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Monument PA Blue Alien Skin Tutorial: https://monumenthobbies.com/blogs/methodologies/methodology-26-blue-alien-skin

There may be a short or stream with that in it on YouTube, but can’t find t off-hand.


Purple metal short might be of interest, but you would probably want to tone down the specularity/reflection/bright points for a more living material, unless you wanted to give a more metallic or super high gloss feel to the carapace:


Edited by Bryan Blaire

I tried something and it turned out pretty interesting:




Zenithal basecoat with just a very matte black then a very matte white.


The purple-pink flesh was GW Carroburg Crimson Shade.  The bluey carapace is GW Drakenhof Nightshade Shade.  Some white drybrush.


In short, it's just a Zenithal basecoat with 2 Shades/inks.  Brother Inks, are you planning a Space Hulk-themed project?

INKS, saw on the Monument Hobbies stream yesterday someone asked a specific question about edge highlighting a purple Nid carapace, so thought you might be interested (assuming it wasn’t you and you haven’t already heard this):

Time stamp is right round 1:11:00 for the question and answer (ends about 1:13:30) - thought it was applicable and a neat discussion on the color thought behind selecting some highlight colors.


One thing I’ve done starting in the last year and a half or so is to always have my paint journal (an actual physical heavy off-white ring-bound paper set) when I’m mixing my paints to record mixes that I really like and want to repeat - I fill the square with the mid-tone, record the mix, and then paint my highlighting colors (with recorded mixes) and my shadow color(s) in the block above (or I will fill two squares with the mid-tone and paint across both) so I can see practically exactly what the colors do over each other.


I was painting some zombies and really like using Rakarth Flesh for that, and ended up stumbling across a mix that looks enough like Rakarth Flesh for me to use it with ProAcryl - 1 Red Grey:2 Warm Flesh:1 Bright Neutral Grey. I then highlighted it up with a 1 drop White Blue and shaded down mixing in a drop of Mahogany (for zombies, I like the cold highlights, but warm shadows to give it more of a dead tone). I like the ProAcryl results better than mixing with GW paints because I feel like the results are more consistent over all from being able to predict what a mix is going to look like better to the actual consistency of the paint itself.


Hope that helps and if my ramble at the end was interesting, cool ( and maybe someone likes the paint recipe)!

Edited by Bryan Blaire

Jason/Slowfuse actually did a good discussion on mixing of colors all the way through to almost 1:32:00 - I like the concepts involved and doing my own color mixing now, getting away from GW’s triad system, so I think that if anyone is interested as well, give at least that chunk of this video a watch.

Edited by Bryan Blaire

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