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Just noticed in the webstore that the aeldarii range is under going the first moves that preceed most of release schemes.


Many sets go to repack apparently - temporary unavailable - but some other ones start being marked as sold out: waveserpent and warwalker... New kits ahead?


More interestingly the falcon is missing. Is it missing for long/victim of range rotation? Did I miss that?


Clock is ticking for sure. May be some stuff in LVO's announcements next week?

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I expect the usual reboxing and possible price increase. GW would be trumpeting any major vehicle design changes by now. I think changing the falcon chassis would also affect the wave serpent and night spinner. 

I suspect the aspects released this year were actually designed with the banshees that came out 5 years ago. 

frankly I’ve lost hope that GW cares about xenos having models that can do adult things. They can throw out another marine model to squeeze that juice. They aren’t updating those Avengers and those have horrible mold lines and the occasional helmet that isn’t symmetrical. 


“Forgetting” Karandas is either an admission or an excuse to release him long after his aspect. 

8 minutes ago, Karhedron said:

Valrak mentioned on one of his rumour videos that the Vyper is going to be refreshed as part of the new wave but he didn't mention the Falcon.

Depending how they want to change them it's 3 boxes just for the falcon chassis, which is more than half the armies get in an edition.

11 hours ago, The Yncarne said:

I expect the usual reboxing and possible price increase. GW would be trumpeting any major vehicle design changes by now. I think changing the falcon chassis would also affect the wave serpent and night spinner. 

Indeed. But if the spinner and the fireprism are still available atm it may also be becsuse of a few boxes left in stocks. And then, out. I.e. Until it lasts... But hopium is bad for health...


5 hours ago, Magos Takatus said:

If they engineered it so that the Falcon chassis was remade but the Fire Prism parts were still compatible with it that would be a huge win in my books.


That'd be excellent. I've said before, but the Falcon is one of those kits where the base design is perfect; it's just the late-2E vintage of the molding that holds it back. A refresh ala the plastic Hive Tyrant from the prior metal version (a straight translation of the design with cleaner molding and more options) would be highly welcome, and considerably easier given the kit is already plastic. I just hope they don't get too creative with the design in the process.

I remember losing my mind with excitement when Eldar finally had their own tank shown off at Games Day one year. I've never lost my love for it. Sharper moulding and a few vehicle accessories is all I ask for. I would even be happy with the old leather jackets over the armour staying.

24 minutes ago, Magos Takatus said:

I remember losing my mind with excitement when Eldar finally had their own tank shown off at Games Day one year. I've never lost my love for it. Sharper moulding and a few vehicle accessories is all I ask for. I would even be happy with the old leather jackets over the armour staying.

Yeah I love my Tank driver too !!




7 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Not seeing a lot of activity on the eldar rumorus ahed for Las Vegas. What else was rumoured to release that hasnt been showed as of yet?


- Prince Yriel
- Corsair psyker
- Jump pack corsairs ( laspistols etc.)
- Vyper, redesign more towards venom with 3 weapon options and one specific build  for corsairs ( unclear if that build is one of the weapon options or something different like a transport or something.)


edit :

Also Exodites for killteam, but, that is a newer unproven source wich should be taken with more salt. Besides, kill team isnt part of the preview anyway.


edit 2 :

Also combat patrol :

10 Dire avengers  (old)
5 Warpspiders  (new)
5 Wraithblades

Edited by TheMawr
23 minutes ago, TheMawr said:


- Prince Yriel
- Corsair psyker
- Jump pack corsairs ( laspistols etc.)
- Vyper, redesign more towards venom with 3 weapon options and one specific build  for corsairs ( unclear if that build is one of the weapon options or something different like a transport or something.)


edit :

Also Exodites for killteam, but, that is a newer unproven source wich should be taken with more salt. Besides, kill team isnt part of the preview anyway.


edit 2 :

Also combat patrol :

10 Dire avengers  (old)
5 Warpspiders  (new)
5 Wraithblades

I see. But thats a very packy wave for the eldars, right? Theres already a chaos tsunami on the way this year, lol. Perhaps they're for later down the line?


Dont get me wrong, it would get me hooked into playing ynnari, lol

The Falcon might just be being reboxed and taken out of Online Only? They did that with the Stalker for the big Necron release back with Indomitus, the upcoming Eldar release is quite plentiful so maybe they're doing a similar thing.


Also I recently bought two of the damn things, so it'll be my luck if they're being put on shelves and therefore could be discounted way more.

On 1/16/2025 at 8:13 PM, Garrac said:

I see. But thats a very packy wave for the eldars, right? Theres already a chaos tsunami on the way this year, lol. Perhaps they're for later down the line?


Dont get me wrong, it would get me hooked into playing ynnari, lol


Depends compared to what, for AoS anything up to 10 kits is called a medium sized release and thats reallistically said, even in 40k until 10th edition 11 kits wouldnt be excessive. It doesnt matter as obviously the chances of that rumor coming true, or at least for the foreseeable future, are slimmer.

While I could see Yriel being featured in an end of edition campaign ( we are there soon ) and corsairs being a kill team release ( wich already was my original expectation.) neither their solo character nor especially the vyper I'd see pop up in either. ah well.


The only suprise I could still see ( unless the rumored things are saved for new miniature mondays, but personally I think the next week preorder will be this sunday.) is Amallyn shadowguide recut as a seperate release and representing a generic ranger HQ replacing the rules of illic nightspear ( I highly doubt he stays in the codex.) as so far these have not always been shown in preview events but rather they pop up it in the next week preorder articles, they also usually evade rumors. But I highly doubt it.


Personally I do think there is a non small chance that the Wave serpent being sold out online (it already had a modern box btw, as does the war walker ) and the Falcon completely removed (wich might be a total SKU removal) could be indicative of the falcon sprue moving in with the Wave serpent into a single dual box. While datasheet or faction bloat is a highly subjective topic.. kit bloat is an actual issue for companies.



Although another sneaky existing kit change they sometimes do recently I would personally love

It makes the vehicles more alien and wraithlike and less fzero. It wont happen ofcourse, but Seeing this made me realize that what I dont like about the vehicles is easily changed personally.


edit : just to make sure, this one its not mine, its from the Blind Necromancers project from morback http://leskouzes.blogspot.com/search/label/The Blind Necromancers?m=0




Onto the topic of the war walker being sold out online, and the main reason I came back to the topic, after coming across the pictures.

If it turns out GW will purge the war walker, and I have seen them remove stranger things, I could see a motivation being either preparing the future road for Dinosaurian warwalker replacement, EC walkers based on epic (see below) or both. ( its ok, I post it here, I mentioned eldar many times in the EC topic, so its all in balance.)




But, maybe, and probably more likely, they are just adding a second set of the weapons to fit the datasheet weapon selection. ( I think that the kit is too old for sneaky cosmetic changes like we have seen happen in AoS recently.)

Edited by TheMawr
On 1/17/2025 at 2:49 AM, TheMawr said:


- Prince Yriel
- Corsair psyker
- Jump pack corsairs ( laspistols etc.)
- Vyper, redesign more towards venom with 3 weapon options and one specific build  for corsairs ( unclear if that build is one of the weapon options or something different like a transport or something.)


edit :

Also Exodites for killteam, but, that is a newer unproven source wich should be taken with more salt. Besides, kill team isnt part of the preview anyway.


edit 2 :

Also combat patrol :

10 Dire avengers  (old)
5 Warpspiders  (new)
5 Wraithblades

As long as they still have the Vyper gunner sitting side saddle, I’m all for it looking more like the Venom. Also Exodites I would love too.

On 1/16/2025 at 7:49 PM, TheMawr said:

edit :

Also Exodites for killteam, but, that is a newer unproven source wich should be taken with more salt. Besides, kill team isnt part of the preview anyway.

Probably worth a mention that Valrak's been mentioning Exodites for a while now, it's just that now a different source has come and repeated it, alongside other previously mentioned things like Khorne and Grey Knights for Kill Team. So even if these come true, this newest source will remain unproven until something they say that's exclusive to them comes true.


At least that's my understanding of it, unless all the Exodites talk has been this unproven source this entire time and Valrak hasn't mentioned that bit until now.

On 1/18/2025 at 1:14 AM, TheMawr said:



Personally I do think there is a non small chance that the Wave serpent being sold out online (it already had a modern box btw, as does the war walker ) and the Falcon completely removed (wich might be a total SKU removal) could be indicative of the falcon sprue moving in with the Wave serpent into a single dual box. While datasheet or faction bloat is a highly subjective topic.. kit bloat is an actual issue for companies.




But, maybe, and probably more likely, they are just adding a second set of the weapons to fit the datasheet weapon selection. ( I think that the kit is too old for sneaky cosmetic changes like we have seen happen in AoS recently.)


Looks like you nailed it.

So, for me, you are dangerously close of witchcraft... Or you are following the path of the Seer.

49 minutes ago, Bouargh said:


Looks like you nailed it.

So, for me, you are dangerously close of witchcraft... Or you are following the path of the Seer.


Of all the things my witchcraft could have achieved, and all the skeins I tried to temper with, from wishing exodites into existence or a corsair boxsets..

Ive sacrifised the sole souls of an entire star system and this is the one the warp gave me !? I dont even like tanks Tzeentch! :facepalm::laugh:


Edited by TheMawr

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