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All 10th edition codices have come out with a new unit, so what could the Knights see if we do get a new unit? I think there are a couple of realistic options, and then I've got a personal want that would be feasible but won't happen. 


My thoughts-


Option 1 - Create a new Questoris chassis that uses the Knight Preceptor's las-impulsor and another one of the main guns (thermal cannon, avenger gatling cannon, rapid-fire battle cannon). Easy to do and doesn't require anything but making another datasheet. Not exactly exciting or revolutionary, but another option for a big Knight wouldn't be a bad thing I guess.


Option 2 - Move the current HH plastic Knight Cerastus kits to the main 40k codex, removing them from the FW Imperial Armor index list. Again, pretty easy to do and doesn't require making any new models. Again, lacks excitement and zazz, but does mean that those Cerastus chassis would probably not get overlooked during balance passes. Uncertain if this is something they would really do though- they seem to like having HH and 40k pretty separate as far as boxes/aesthetics go. 


Option 3 - Sacristan repair-priest. Single model unit that is basically an enginseer for Knights. Make them Lone Op within 3" of a Knight, and repair d3 Wounds to a friendly Imperial Knight model during the Command Phase. Only requires a single new model, and is a cheap, point-filler unit in an army full of expensive options. 


Option 4 - My personal wish, a small 5-man unit of Household Troops. Guard/Voidsmen-equivalent models that are used as infantry support for the Knight House. A unit to allow Knights more options to take actions without having to dip into Imperial Agents. 


Any thoughts/opinions? What do you think we should/will get?

I think there was some rumour about CK getting a new War Dog...wouldn't be surprised if that translates into a new Armiger for us. A proper horde clearing set up would be useful.


I mainly just hope we don't lose the Forgeworld Knights, I bought the box with two Cerastus last year and getting a friend to print the missing weapon options currently. :sweat:

8 hours ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Option 4 - My personal wish, a small 5-man unit of Household Troops. Guard/Voidsmen-equivalent models that are used as infantry support for the Knight House. A unit to allow Knights more options to take actions without having to dip into Imperial Agents. 


I was reading this and I was reminded of 2 things:


  • Recently, Chaos Knights got that Grotmas Detachment with Cultists they can eat
  • Long, long ago, when Duncan was still with GW, he did a video where they were introducing the Knights Codex and he included his thoughts how they'd have exactly Household Troops with all the pomp & circumstance


As you say, you can still dip into Imperial Agents to basically get a Voidsmen-equivalent and just convert them, but I hope you get these, it's such a fun idea and in-line with the above.  Maybe as a Detachment thing at least.  Wish you all the best on this, I think it's really cool.

I would be happy to see the plastic Cerastus kits rolled into the Codex, alongside new Armiger variants. I'm jealous of Chaos' gatling gun and claw.


I think that adding infantry units to a Knight army would be easier to manage via Detachments or Allies. I didn't see it at the time, but looked at the Questor Forgepact today and liked the way it included AdMech infantry. Household infantry would be quite cool though.

Personally, I think IF we get our codex within the same timeframe that we were originally shown (after aeldari) then my take is I would like to see an expansion to our Armigers. Currently feels really odd right and we could do with some more variants. Would be neat to give us maybe some more unique options versus the chaos versions, we don't get a melee specific armiger but instead we have a unique "hunter" armiger that has heavy weapons that are meant to help take down big knights, and possibly even go titan hunting with knights.

On 1/18/2025 at 7:27 AM, Lord_Ikka said:

All 10th edition codices have come out with a new unit, so what could the Knights see if we do get a new unit? I think there are a couple of realistic options, and then I've got a personal want that would be feasible but won't happen. 


My thoughts-


Option 1 - Create a new Questoris chassis that uses the Knight Preceptor's las-impulsor and another one of the main guns (thermal cannon, avenger gatling cannon, rapid-fire battle cannon). Easy to do and doesn't require anything but making another datasheet. Not exactly exciting or revolutionary, but another option for a big Knight wouldn't be a bad thing I guess.


Option 2 - Move the current HH plastic Knight Cerastus kits to the main 40k codex, removing them from the FW Imperial Armor index list. Again, pretty easy to do and doesn't require making any new models. Again, lacks excitement and zazz, but does mean that those Cerastus chassis would probably not get overlooked during balance passes. Uncertain if this is something they would really do though- they seem to like having HH and 40k pretty separate as far as boxes/aesthetics go. 




Unless Cerastus' rules are highly reworked, they IMHO bring strictly nothing to the Knight codex. Except the Lancer which is a very specific  tool up. Otherwise all the other ones have a very decent equivalent either as Questoris or Castellan chassis. Even if of course the latter lacks a little bit of mobility.


23 hours ago, N1SB said:


I was reading this and I was reminded of 2 things:

  • Recently, Chaos Knights got that Grotmas Detachment with Cultists they can eat


And imperial Knight too got a Detachment in the Grotsmas series where they can field Skitarii troops. They do not eqt them but it brings the OC units needed. Yet the cost to be paid does probqbly not worth it...


On 1/18/2025 at 2:39 PM, sairence said:

I think there was some rumour about CK getting a new War Dog...wouldn't be surprised if that translates into a new Armiger for us. A proper horde clearing set up would be useful.


And for Imperial knight I believe we've got  rumour of a force field bearing knight (?). Not so recent and a kind of oddball, but I think Vlarak mentionned it some months ago. Maybe before summer?


If I open the Wish-list box of mine, my personnal preferences would go toward:

  1. A Knight Character pack, allowing to get customized machine to impersonnate battle leaders; I dream of a Baron with a Ceratus power lance and a rapid fire battle caanon for example. The Resin accesorries such as the big bell or a ram one can find only would also be characerful.

Epic 40k Knight Baron - MiniWars

2. Some specific designs or weapons for mechanicus aligned knights. Not too otT, as we already have specfic tool ups such as thje Moirax or the Styrix, but something to get some alterations of their carapace weapons; or pintle moonted weapons. Maybe the force field stuff goes that way? Not as extreme as days of old Titan accesries, but something falling under that kind of concept, if you catch the idea.


Warhammer 40K: The Original Titans Of 1988 - Bell of Lost Souls


3. Otherwise the household infantery might be a third option but I feel like it might lead to a loss of army character. If you want knightly units surrounded by other types of tactical support, then you go Ork or Aeldarii, which are in my view the armies oriented to optimize than kind of mustering.


4. And finally a more strict differenciation between Chaos and Imperial knights. The former have access to many more knight designs, and it brings a favourable bias in favour of the chaotic machines. Bondsman rules are not sufficient to justify going imperial, at least how I see it.


I've been craving full mix-and-match ability since the first Questoris kit dropped. Let me run twin chainswords or whatever goofy build I want. Ideally this would be chassis-based; so freely mix and match amy Armiger weapon on that frame, Questoris weapon on that frame, and Cerastus weapon on that frame. I know it's a pipe dream, but man it would make my day.

57 minutes ago, Naryn said:

I've been craving full mix-and-match ability since the first Questoris kit dropped. Let me run twin chainswords or whatever goofy build I want. Ideally this would be chassis-based; so freely mix and match amy Armiger weapon on that frame, Questoris weapon on that frame, and Cerastus weapon on that frame. I know it's a pipe dream, but man it would make my day.

That is pretty much how the moriax works, it has five weapon options you can mx and match. 

37 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:

Do Knights need a dedicated GEQ/Swarm fighting unit?

If the Knight Valiant didn't have the anti-vehicle spear and had some sort of flail or other ccw, it would be a perfect anti-infantry platform. Massive flamer, couple of low-Strength/AP cannons on top, and a melee sweep option would clean up on infantry, including marines. 

Here’s an idea.

a mini-knight. A squire if you will.


roughly 5-10% taller than a redemptor chassis dread

M8” T9 W15 Sv2+  OC4 Ld7+

ranged weapon options

giant assault cannon type gun

A8 S6 AP-1 D3


extra big plasma gun

standard A2 S8 AP-2 D d3+1

super charged A2 S9 AP-3 D d6+1


battle cannon

A3 S10 AP-2 D3




A6 S7 AP-1 D2



A2 S12 AP-2 D5



A4 S9 AP-3 D2

Well, the Knight squires are supposed to be in Armigers, so they already have that position filled. Maybe some sort of page-type squad?


Your proposed squire unit is hovering around what an Armiger's stats are right now- more Wounds, less Toughness/OC/Move. The weapons are also similar, some details better and some worse than what the two standard Armigers/Moirax have, but nothing that really distinguishes the unit from what an Armiger is. 

19 hours ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Well, the Knight squires are supposed to be in Armigers, so they already have that position filled. Maybe some sort of page-type squad?


Your proposed squire unit is hovering around what an Armiger's stats are right now- more Wounds, less Toughness/OC/Move. The weapons are also similar, some details better and some worse than what the two standard Armigers/Moirax have, but nothing that really distinguishes the unit from what an Armiger is. 

I would also design it to look more like the GK baby carrier which would make it stand apart ;P

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