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Finally assembling some raveners for 10e. They’re going to be used as action monkeys and objective thieves for the most part. Is the smarter build with the save bonus or the chestguns? Leaning towards the defensive buff but I want to make sure I’m not missing some vital synergy or something. 

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Good morning.


If you want to use your raveners to do actions, the sav bonus is what you need.

Shooting weapons are only useful to ensure a few additional deaths on infantry with weak protection: gaunts, imperial guards, boys or cultists.

It's the 2 to 3 additional deaths that can make the difference on large packs to regain an objective. For example 3 melee raveners kill 10 cultists/termagants or guards in statistics.

But it is not 100% guaranteed.

You have between 15 and 20% chance of leaving 2 models alive. If this happens, the raveners being OC1, you will not take back the objective by standing on it.


If I have any advice to give you: install magnets for shooting weapons.

Even if you think you don't need it, in 10th edition, in 11th the rules may change again.

I'd agree on the saves - the shooting is pretty bad and you might shoot yourself out of charge range, while you ideally want to be surviving in a corner somewhere. In practice, the chests are barely visible and no one can tell the difference anyway - I assembled my brood with one of each chest piece. I magnetised the arms though, so I can swap to rending claws if they ever become a choice again. 

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