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Imperial Fist helmet iconography/colours

Go to solution Solved by Codex Grey,

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I would like to ask a question to the more knowledgeable members of the forum regarding Imperial Fists helmet colors. I am currently painting my first Imperial Fists army and was wondering what color a Fist Captain's helmet is. In this context, I would like to know in general what the different helmets look like. My current knowledge is as follows:

“Normal” troopers: bright yellow, center stripe also yellow.

“Normal” sergeant: blank red, center stripe white.

“Normal” lieutenant: blank red, center stripe white, inner center stripe red.

“Normal” captain: uncertain; blank black, center stripe white???

Veteran troops: blank white, center stripe also white (because veterans are usually deployed by the first company and white is their crest, right?)
Veteran sergeant: I don't know, same as the regular NCO?

Veteran lieutenant: I don't know, the same as the regular lieutenant?

Veteran Captain: There are no special veteran captains, right?

Is this collection complete or did I forgot other troops of the Fists as well?


My thanks for answering this question :angel:

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