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On 2/3/2025 at 11:51 PM, Cryptix said:

I definitely haven't had these primed since Friday but kept forgetting to take a picture for the Vow no siree 


I, Cryptix, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete a 2 characters, 6 thallax, 6 Castellax, and 3 Domitars by month's end.


A fair bit more than last month but I strangely find the bigger mechanicum stuff easier to paint then the thallax so I should be able to finish it.

Vow complete!20250216_085009.thumb.jpg.f38ee146da655bc965ec5c7ad00d8e4a.jpg

I, Llagos_Tyrant , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 6 Van Saar gangers, 2 Chaplains, 5 Devastator Marines and a Cherub, as well was 2 Deimos Predators, by month's end.





I, steamboat28, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 6 Hearthkyn Warriors, 1 Cthonian Berserk, and 1 Khâl by month's end.


I'm going using this set to test color schemes, so they're probably going to be ugly. Worth, though.


50 minutes ago, Grotsmasha said:

I ahhhh....I  maybe caved and bought a thing....




I hope you have enough teef left over to visit a Mekboy because that isn't road worthy...

Started painting these and then after I finished my freehanding, remembered to take a picture. Not much left now but some highlights and the bases but for the month of February I, Khulu, vow to finish this plasma tactical support squad:



On 2/8/2025 at 5:11 PM, TheArtilleryman said:

I, TheArtilleryman , continue the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete an Iron Warriors Breacher Squad by month's end.







February vow competed:



Vow complete, fairly happy with this simpler colour scheme and one I should be able to easily replicate on the other little tanks in due course. The amount of trim and similar details work great for drybrushing on these.




February vow finished - 1 Questoris Knight, Ser Hektor, 3 Knight Armigers (one only needs basing), 2 ratlings, and four Necron characters (Szeras, Imotekh, Overlord- repaired SK model, Orikan). 









Well, that took a lot more doing then I had hoped but At this point I have eclipsed last months total.  I'm calling my Command Squad and accompanying staff complete:





A little disappointed on the counts as Castellan but I think it might be the sculpt, not my painting.  Its just not doing it for me.


And despite heating and straigtening the banner pole before priming it, for some reason, decided to redroop over a few days.  Might need to cut and shut a pole from something else on there.  So for now I didn't paint it, other then basic colour.


Whilst I am not as happy as I'd like to be with these guys, I am calling them done and moving on.


Next up, Two field gun batteries and a Sentinel.


Given my completeion rate, probably impossible.  But I am going to give it a good crack.


Finished February!


These are all models I already had assembled and laying around, so when I rolled this faction I was excited to be able to do something with them. I decided to use them to test color schemes, so the only basing done here was something that was already assembled from a previous build. I went with plain black bases to keep distractions from the goal of color testing to a minimum.


If you'll forgive me, I'm new enough at this that I'm using this challenge for experience more than to clear a pile of shame, so here are some notes.


What I like: I love the way the greens and reds came out, the black recipe is one I'll use in the future, and I'm a fan of the orange/blue scheme even if it's not currently my vibe. The flat black Ironkin head looks more interesting than the plain silver I've been doing, and it would also look good on some Aeldari helms, I think.


What I don't: The yellow was too bright, but the washes dulled it too much. The beige cloth color looks awful with the purple armor.


Where I improved: I really impressed myself with the improvements I've made on skin during this project. I really like this recipe for this kind of reddish skin, and I'll be tweaking it for other tones.


Also, I improved greatly on glazing doing the berserk's axe blade. It took me a few tries, but I'm very happy with how it came out.


I'm getting a lot better at oil washes, too. Most of them got a black oil wash, but the white one (which I both adore and loathe) got a brown in the undersuit and a black on the armor panels. I'm missing big spots in the cleanup, but if I can fix that, I think it'll work well. I want to try this white recipe on Astartes at some point.


The red armor, though? That was an accident I adore, and will try to replicate soon. It was a darker red than I normally use, I tried to dry brush it with gold and had a little too much pressure, but it gave this weird Iron Man vibe. Going back over it with a watered version of the same red gave a great effect.





Just going to add this to my Feb vow. I have already started painting it, just forgot to add it in here. 


It's a decimator conversion, with my first bit of proper green stuff sculpting (not just cabling).




On 2/11/2025 at 9:06 PM, Nightwing said:

I, Nightwing , continue the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete at least one Catachan Devil by month's end.


  Reveal hidden contents


Pictured: Private Johnny Bomar, Catachan 69th


Stripping a batch of ebay-rescues ready for the Killteam challenge next month. Hoping to land on a scheme/technique I'm happy with before then.


Johnny wasnt it, but here is completed vow:




This was the 4th try, feeling confident I've got learnings enough for the killteam!



The following award badges are up for grabs this month,



There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic


List of Participants

  • andes: 5x Ork Kommandos + Nob (vow)
  • BadJokeAK: 1x Valerian (stubborn) (vow)
  • Blissful Brushes: 1x Space Marine, 1x Terminator, 1x Knight Pilot (vow)
  • Bob Fossil: 3x Aggressors (vow)
  • Boc: 5 Legionaries (stubborn) (completion), 5 Legionaries, 5x Nemesis Claw, 1x Rhino, 10x Terminators, 1x Norn Emissary (vow, partial completion) (SERIOUSLY)
  • Bouargh: Harlequin Kill Team (vow, completion) (SERIOUSLY)
  • Brother Argent: 2 Heavy Weapons Batteries, 1 Sentinel (STUBBORN) (vow, completion), 10x T'au Pathfinders plus drone (vow) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Brother Carpenter:  
  • Cleon: 6x Land Raiders, 2x Malcadors, 6x Buildings (vow)
  • Cryptix: 1 Archmagos, 2 Magos on Abeyant, 12 Thallax, 6 Castellax, 3 Artalax, 2 Vultarax  (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Dwango: 1 Blood Slaughterer, 1 Vultarax, 1 Wraithlord (vow), 2 Krios tanks, 1 Munitorum Crate (rapid fire dice box) (vow
  • gaurdian31: 1x Termagaunt (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER)
  • Grotsmasha: 1 mkIII Dark Angel (completion), AoA AoD Kill Team (10) (vow, completion), Bat-Ork-Man (completion), DA Phobos Strike Team (16) (completion) (ARTIFICER, SERIOUSLY)
  • Heraclite: 10x jump packs (vow)
  • Llagos_Tyrant:  
  • Lord_Ikka: 2x Word Bearers Kill Teams [12] (vow)
  • jaxom: 1x Redemptor Dreadnought (vow)
  • Jolemai: 1x Techmarine (vow, completion), 4x Terminators, 1x Teleport Homer
  • kennyjapan:  
  • Khulu: 1x White Scars Praetor (vow, completion) (ARTIFICER)
  • madao: 1x Navigator (vow)
  • MadGamerAK: 1x Emperor's Champion, 3x Eliminators (vow)
  • nightwing1511:  1x Adeptus Astartes Battle Brother (vow)
  • PeteySödes: 1x Wardog (vow
  • _Saracen: 4x Necromunda Ogryn (vow, completion) (SERIOUSLY)
  • SquigPile:  
  • steamboat28: 20 Daemonettes (vow)
  • TheArtilleryman: 5x Kill Team model (vow)
  • The Ergonomic Enginseer: 5x Terminators (vow)
  • Trokair: 16x Medusas and Basilisks  (vow)
  • W.A.Rorie:  



Plogging Along Pledges for 2025

  • Blissful Brushes: 1x Warhound (vow)
  • Brother Christopher: 1x scratch-built Thunderhaw (vow)
  • Dwango: 1x Istvaan III Armies on Parade board (vow)
  • Cleon: 
    • Horus Heresy: 1x Solar Auxilia Battleforce, 10x Veletaris (vow)
    • Legions Imperialis: 6x Land Raiders, 4x Spartans, 4x Sicarans, 1x Astartes Support box, 8x Leman Russ, 8x Artillery, 1x Auxillia support box (minus the Cyclops), 1x Industrial terrain box, 1x buildings box (already assembled) (vow)

  • Grotsmasha: KT Challenge KT Justain (9) (vow, completion)
  • Guardian31: 6 members of a Red Corsair Nemesis Claw and 8 Cultists (vow)
  • Heraclite: Shaeffer's Last Chancers kill team (vow)
  • Khulu: 1x Eldar Titan (vow)
  • madao: player characters from Blackstone Fortres and Escalation expansion (vow)
  • SquigPile:
    • Legion Imperialis: Astartes Battlegroup, Reaver Titan, Warbringer Titan, Thunderhawk Gunship, Xiphon Interceptors, Land Raider Proetus, Drop Pods (vow)
  • TheArtilleryman:
    • Raven Guard: 10x Tactical Marines, 10x Plasma Gun Marines, 10x Assault Marines, 10x Missile Launcher Marines, 1x Spartan, 1x Kratos, 5x Cataphractii (vow)
  • W.A.Rorie: 1x Hierotek Circle Kill Team, 1x Deathwatch Veteran Kill Team (vow)



Participants on the Randomizer List

  • Grotsmasha: Leagues of Votann (completion) (JAN) , Imperial Knights (FEB), AdMech (MAR), Chaos Daemons (APR), Sororitas (MAY), Iron Hands (JUN), Custodes (JUL), White Scars (AUG), Iron Warriors (SEP), GSC (OCT), Dark Angel Successor (NOV), Tau (DEC)
Edited by Firedrake Cordova

I, Cryptix, continue the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete an Archmagos, two Magos on Abeyant, 12 Thallax, 6 Castellax, 3 Artalax, and 2 Vultarax by month's end.


I swear this is the last month I'm pledging thallax, this will mark the completion of the air wing of my mechanicum. ...Still got a few more Castellax to go though, since the Cybernetica Cohort will be next to finish.

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