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Hello all. Just joined the forum after lurking for a few weeks. I have been painting Warhammer miniatures on and off for years, just restarted last year after a bit of a hiatus. I mainly paint space marines, dark angels, although I’m thinking of starting a sons of phoenix army. I Decided to join in the hopes of creating a blog to help me paint on a more regular basis, even if just for half an hour a day. Except for blood bowl, I haven’t played a game in more than a few years now. but after watching a few videos on kill team, I’m interested in trying to play a few games at the local store.

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Welcome!  And don't worry, a lot of us around here don't get many games in.


Another way of getting inspired to paint can be joining painting events - last year before Call to Arms, which happens every summer, I got 1 model painted, but got 21 infantry and a vehicle painted over the event, then another 12, a vehicle and some terrain done in the rest of the year.  That said, you don't have to wait until CtA, there is a Kill Team event called Knives in the Shadows starting in March - click here for the details.  So, you might want to join in - starting with a small project is another way of helping get the creative ball going!

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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Welcome. As said @Dr_Ruminahui, events are a great incentive. I joined during BCK_vehicle challenge. And since the 2 Call to arms events boosted up my amount of painted minis. In a more limited yet still very relevant proportion, the yearly 12 Months of Hobby ruled by @Grotsmasha helps maintaining regularity with all kinds of project sizes. I do encourage you to have a look. For me it has been a real motivation.

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@Dr_Ruminahui and @Bouargh, thanks for pointing out both the kill team and monthly paint events. They both look like something I would be interested in. I rolled a few dice for my January model and came up with chaos, since I still have the chaos half of the old dark vengeance box in my pile of shame, I’m going to work on the hellbrute for January. I’ll post pics later today in the 12 Months of Hobby thread.



Thanks all for the warm welcome.

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