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3 hours ago, Usernamesareannoying said:


for some reason i keep getting a “the site can’t be reached” error when i try to access the site but only after i login. It works perfectly fine if I’m logged out. Any idea why this happens or how to fix it?

im using chrome and edge. 

Edge 131.0.2903.112

 chrome 131.0.6778.265


You appear to be the only person having this problem. If anyone else is experiencing the same problem, it would be very helpful to know (and if you can't tell us because of the problem, feel free to contact the administrators via email).


Every now and then members experience connectivity problems with the site, but those (a) tend to go away quickly, and (b) aren't specific to logged in/out. And the fact that you're posting this topic and replies while logged in (since members can't post when they're not logged in) means that you're able to access the site while logged in sometimes. So it's either an intermittent problem or it is tied to factors that haven't been pinpointed yet.


Are there specific pages you're trying to access where you receive this message? There are some pages that can't be seen by members that are logged out (i.e., these provide guidance to prospective new members so they're just noise to people that are already members). When you log in, are you doing so from one of these pages? For example, the page telling guests how to Sign Up (Create an Account) can't be seen by other members. If you're on one of those "guests (and Admins) only" pages when you log in, you might get an error message. If I recall correctly, however, the error message is different, telling the prospective viewer that they're unable to see the page. Alternately, there are some IPs that are blocked due to high spammer/spambot activity on those IPs; so if your dynamic IP happens to jump over to one of those, you might receive such a message.


There are some things we are preparing for as we lean into the Invision update, including updating our .php and moving to new (better) servers. If your problem is tied to inadequacies in either/both of those, it might be resolved when we perform the update. That's linked with Invision releasing the update, however, so we don't have a planned date for those changes since Invision is still testing things.

2 minutes ago, Usernamesareannoying said:

I’m posting from my phone. 
the issue is on my pc. 


Ah! That clears things up a bit for me.


Are you only experiencing this problem on certain page? Or is it happening on every page?

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