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I definitely haven't had these primed since Friday but kept forgetting to take a picture for the Vow no siree 


I, Cryptix, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete a 2 characters, 6 thallax, 6 Castellax, and 3 Domitars by month's end.


A fair bit more than last month but I strangely find the bigger mechanicum stuff easier to paint then the thallax so I should be able to finish it.

I, gaurdian31, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to finish 1 chaos cultist:





If we can still make Plodding along vows, I have 8 other cultists and 6 members of a Red Corsair Nemesis Claw I am painting. Let me know and I will get pictures uploaded.

Somewhat late to the party but having picked up the hobby again for the first time in nigh on a decade…here we go.


I, Blissful Brushes, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to finish 1 Spartan Assault Tank.IMG_7115.thumb.jpeg.4ad77a8ba4c1b0f9e6c493fce7e48239.jpeg

It’ll be going from green to Luna Wolves as I bring back my favourite legion.


if there’s a plodding along, I have a half finished Warhound on the bench from 2013 too…



I, Reclusiarch Jolemai , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February, pledge to complete 1x Land Speeder by month's end.





To do:

  • Everything


Edited by Jolemai
5 hours ago, gaurdian31 said:

If we can still make Plodding along vows, I have 8 other cultists and 6 members of a Red Corsair Nemesis Claw I am painting. Let me know and I will get pictures uploaded.

Yep, Plodding Along can be vowed at any time :thumbsup:

2 hours ago, Blissful Brushes said:

If there’s a plodding along, I have a half finished Warhound on the bench from 2013 too…


Would love to see it :thumbsup:, and welcome to the Challenge 

I,  SquigPile, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete a Chaos Lord, a Chaos Champion, and Chaos Sorcerer by month's end.


I’m also going to start a plodding along and try to work through some of the Legions Imperialis I have sitting around.




mix party 1.jpg

LI 1.jpg

I, MadGamerAK, continue the 12 months of hobby journey. And for the month of February, I vow to finish the last of what I started last month. 1x Emperors champion and 3x Primaris eliminators by months end.


I, TheArtilleryman , continue the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete an Iron Warriors Breacher Squad by month's end.



I would also like to add a year-long plodding along pledge for my Raven Guard:


10 x tactical marines

10 x plasma gun marines

10 x assault marines

10 x missile launcher marines

1 x spartan

1 x kratos

and 5 x Cataphractii still on the sprues.



Finiehsd off the other two super heavies I didn't get done in January. Also the weather finally gave me a gap when I was in when the conditions were OK to spray, so a third of the month late I have some more stuff paintable.


I don't know if the carry over tanks count as a Feb completion, if not I'm going to commit to the  4 buildings (from my plodding along)( as my Feb target, I'm going to try for the three valdors (which I forgot about (along with their counterpart Infernus and 2 more Malcs) when setting my plodding along, but with only two and a bit weeks left I doubt I'll get them done. The Veletaris (also from plodding along) I'm not going to get done this month, but I hope to get a start on - I figure as they are wearing different armour to the rest of the Solar Aux if I adjust my plan from the experience it won't matter too much if they lasrifle sections are slightly different.


New completions:



With their friends:



Feb 'pre' image


On 1/30/2025 at 7:00 AM, Cleon said:

I was having similar problems last year - a lot of cameras have various hidden settings that try and compensate for glare and over exposure, which comes more strongly off a white (especially glossy white) background, if you try using a more neutral or darker background you might find that solves that issue as it evens out the model and the background.


On 1/30/2025 at 11:52 AM, Grotsmasha said:

I used to have similar issues, even with a light box. I switched to one of GWs cardboard folding gaming mats and have had much better results.



Well judging by how this picture turned out changing to a more neutral background did not work, the colour on the hellhammer is still of compared to in person.




Anyway, vow for February if i have not done so already is the Banebalde, I have an idea for a different colour scheme, lets hope it works better than the first.

Monday Vow update: didn't get as far as I'd have liked, mainly just got the silver basecoated for the layers of washes and contrasts coming after. Might this be the result of me getting distracted?

side-eyes freshly built unit of despoilers just out of shot 

No I haven't the brightest idea about that :whistling:


I, Nightwing , continue the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete at least one Catachan Devil by month's end.




Pictured: Private Johnny Bomar, Catachan 69th


Stripping a batch of ebay-rescues ready for the Killteam challenge next month. Hoping to land on a scheme/technique I'm happy with before then.

Edited by Nightwing

So, first Feb vow is complete.



Had these complete for a few days but didn't get around to uploading photos.  Indeed that is seeming to be one of the bigger killers of my productivity.


Anyway, having doubled my output for last month I have decided to aim big:


Continuing the month of Feburary I, Brother Argent, vow to complete:


1x Cadian New Eden Command Squad (5x Models)

1x Counts as Cadian Castellan/Creed

2x Commisars

1x Santioned Psyker (or whatever they are now)




Been nearly a year since I painted my guard (last years March for March) and the destruction of my hobby stuff at that time was the start of my hobby downfall so wish me luck to finally get these guys done.


I’m adding my plodding along to this thread now: 

I want to get my warhound done this year, ideally before June when I think we’re putting the house up for sale.

There’s also some progress on the Spartan while I’m here: 



I, Brother Christopher, finally embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and pledge, as a Plodding Along Vow, to complete one scratch-built Thunderhawk Gunship by the end of March 2025.




13 minutes ago, Brother Christopher said:

I, Brother Christopher, finally embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and pledge, as a Plodding Along Vow, to complete one scratch-built Thunderhawk Gunship by the end of March 2025.




Wish I could put both love and support for this incredibly ambitious and most excellent goal. Good luck!

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