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Yep I saw mention of doing something bold. Not big. I will look it up when I'm on pc tomorrow.. mobile phones are not my forte :ph34r:


Edit : went trough the entire report, there is nothing even remotely saying something to that extend. 

Edited by TheMawr

By the end of the year makes sense in a lot of ways; mainly riding the wave of SM2. It use to be that the average retention of most customers was 2-3 years; it would be interesting to see if that’s still the case in a post-Covid boom. Their sales are going up somehow, but I’d be interested to see who’s buying.

New editions always allow an opportunity to act as an on-boarding ramp for new customers, which was vital when retention was only expected to be 2-3 years.


For 11th to have any hope of not burning bridges, it has to be a 10.5 refinement of all the FAQs and Errata’s condensed into one book. We’ve only had a few resets ever, and I don’t think the rule set is so bad they need to invalidate 10th.  I believe they recently hired a new games designer in a senior position (forgive me, I forget when and who, which isn’t much use), who was impressive to the people I know and seemed to have his :cuss: together. I think he joined midway through 10th’s development cycle, so it’ll be interesting to see if that person can have an influence in 11th’s design. 
With them seemingly upping the codex releases, they’re trying to get these out as soon as possible. Normally they’d drip feed these, but it seems the cadence has increased. Getting them out before 11th seems to make sense. 

At first I thought it wasn’t feasible to get 11th out so soon, mainly because of the factory planning needed. That weird spell at the end of last year where 40K just went quiet…what if they were hammering out everything to be released Q1/Q2 this year so they can divert attention to 11th Edition launch boxes? 


Valrak’s sources have been on the money for a while now, so it’ll be interesting to see how this pans out. 


I think in an ideal world they would have the tiered starter sets ready to go for Christmas, which would mean the launch box is released a few months before, but that’s a hell of a lot of sprues to print. They overdid Leviathan, I mean you can still find it out there now, so hopefully the don’t go far the other way and availability is an issue. 

What could pull this forward is that SM2 was delayed by a year and pretty clearly meant to tie in with Leviathan - and (as others have mentioned) it would be managerial malpractice to not capitalize on video game installs with a shiny new edition to convert those to 40k customers.

I'm jumping in a bit late but here's my take on what the marine half could contain:

- x10 Tactical Intercessors

- x5 Vanguard Veterans

- x5 Assault Terminators

- x1 Vehicle: Either x1 Drop Pod, x1 "Scout Storm Speeder" (replacement for Land Speeder Storm that can transport scouts, x1 Iron Clad Dreadnought remake - less inclided for this option as doesn't match "fast attack"

- x1 Captain on Bike. He won't be able to lead anything but that hasn't stopped GW before.

- x1 Termie LT

- x1 Jump Chaplain

- x1 Ancient, either termie or jump

- x1 Apothecary either termie or jump OR x1 Techmarine in Termie, I think this is dependent on if it's a dread in the box.

The last 3 editions have all had a new basic infantry unit that we have not seen before in the start box (Intercessors, Assault Intercessors and Infernus Marines). Possibly GW will pull another rabbit out of the hat and surprise us. Things like Van Vets and Assault Termies have already been rumoured for the new Marine wave so I would be surprised to see them in a new edition starter box as well.

1 hour ago, Karhedron said:

The last 3 editions have all had a new basic infantry unit that we have not seen before in the start box (Intercessors, Assault Intercessors and Infernus Marines). Possibly GW will pull another rabbit out of the hat and surprise us. Things like Van Vets and Assault Termies have already been rumoured for the new Marine wave so I would be surprised to see them in a new edition starter box as well.

Forgive me, I am not at all well versed in Age of Sigmar, but didn't thier newest launch box redo units from their first one? Just saying there's a precedent for redos in launch boxes. Not sure I get your point about Van Vets and CC Termies? We got Sternguard and Terminators in Leviathan? Both then got multi-part kits after the initial release.

23 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

Forgive me, I am not at all well versed in Age of Sigmar, but didn't thier newest launch box redo units from their first one? Just saying there's a precedent for redos in launch boxes. Not sure I get your point about Van Vets and CC Termies? We got Sternguard and Terminators in Leviathan? Both then got multi-part kits after the initial release.

I believe the point was that we're getting the assault terminators and Vanguard vets before the 11th box, so they then wouldn't give us push fit figures. Of course these are all rumours, and as Valrak himself says, they are all lies till GW put it on the website.

29 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

I believe the point was that we're getting the assault terminators and Vanguard vets before the 11th box, so they then wouldn't give us push fit figures. Of course these are all rumours, and as Valrak himself says, they are all lies till GW put it on the website.

Well we got push-fit and multipart sternguard and terminators at the launch of 10th

46 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

Well we got push-fit and multipart sternguard and terminators at the launch of 10th

Yeah but the push fit came first by a few months. Then came the multipart kits. 

9 hours ago, Karhedron said:

The last 3 editions have all had a new basic infantry unit that we have not seen before in the start box (Intercessors, Assault Intercessors and Infernus Marines). Possibly GW will pull another rabbit out of the hat and surprise us. Things like Van Vets and Assault Termies have already been rumoured for the new Marine wave so I would be surprised to see them in a new edition starter box as well.

It would be interesting if we got some sort of shield heavy intercessors.


bolt rifles, and shields conferring a 4th wound.

and ability that causes wounds (not mortals) on a 5+ when being charged.(think like just slamming the shield into the charging models)

13 hours ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

I'm jumping in a bit late but here's my take on what the marine half could contain:

- x10 Tactical Intercessors

- x5 Vanguard Veterans

- x5 Assault Terminators

- x1 Vehicle: Either x1 Drop Pod, x1 "Scout Storm Speeder" (replacement for Land Speeder Storm that can transport scouts, x1 Iron Clad Dreadnought remake - less inclided for this option as doesn't match "fast attack"

- x1 Captain on Bike. He won't be able to lead anything but that hasn't stopped GW before.

- x1 Termie LT

- x1 Jump Chaplain

- x1 Ancient, either termie or jump

- x1 Apothecary either termie or jump OR x1 Techmarine in Termie, I think this is dependent on if it's a dread in the box.

I want new tacticals badly.  I’d be really excited for that.

6 hours ago, crimsondave said:

I want new tacticals badly.  I’d be really excited for that.

Valrak's latest rumour round up spoke about GW getting more armour marks into the mix so it could just be we do get new tactical Intercessors that's a mix of armour from mk 6 to mk X (just an example)

40 minutes ago, ThaneOfTas said:

Primaris Breachers does seem plausible

I hadn't considered Primaris Breachers. That would be very cool. Although, it would just be another niche unit. If they wrote it as wargear option for the Heavy Intercessors I wouldn't mind as much. It's an age old problem but I wish they'd do something about Space Marine datasheet bloat. I've spoken to death about this but Hellblasters, Infernus etc etc should be one datasheet.

7 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

If they wrote it as wargear option for the Heavy Intercessors I wouldn't mind as much. It's an age old problem but I wish they'd do something about Space Marine datasheet bloat. I've spoken to death about this but Hellblasters, Infernus etc etc should be one datasheet

Disagree on the Heavey Intercessor part, but that's just my own dislike of them and not relevant. Fully agreed on your larger point of the return of wargear options being desperately needed. I cannot see it happening until 12th at least though unfortunately.

Edited by ThaneOfTas
2 hours ago, Karhedron said:


But then it would run into the rule of 3.

Yes, but I'd make broader changes to the game that would not make that an issue. The game needs to be scaled back in terms of models on the board in general. Just going back to old WD articles and seeing 1500 points being like 4/5 squads tells you the points saturation we've experienced.

2 hours ago, ThaneOfTas said:

Disagree on the Heavey Intercessor part, but that's just my own dislike of them and not relevant. Fully agreed on your larger point of the return of wargear options being desperately needed. I cannot see it happening until 12th at least though unfortunately.

Yes I expect 11th to be 10.5. 12th is the opportunity to go back to costed wargear. There's an argument they might. I mean, this past edition (and 11th if it is 10.5) are aimed at getting new players in. 12th could be there for the new players to "graduate" to a more complex game. Maybe I'm huffing hopium.

I tend to stick to the rumour/opinion, that the new edition would be in fact a partial reedition, mostly introducing the changes that happened in the rules since the beginning of 10th (thank you dataslates), and therefore be rather a 10,5th Ed. And that such Ed will hit the shelves sooner than later.


As such I could perfectly see a boxed set a la "Forgebane" or "Blood of the Phoenix": a content based on mainly existing models boosted by 2 small new releases, one for each band, such as add-on characters. 

It could define also a kind of 2 alternate new "Combat Patrols" yet unreleased.


Should it be like that, I would tend to believe that the contents would aim at armies that are not yet released but that are already on the LVO Roadmap rooster. I could see a chaos faction (for example 1000Sons, with their rumoured Automata) vs. any of the announced SM force on the schedule (Salamanders, Grey knight, B. Templars...); each of the latter could come with a released character miniature or an accessory pack or a new/redone signature unit.

41 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

Yes, but I'd make broader changes to the game that would not make that an issue. The game needs to be scaled back in terms of models on the board in general. Just going back to old WD articles and seeing 1500 points being like 4/5 squads tells you the points saturation we've experienced.

If 2k is 6-8 units they can’t sell as many kits to new people.

5 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

If 2k is 6-8 units they can’t sell as many kits to new people.

No, I know that. I'm not saying GW will make that change, I'm saying that's a change I want made, via fan rules or something else.

8 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

No, I know that. I'm not saying GW will make that change, I'm saying that's a change I want made, via fan rules or something else.


If you prefer smaller games, just play at 1000 points.

5 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

Valrak's latest rumour round up spoke about GW getting more armour marks into the mix so it could just be we do get new tactical Intercessors that's a mix of armour from mk 6 to mk X (just an example)

That would be fine, for me. Anything to get more truescale marines in different armour marks. Squad doesn't even have to be good, I just want those bodies to mess around with.

I would really like an Intercessor equivalent for Devastators. Different possible Weapon Options and something that would make me forget the highly controversal Desolators.


But to be honest i am highly sceptical to see a new edition by the end of this year. I do not think it is impossible but i do not think it is likely either.



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