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Its obviously a cherub, copying images from @LSM in another forum :
What I also noticed is that the arm on the second cherub is actually really similar to a much older unresolved rumor engine ( wich I assumed was votan back then.)
Its quite possibly part of a Kill team, in a post I didnt yet make I was already theorising that some kill teams that are going away may get some rough replacements. My guess for a potential sisters of battle kill team replacement is frateris militia ( there is a skull in a box rumor engine that seems to reference an old inquisitor game preacher.)
I hope that while Im typing this Im not doubleposting it.
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43 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

Well, there is tumours of more kill teams heading our way, including a grey Knight one. This could be part of that


When combining it with :

Rumour Engine picture from July 30, 2024


Rumour Engine picture from August 13, 2024


It could be a Grey Knights Techmarine with cherub servitor(s).

It would fit the other grey knight rumor very well with a bit of a vehicle focus, and grey knights still use old techmarine+servitors as their basis right ?

edit: Small bonus points for this theory, these above two rumor engines dropped at the same time they said grey knights where still coming but next (so this) year.


As for the kill teams, its from a new unproven source apparently ( so last we heard from the old source was "swooping hawks are definitely coming in kill team" with a "oh no, they arent after all" a week later.. caught out through that info perhaps ?? ) exodites in kill team from that source makes me instant-sceptical, and with 40k corsairs rumors also hanging in the air of uncertainity.. it would be really weird if not one but all valraks sources are right in everything except eldar stuff :laugh:)

Edited by TheMawr

finally the winged thunderwolves that all the space marine chapters are getting in lieu of jet bikes. Grimnar and Guilliman went ham on collabing on that new Codex Astartes update. 

Edited by Wispy

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