 1x Astartes Support box, 8x Leman Russ, 8x Artillery, 1x Auxillia support box (minus the Cyclops), 1x Industrial terrain box, 1x buildings box (already assembled) (vow)

  • Grotsmasha: KT Challenge KT Justain (9) (vow)
  • Guardian31: 6 members of a Red Corsair Nemesis Claw and 8 Cultists (vow)
  • Heraclite: Shaeffer's Last Chancers kill team (vow)
  • Khulu: 1x Eldar Titan (vow)
  • madao: player characters from Blackstone Fortres and Escalation expansion (vow)
  • SquigPile:
    • Legion Imperialis: Astartes Battlegroup, Reaver Titan, Warbringer Titan, Thunderhawk Gunship, Xiphon Interceptors, Land Raider Proetus, Drop Pods (vow)
  • TheArtilleryman:
    • Raven Guard: 10x Tactical Marines, 10x Plasma Gun Marines, 10x Assault Marines, 10x Missile Launcher Marines, 1x Spartan, 1x Kratos, 5x Cataphractii (vow)
  • W.A.Rorie: 1x Hierotek Circle Kill Team, 1x Deathwatch Veteran Kill Team (vow)



Participants on the Randomizer List

  • Grotsmasha: Leagues of Votann (completion) (JAN) , Imperial Knights (FEB), AdMech (MAR), Chaos Daemons (APR), Sororitas (MAY), Iron Hands (JUN), Custodes (JUL), White Scars (AUG), Iron Warriors (SEP), GSC (OCT), Dark Angel Successor (NOV), Tau (DEC)
Edited by Grotsmasha
6 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:


Just remember, the criteria for a Completion is only one model, regardless of what you have actually vowed. Additionally, you get an additional 48hrs(GMT+10) after the 31st to allow for time zones.

Alright, I think I'll try to go for the 72hr overtime. Going to try and get them all battle ready at least.

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