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Oh, 100% the design on both chassis - Eldar and Tau - are great, it's just the age of those moulds, and a few things that a modern kit would do design-wise to make assembly easier and less prone to gaps and overhangs. They don't need a redesign, just a sprucing up. 

I think there is a new CP coming? but maybe in a few weeks?

2 hours ago, jimbo1701 said:

Releases are all over the place this edition. Some come with battle forces, some don’t. Some release boxes come with codex and cards, some don’t. Very hard to predict what will be released in what format. Broadly I think can categorise into 3 formats:

Release box (with codex and cards in advance of rest of release) 

- Astra Militarum 

- dark angels 

- blood angels 

- emperors children 

- tau (kroot) 


Battleforce (everything released same time in 1 or more boxes, no codex/cards in the big release box)

- custodes 

- sisters 

- orks

- genecults 

- chaos marines 

- imperial agents 


Normal release (no battle force / release box)

- aeldari

- tyranids*

- space marines*

- admech

- necrons 


*Starter armies for the edition. 


No obvious pattern to the latter categories as the admech got no more models than say the sisters did but their release formats were different. They do appear to be single new models alongside existing old models for the most part. (2 of the agents ones being the exceptions) Eldar not getting a battleforce despite the quantity of new models is a bit of an oddity, however. New subfactions do seem to be the ones that get a launch box though.


From this I would predict that the armies this edition that will get boxes pack with new goodies (based on existing rumours) will be Eldar corsairs and space wolves. 


We likely won’t get launch boxes with books in for the rest of the missing factions (thousand sons, death guard, world eaters, grey knights, templars, votann, drukhari) but it’s not impossible we will get battleforces on release containing a single new model alongside existing as before. Of those releases I dare say grey knight and death guard are guaranteed single new model, but the others remain to be seen if they will get more than one. 

Chaos knights and imperial knights a bit trickier to predict given the scale / price point of the models. The space marine wave 2 that is rumoured is also tricky to predict as they may release multiple battle forces for different chapters at the same time as before. Chaos daemons are likely being rolled into the csm cult books. 

Grey Knights MIGHT see a box but I don't expect any of the others you listed to get one. Some of them are likely to get CPs or reboxed CPs. With a few models if not one plus their book. Wolves when they come will probably get a box

15 minutes ago, INKS said:

I think there is a new CP coming? but maybe in a few weeks?

Grey Knights MIGHT see a box but I don't expect any of the others you listed to get one. Some of them are likely to get CPs or reboxed CPs. With a few models if not one plus their book. Wolves when they come will probably get a box

Well all combat patrols will be replaced, that's a given.

7 hours ago, jimbo1701 said:

Releases are all over the place this edition. Some come with battle forces, some don’t. Some release boxes come with codex and cards, some don’t. Very hard to predict what will be released in what format. Broadly I think can categorise into 3 formats:

Release box (with codex and cards in advance of rest of release) 

- Astra Militarum 

- dark angels 

- blood angels 

- emperors children 

- tau (kroot) 


Battleforce (everything released same time in 1 or more boxes, no codex/cards in the big release box)

- custodes 

- sisters 

- orks

- genecults 

- chaos marines 

- imperial agents 


Normal release (no battle force / release box)

- aeldari

- tyranids*

- space marines*

- admech

- necrons 


*Starter armies for the edition. 


No obvious pattern to the latter categories as the admech got no more models than say the sisters did but their release formats were different. They do appear to be single new models alongside existing old models for the most part. (2 of the agents ones being the exceptions) Eldar not getting a battleforce despite the quantity of new models is a bit of an oddity, however. New subfactions do seem to be the ones that get a launch box though.


From this I would predict that the armies this edition that will get boxes pack with new goodies (based on existing rumours) will be Eldar corsairs and space wolves. 


We likely won’t get launch boxes with books in for the rest of the missing factions (thousand sons, death guard, world eaters, grey knights, templars, votann, drukhari) but it’s not impossible we will get battleforces on release containing a single new model alongside existing as before. Of those releases I dare say grey knight and death guard are guaranteed single new model, but the others remain to be seen if they will get more than one. 

Chaos knights and imperial knights a bit trickier to predict given the scale / price point of the models. The space marine wave 2 that is rumoured is also tricky to predict as they may release multiple battle forces for different chapters at the same time as before. Chaos daemons are likely being rolled into the csm cult books. 


It really wasn't hard to predict until now.


Tyranids and Space Marines got their big release box in the form of Leviathan so I wouldn't count them as a normal release. And for nearly every other army it was Battleforce if you only get a single new hero combined with old stuff in the box or army set if you get multiple new kits. In the case of CSM they got two characters but also two Battleforces so still the same.


So Necrons/Admech and Eldar are the only outliers. Necrons/Admech can be kinda explained by being the first factions after the big SM/Tyranids waves so they might not have wanted to release two big boxsets so soon but Craftworlds is the first one that really doesn't fit into the format. So its either because just Aspect Warriors isn't working as a theme for the boxset unlike all the other who have a clear theme (Krieg/Kroot/DA/BA/EC) or they are simply stopping that release format.

Edited by Matrindur
10 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

Now, I wasn't expecting that! And for the first time in a while (maybe since the Necron and Ad mech releases back in 23) there is no army box or battleforce for the eldar.


Also 71 datacards...are Eldar giving Space Marines a run for their money? (Expecting 64 actual Units and the rest army rules and combat patrol)


66 datasheets ( 71 -1 army card, -4 combat patrol ) , when adding just lhykis to the current datasheets there are 61, so the 5 new ones would be the Ynnari-drukhari units, wich was a rhoughly expected minimum, and with such a low number I could see them being slightly bespoke and maybe even usable in all detachments, the same way you can add a harlequin unit to a wraith focused detachment or a wraith unit in a aspect warrior detachment.. even if it doesnt exploit their full potential.. we will find out son enough.


Anyway for reference there are currently 18 viable datasheets ( this includes 7 unlikely candidates : 2 based on resin kits, 2 flyers and 3 units they could never take before... though I idly do hope Mandrakes not only stick around, but are generally available... while they add an easy ghostlyness to ynnari, how cool is it to have the helmetless avatar running with mini-me's when using the right paintjob. or give them a kabuki style scheme and expand your harlequin roster with something different... )


However those earlier numbers do ignore some other variables based on previous precedent, there are at least 3 kits I really dont expect to stay from this list :


Datasheets that could be gone :

- Webway portal, it hasnt been for sale for a while now and previouw times those terrain where legended ( Sisters of Battle and Genestealer Cults terrain, from the same time.)

- Autarch on jetbike, resin upgrade kit for a long OOP jetbike variant.. this one will almost certainly dissapear
- Illic Nightspear, regularily even forgotten by eldar fans.. its a resin kit and while it has its fans
Karandras, the forgotten phoenix lord, I think there is a narrative there and not a mistake.. however I could see narratives where it means he is gone gone. Way more iconic than illic nightspear, but so was Yarrick ( Im pretty sure Yarrick is also more iconic than Karandras to be honest.)
- Troupemaster, this one I highly doubt, but it doesnt have a bespoke model. ( but a lot of those did stay at the moment.)
- Prince Yriel, the least likely to dissapear of the resin characters, unless they do exit corsairs in a supplement/minidex like they did in 7th edition, but if they plan that then that also ends:
- Voidreavers & Voidscarred, they are never ever mentioned since the preview, they are non existent for boarding patrol, it worried me and gave me hope up to LVO that the silence was used to spring a suprise, but it wasnt, they are the core of my Ynnari ( and not just mine) I guess its not hard to use them as count-as storm guardians or kabalites but still.


Though on the other hand if those last 3 dissapear, then it does give more credit again to the rumors, and it will be rather soon as in 5 months the corsairs are no longer a legal kill team and in such a case wouldnt have a home in 40k either.


Datasheets that could be among the new ones :
( I start with the corsair subject as I ended there, not because I think they are the likeliest, GW would have mentioned corsairs if those 2 where to be true, and the others felt less likely as I was typing, but didnt want to waste the effort by just removing this part.)


- Corsair psyker, not a new one, but the one in the corsair kit getting a seperate datasheet ( if Sisters of silence can make 4 datasheets, why cant corsairs ?)
- Corsair Jumppack kill team, to be revealed tomorrow just in time before the NDA for influencers drop and just in time before kill team becomes corsairless... one of them having dinosaur pets ( I like tying weird rumors together ;)) obviously the opposite kill team would be jump pack worldeaters. I think this would actually mimic the previous corsairs reveal and release ? Let me dream one more day ;)


- Seperate datasheets for Wraithknights, at least the sword and shield build from the shooty builds ( I actually kind of expect this one.)

- Seperation of the Warpspider jumppack Autarch and the winged Autarch to cover two different roles, eldar have few enhancement-friendly characters for such a big range, but this isnt very likely imho
- Amallyn shadowguide as a generic ranger leader, very unlikely as I think when they did this before ( priests, navigator ) it was always with the codex right ? not at a random later date, but I half expected this one.

- Some weird extra datasheet coming from a kit we didnt see coming ( like what Admech got) but craftworld eldar kits are too specific and "streamlined" for that, and I dont see any options for it in others.
- Stern & Kyganil for harlequins as well as a suprise guest for ynnari, not serious ofcourse ;




GW and their appreciation of memes.. sigh :laugh: ( I now know the search uses words in the description, but it was funny when I noticed it while checking if they updated the drukhari units.... Im too impatient.)


Soon I will obsess about other things again, probably Kill Team.. or an end of edition campaign that goes nowhere ;)

6 hours ago, Tastyfish said:

I'm guessing this means the Corsair rumours probably aren't going to pan out.


Unless...dun dun DUN! They're for Heresy...

Weren't rumours ststing that corsairs would come as a second wave of releases and/or as a dedicated faction? 


Could come when the patrol box will be redone. When time will come, ie probably after eldar or when eldar CP Hachette magazine issues will hit the shelves


Just now, Bouargh said:

Weren't rumours ststing that corsairs would come as a second wave of releases and/or as a dedicated faction? 


Could come when the patrol box will be redone. When time will come, ie probably after eldar or when eldar CP Hachette magazine issues will hit the shelves



The Rumors are valraks and he doesnt really talk in certainities when it comes to the "when" of releases, he saw no reason they werent part of the current codex release up until, obviously, recently.. and has theorized it could be a dedicated faction or a later release ( end of edition campaign/next edition.) however, those where not part of the rumor afaik. But yes I have already seen it go like wildfire that he made those claims.


Its unlikely to come with the combat patrol, while very often something is released not long after a codex and not included in that codex its either something that already has an old form in the codex ( vespids and tankbustas recently for example.) or comes along another book element to deliver rules ( Ephrael stern was released a few months after the sisters of battle codex and releases, but her rules came with the psychic awakening book.)


My own theory was that the corsair rumors might be 4 different things, that coincidentally click together, but mostly because I (still) have a hard time letting go of the jump pack corsairs being for kill team.. this is because that has been in my head ever since the Swooping hawks kill team (wich I expected to be a mistaken identity thing) was rumored by valrak well over a year ago and became only stronger by every relevant rumor development since then. Though it kind of lowered with LVO as I started to think maybe it was a box after all.. but now with that out of the way we are back on track for kill team obsessing ;)


My thinking is there maybe are too many releases here to make a special edition box? 4 phoenix lords and 3 lots of aspect warriors is a bit character-heavy and also, the value of the box would be very high compared to other releases. Based on current prices for equivalent units:


4 x phoenix lords @£28 each

3 x aspect warrior units @£40 each

1 x codex at £37 (and that’s just a regular edition)


= £269 (dang that’s a lot for 19 models)


By comparison, the space marine one was worth £205.50.


… and I bet the units are more expensive on release than the existing ones.


I don’t see why they would remove Karandras. This would make them one short for the aspect shrines, but also the whole lore behind phoenix lords is they are repeatedly reincarnated via the soul of another exarch or whatever so if he died he’d be replaced anyway.

Edited by TheArtilleryman

Karandras could be a good candidate for a single release at a end of narrative campaign (though given current talk of an earlier edition change, will that take a different form), just like Farsight last edition. Guess we'll know if his datasheet survives.

55 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

My thinking is there maybe are too many releases here to make a special edition box? 4 phoenix lords and 3 lots of aspect warriors is a bit character-heavy and also, the value of the box would be very high compared to other releases. Based on current prices for equivalent units:


4 x phoenix lords @£28 each

3 x aspect warrior units @£40 each

1 x codex at £37 (and that’s just a regular edition)


= £269 (dang that’s a lot for 19 models)


By comparison, the space marine one was worth £205.50.


… and I bet the units are more expensive on release than the existing ones.


I don’t see why they would remove Karandras. This would make them one short for the aspect shrines, but also the whole lore behind phoenix lords is they are repeatedly reincarnated via the soul of another exarch or whatever so if he died he’d be replaced anyway.

Unless there's a fluff .ove to have Drazhar remove/assimilate Karandras?


That said I never expected an army launch box, I did think there could be an ork style battleforce on release with mostly older kits in.


Either way I think being sandwiched between 2 army boxes screwed them over.

15 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

Now, I wasn't expecting that! And for the first time in a while (maybe since the Necron and Ad mech releases back in 23) there is no army box or battleforce for the eldar.


Also 71 datacards...are Eldar giving Space Marines a run for their money? (Expecting 64 actual Units and the rest army rules and combat patrol)


While doing a quick and dirty revision of the potential Datasheet, based on usual and/or most recent card set structure, I reach:

  • 1 General Army card
  • 4 Combat patrols cards
  • 57 Units datacards
    • adding: the Webspider Lord
    • removing (more or less arbritarary): Illic, Yriel, the skyrunner Autarch and the Webway portal

Total 62 vs. 71 which might leave us with 8 or 9 Datacards for other stuff (depending if there is an armoury card or not).

If these cards are for Ynnari aligned Drukharis, it is a rather low count, especially if Ynnaris are restricted to these entries and cannot go and pick up in the rest of the units listed in the DE index and that are currently available... I am definitively very curious to see how it will end up.

If these cards are related to other stuff so far not teased, or alternative unit organizations, well, I am very puzzled. But I do not think we should expect in the codex stuff not already shown.

Another possibility for the Corsairs release is that it might come with the Drukhari Codex. Which I am fully aware would be something of a slap in the face to Drukhari fans unless there's also sizable Drukhari wave with them, but It seems like the next most likely place to release them this edition.

3 minutes ago, Alby the Slayer said:

Finally, some Eldar love incoming!


Very curious about the lore in the codex, about the Ynnari debacle( I still want some new lore about them) and the "new" warpspider phoenix lord/lady.



Given previous examples, don't get your hopes too high

28 minutes ago, Frogian said:

War Walkers- £50 for two
Wave Serpent/Falcon - £42.50
Aspect Warriors - £40
Phoenix Lords - £28

Interesting, so no change from the prices for comparable items on the website then.


£40 is a lot though for 5 guys, dang…

2 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Interesting, so no change from the prices for comparable items on the website then.


£40 is a lot though for 5 guys, dang…

Don't forget the statue! It comes with a whole extra 25mm base for it!

13 hours ago, Evil Eye said:


The Tau vehicles are IMO at least perfectly fine for what they need to be, though a new Hammerhead that again just refreshed the details and added in the FW turret options would be fun. 



It's been probably near 20 years since I've had one of the Devilfish/Hammerhead kits so I can't quite remember how they break down (I think the mount, Burst Cannons and SMS were on a tiny sprue) but having the Smart Missile System available in the Devilfish box would be great too (I know it's not something you'd necessarily want to do often). 


I agree the T'au and Eldar vehicles still look good, just a refresh to modernise them.


Edit: GW have added the sprues to the website since the last time I looked. The SMS is on the Hammerhead weapon sprue.


Makes sense that I'd just buy Hammerheads instead.

Edited by Hfran Morkai

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