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1 hour ago, Galron said:

Played my game this afternoon. We had Supply Drop with Rapid Escalation. I forgot on the above list, I also had a techmarine and a vindicator.

He played the same list, I went first keeping both the JAI and Inceptors in deep strike.


My T1: I pushed my two impulsors and Ballistus up to the final objective where he had a lictor. My Lancers were in a group on the far side came out to the middle along the board edge. Preds and vindy were more towards the center. Combined shooting took out two gun bugs and damaged a brain bug as well as killing all but 2 neurothropes and the neurotyrant. I achieved containment and dropped whatever the other secondary was. His T2: He moved guys up and took all three center objectives as predicted. His shooting was lackluster and did some damage to an Impulsor who overwatched and flamered a lictor to death. He got one secondary for 5vp.


My T2: I got set Locus and whatever one where you have to take the center objective(the one with two brain bugs, a lictor and a hive tyrant on it). I dropped my jump troops behind his lines. It took quite a bit but killed the gargoyles, remaining lictor, got one brain bug down to 4 wounds, killed the last other gun bug and reduced the neurothrope unit down to just a Tyrant. His T2: He Moved guys around. His shooting took out a predator. He tried a mad dash to get every single tank I had aside from a 1 wound impulsor in close combat but failed to do any real damage in combat.


Mt3: We didnt quite finish the turn but I OoM'd the Tyranofex and killed it from the final objective giving me control of it with two Ballistus, 4 infernus and an impulsor. The Lancers killed the hive tyrant who was in combat with the vindicator. The Inceptors popped the brain bug on the center objective giving me control of it. Final two brain bugs were still in combat with my lancers. My assault interceptors killed the biovore. He achieved sabotage. He conceded at this point. We figured I was going to get 32 points primary and probably max out my secondary, He was not going to have anything left on the board after my next turn except possibly a Neurotyrant if he fell back out of combat behind terrain and hid the rest of the game.


It was an ok list. Kind of lacks style. Vindicator was less than impressive as well. I think I might drop both the LT and techmarine and bring Shrike and  another JAI squad for some uppy downy and lone op.

To some extent that much skew prevents "style" assuming we mean the same thing when we say it.  I would assume the Vindicator will perform better over time.

I wouldnt bring that list exactly again. I didnt really enjoy playing it. Our Vindicators are over priced compared to chaos vindicators without any of the benefits. I think an extra JAI with Shrike would benefit me. He is there just for the uppy downy.


Or I could bring just a techmarine, an intercessor squad and a scout squad. Would give me some sticky, an action monkey, and someone to fix things. Or instead of the intercessers and techie, the phobos LT and a reiver squad. That way I will have a couple units to take advantage of the vanguard rules.


Vanguard for sure was the way to go with this. I had rerolls out the yinyang already and the -1 to hit and the near constant -1 AP made the nerf to armor of contempt negligible.

Edited by Galron

I think the vindicator play well into their playstyle, since they keep wanting to get into melee with your tanks and vindicators just laugh in the face of that.  It's also called the Casino Cannon for a reason; some day you'll hit big!

Seems like you rolled them up quite well though.

Edited by DemonGSides
On 1/9/2025 at 9:29 PM, Tacitus said:

No, my Anvil is 415 points.  35 T5 2+/4++/4+++ wounds putting out 36 + 12 Sustained and Lethal S4/6 Anti-Monster 5+ Anti Vehicle 5+ AP - D1:   from an albeit expensive screening unit that's there for its defensive stats not its guns - 36 Storm bolters, 6 misses, 6 bonus hits, 6 lethal hits:  42 hits 6 of which already wounded.  12 AC shots, 2 misses 2 bonus hits, 2 lethal hits - 36 hits, wound on (natural) 5's = 12 woundings + 6 Woundings, 18 woundings at -0.   a measly 3 chip damage.  We still have 12 AC hits and 2 woundings.  4 Mortals, and 2 at -1 is about 3/4 of a wound.  - roughly/nearly 8 damage out of a unit that's there to screen big bugs off of objectives not necessarily kill them.

I don't think you understand how bad that damage is for the price when none of the Tyranid melee bugs are gonna care about a Terminator defensive profile. 

On 1/13/2025 at 9:43 PM, HeadlessCross said:

I don't think you understand how bad that damage is for the price when none of the Tyranid melee bugs are gonna care about a Terminator defensive profile. 


In the first place, the list given in the OP wasn't melee big bugs, but instead Shooting Big Bugs.

In the second place, all the Big Bugs are going to care about the same when it comes to 2+/4++  You're not going to find a better profile for Screening out the center objective defensively

In the third place - I was specifically pointing this out and that the damage they do is "gravy" - and you're still pretending to not understand this.

In the fourth place, you're the only one claiming Terminators are bad, others have told you you're wrong and you ignored them as well.

In the fifth place You've been confronted with the math, and still claim anyone who disagrees with you is wrong - because you say so.


Bonus Sixth Place:  What does "anvil" mean?

Edited by Brother Tyler
Provocative insults removed
7 hours ago, Tacitus said:

In the fourth place, you're the only one claiming Terminators are bad, others have told you you're wrong and you ignored them as well.

To be fair, you were also told they were bad by others and have just railed about it for two pages in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with it, so if you'd both take this make out session to your PMs I think the rest of us would be thrilled. 

Edited by DemonGSides

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