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The title of that Reddit post is "First Founding Space Wolves for Black Library by Igor Kieryluk" and it's artwork, not a model silhouette.


This might simply mean that there's a new story (novel? novella? short story?) from Black Library about the Space Wolves coming down the road. New miniatures would be great, of course, but a little expectation management would be prudent.

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6 minutes ago, Brother Tyler said:

The title of that Reddit post is "First Founding Space Wolves for Black Library by Igor Kieryluk" and it's artwork, not a model silhouette.


This might simply mean that there's a new story (novel? novella? short story?) from Black Library about the Space Wolves coming down the road. New miniatures would be great, of course, but a little expectation management would be prudent.

This is true, although there have been fairly reputable rumors about them, as well that we know two facts so to say. First, that the Space Wolves Codex has yet to be released, and second that each Codex release has been accompanied by at least one model. So we do know that there's at least one sometime in the future.


But I think to discredit that it would be a novel is that it is part of the 40k roadmap, so it is in the context of a Codex release (the silhouetted image, that is).

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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1 hour ago, Brother Tyler said:

This might simply mean that there's a new story (novel? novella? short story?) from Black Library about the Space Wolves coming down the road.


A short story teased in the codex roadmap? You don’t really, truly believe that, do you?

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Some of you may be misunderstanding the meaning of my post.


I wasn't suggesting that the teased release will just be a story. I was merely identifying the (probably unrealistically low) minimum based on the scant evidence so far.


The core intent of my post, however, was to suggest that people manage their expectations. It's very easy to get carried away with wish-listing when a teaser is so vague. More and lots would be great for Space Wolves players, of course, but all we know (think?) at this point is that there's something for the Space Wolves coming. Beyond that, we just don't know. Okay, some of us might know, but that is a select few that get intelligence outside the reach of us mere mortals. :wink:


Personally, I'd like to see Primarisized Wolf Guard (TDA and power armour) and proper Primaris Wolf Scouts. And a generic Wolf Lord. And another named Primaris character (I favor new ones, but GW seems intent on seeing just about every named firstborn character survive the Rubicon Primaris). I'm not sure how that stacks up to what the Blood Angels got in their release, but I hope to see something roughly commensurate with that. But the Space Wolves might get less.


Remember, hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. :cool:

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