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29 minutes ago, Jolemai said:

No Karandras is ridiculous.


Indeed. But it might be a good option for a future cliffhanger in the narrative (if I look for hopium).

Yet... removing him from the codex is still very surprising as it creates a void hard to explain. Even harder to explain with the Scorps being released last year. Neither do I buy the "scheduling issue between 2 designs teams". 


And as for Legend, can´t agree more with Karhedron... 


18 minutes ago, Redcomet said:

It is strange. Unless they are saving for some narrative at the end of 11th

If a hero is on the end-edition-update list, it would keep its ancient model and stay in codex during that edition(e.g. Jain Zar, Fabious Bile, Azreal...), until the new model arrived.


It should't be completely removed from rulebook, in the middle of that edition. 

48 minutes ago, Tokugawa said:

If a hero is on the end-edition-update list, it would keep its ancient model and stay in codex during that edition(e.g. Jain Zar, Fabious Bile, Azreal...), until the new model arrived.


Not necessarily. If the current rule for 40k product availability is, once Codex has been released, a combination of "No model no Rule" and "Everything 100% plastics", it mechanically discards any type of Resin models kept into the product rooster. If this is the games´s editor release strategy. And considering GW pattern, for me it looks like it is like that.


I know it is not an absolute rule of course: as at least Ezequiel from DA and Vulkan He´Stan for Salamander have their entry in their respective Codices and yet still have a resin model (Online Only). But may be because there is some stock left available...

But these 2 look like to me they are rather an exception as I do not see atm any other published Codex entry that is still made out of resin for any other army (Codex, not FW). Or am I missing some (may be one or two)? But even in that case wouldn´t these still remain exceptions?


I know we may disagree with GW about our acceptance of such a phasing out of Karandras from the Codex, and I also tend to think it is not the most appropriate way to deal with it... Or that it could have been dealt in a different way. But do our opinions does really matter vs. the game editor release stategy and schedule? As other said in previous posts, there is probably a plan behind.  

1 hour ago, TheArtilleryman said:



I really hope you’re wrong about this, I really do

So do I but it's due :( if it does arrive, I honestly hope it's just tweaks. I do really like 2.0 and have enjoyed the games I've played. 

11 minutes ago, Bouargh said:


Not necessarily. If the current rule for 40k product availability is, once Codex has been released, a combination of "No model no Rule" and "Everything 100% plastics", it mechanically discards any type of Resin models kept into the product rooster. If this is the games´s editor release strategy. And considering GW pattern, for me it looks like it is like that.


I know it is not an absolute rule of course: as at least Ezequiel from DA and Vulkan He´Stan for Salamander have their entry in their respective Codices and yet still have a resin model (Online Only). But may be because there is some stock left available...

But these 2 look like to me they are rather an exception as I do not see atm any other published Codex entry that is still made out of resin for any other army (Codex, not FW). Or am I missing some (may be one or two)? But even in that case wouldn´t these still remain exceptions?


I know we may disagree with GW about our acceptance of such a phasing out of Karandras from the Codex, and I also tend to think it is not the most appropriate way to deal with it... Or that it could have been dealt in a different way. But do our opinions does really matter vs. the game editor release stategy and schedule? As other said in previous posts, there is probably a plan behind.  


Leftover characters :

Vulkan hestan, Lysander, Cato sicarius, Pedro kantor, Ezekiel, Sammael, Trazyn, the 2 c'tan shards, Huron Blackheart, Lucius the eternal,


Leftover units :
Technically chaplain jumppack ( but there is a blood angels one), Lokhust destroyer lord, Tau sniperdrone handler, Vespid stingwings, Ork weirdboy, Ork tankbustas, Sly marbo


Everything bolded got a release or rumors of a release after the fact they where left over. ( this ofcourse doesnt take into account non released codexes yet.)

Up until now we didnt have releases or rumors of releases of something that was removed. ( Prince Yriel being the first.)



So yes, they made it overcomplicated again, with lots of chances of things going wrong.

So despite Ynnari and Harlequins having a faction keyword, you actually declare your faction as Asuryani for these detachments ( in fact it specifically states you cant use Ynnari and Harlequins as a faction keyword), despite neither of them having the keyword.. so to solve that there are some and/or/instead of type rules and shenanigans.


Its not good or bad, its just unnecessarily complicated, the same end goal could be achieved simpler and cleaner. And for the experienced players it doesnt matter as they get rules as intended,( I dont count myself as an experienced player), but Ive previously seen how confusing this gets for completely new players. ( When the codex came out in 9th there where several posts daily of new players who just bought themselves miniatures that cant be used together in any way, despite sharing the same faction on the box, having a similar visual theme going on and being part of the same codex... )

Pretty sure daemons will follow a similar pattern later.

Edited by TheMawr
13 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:

You've missed the fact that the names for the Support Weapon and the Heavy Weapon Platform got switched.
(The D-cannon, Shadow Weaver and Vibro Cannon are now all Heavy Weapon Platforms and the Guardian Units have the Support Weapon as part of the squad as shown in Yvraine's Datasheet).


Your analysis was premature and wrong I'm afraid. I'd seen other people say the same so you weren't the only one, but support weapons have been spoiled and they are still the platforms mounting the D-cannon, Vibro cannon and Shadow Weaver. These can all join Guardian Defenders units now (one support weapon per unit). That's why they are referenced on Yvraine's datasheet.


A few more datasheets and a couple of detachments have been spoiled too. There's also been a stealth update to yesterday's article; fate dice have been changed to 3/6/9 depending on battle size (rather than 2/4/6). Not sure if that will appear in the codex (i.e. it was just a mistake on WarCom) or if it will be an early update.

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 14.23.17.png

53 minutes ago, Widowmaker82 said:


Your analysis was premature and wrong I'm afraid. I'd seen other people say the same so you weren't the only one, but support weapons have been spoiled and they are still the platforms mounting the D-cannon, Vibro cannon and Shadow Weaver. These can all join Guardian Defenders units now (one support weapon per unit). That's why they are referenced on Yvraine's datasheet.


A few more datasheets and a couple of detachments have been spoiled too. There's also been a stealth update to yesterday's article; fate dice have been changed to 3/6/9 depending on battle size (rather than 2/4/6). Not sure if that will appear in the codex (i.e. it was just a mistake on WarCom) or if it will be an early update.

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 14.23.17.png

In what way “spoiled?” They seem to be ok changes to me

I quite like the support weapon rule. Adding them to Guardian Defender squads gives them a bit more firepower and gives the support platform some extra ablative wounds. Presumably once the meatshield Guardians are dead, any extra attacks against the Support weapon go back to being resolved against its T6. It also makes sense of the restrictions on the Farseer, no more magic 6s to trigger Mortal Wounds on the D-Cannon.

19 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

In what way “spoiled?” They seem to be ok changes to me


Yeah spoiled just means leaked.


The rules look fine to me. I quite like the special rule for the shadow weaver causing mortal wounds if the unit subsequently moves. Just glad it's not the same as the Night Spinner (-2 to move/charge).

Falcon data-sheet leak appears to show scatter lasers getting Sustained 1, which is cool...


Starcannon is still an unfortunate and awkward 2A S8 2 damage. The AP-3 is nice, but needs something extra (ideally damage 3) before I'd consider swapping a lance or cannon out for one. Not surprising, but a bit annoying that it's still paying for the sins of 3rd edition.




The Good Doctor.

I am new to Aeldari (long-time Imperium player, but just started collected CWE with my son this year), but even as a beginner, it seems to me that there will be some pretty ridiculous Eldar combos, based on leaks we have seen so far.

A prime example of this is from the new "Aspect Host" detachment and the new Phoenix Lord, Lhykhis. It appears that, once Lhykhis shoots an enemy unit, then all other attacks (ranged and melee) against that unit get Critical Hits on a 5+ for the rest of the turn. Combine this with a unit of, say, 10 Fire Dragons (who get full re-rolls against vehicles now) and the new "Preternatural Precision" stratagem from Aspect Host which, if you also expend an Aspect Shrine, can give an Aspect Warrior unit both Sustained Hits (1) and Lethal Hits. Assuming that their weapons stay similar, you can have 10 x S9 AP-4 Dmg D6 (Melta 3) shots with Lethal and Sustained Hits (all activated on 5+s to Hit). Using the full re-rolls, some quick tests indicate that they can reliably kill a C'tan in a single round of shooting, which is a very difficult thing to do. Similar combo can apply with other shooty Aspects, like Dire Avengers, Dark Reapers, Crimson Hunters, etc.

Time will tell if you Aeldari follow their long-held tradition of being overpowered when their new Codex first comes out, but combos like this certainly make me think that they will at least have some amazing punch capabilities!

There are some powerful combos to be sure but the Spiders + Fire Dragons combo will probably come in at around 400 points (500 if you get a Wave Serpent which you will probably need to deliver the Dragons). While it will melt almost any large target, it would be crazy overkill against Infantry. In fact getting value out of the combo depends on your enemy bringing a 300+ point Monster or Vehicle. I am not saying it is good or bad, just that it is an expensive rock, particularly if you opponent brings lots of paper units.


Eldar have always had the ability to field highly specialised units and have always relied on synergy between units for maximum effectiveness. For fewer points, you can bring a couple of Fire Prisms which are almost as good against vehicles, more effective against infantry and can shoot from far back meaning you don't need to put your fragile infantry up close to the enemy. Time will tell whether some of these killer combos are effective in the long run.

Yeah, it wouldn't be like Eldar would have any other unit that would be devastating to infantry, elite or otherwise, like Banshees all the sudden getting D2 on all their swords standard or basically never missing. That definitely wouldn't happen. 

1 hour ago, L30n1d4s said:

Time will tell if you Aeldari follow their long-held tradition of being overpowered when their new Codex first comes out, 

Just remember that the only time Eldar weren't "good" was 5th, and they were still upper mid tier to lower high tier at that time. Probably because they didn't receive a codex as otherwise they'd 100% have gotten stuff to make Grey Knights look like child's play. 

2 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:

Have the Ynnari Drukhari Datasheets leaked yet?


Not that I could find, these and corsairs are the ones Im most curious about... especially corsairs.


Whats funny is that one of the most interesting datasheets Ive seen is of the kit that I find possibly the least interesting in the range. Three datasheets actually, but the fact that the big cannons can join the guardians, opens up some conversion ideas having some big other species buddy running with the crew (already looking for candidates.. the small base than the support weapons footprint might be a bummer there.), but then I also need to make some corsairy guardians... more projects! ;)



Looking over the internet and the complaints of ynnari losing "so much" though, the only remotely realistic datasheets ynnari didnt gain is Hellions and Scourges, and especially with Hellions it got me thinking that if GW has them in the update process for somewhere down the line, it is the kind of kit that might radically change, Same with scourges and their equipment layouts, battleline like wyches and kabalites usually dont really change their identity and Incubi are already new.

Mandrakes and epic heroes was always likely an index mistake, to wich someone probably said "wait, lets leave it.. its good for the sales of the new kits."

I'm not an Eldar player but from the outside looking in, wouldn't it be easier to make Ynari a supplement to Aledari/Drukhari codexs? Seems like trying to shove to many thing into one codex. Just a random thought. 

A complete leak has shown up now.


Drukhari units appear roundly unchanged, other than the characters:


Archon is '-1CP Strat once per round' and while Leading, unit's attacks re-roll 1's to wound or re-roll all if shooting below starting strength.


Succubus gives unit Sustained 1 and Fights first if below starting strength.


Ynnari units do have Battle Focus, so that's something I guess.


Corsairs also unchanged, and no Battle Focus. Womp womp. Frankly mystified by that... I'd think if clowns can Battle Focus and Rangers have it and Ynnari have it... why the carve out for this one random unit?


Reaper launchers are now much closer to interesting IMO: Starshot is 1A 3+ S:10 AP-2 Dmg3 Ignores cover, while starswarm is 2A BS3+ S:5 AP-2 Dmg1 Ignores cover. Also Exarch missile launcher goes to BS2+, making it way more comparable to the other options. I'm glad I'm cracking a box of 5 this week : )


Dragons are not 18" base range as somewhere rumoured... still 12".


Scorpions also lost Devastating wounds, instead getting 5+ Criticals on the charge instead. Annoying, but understandable. It looks like the Exarch weapons have all changed as well - claw looks like 3A on 3+ S8 -2/2... chainsabres arein there as 5A twin-linked sustained 1, and the biting blade is sustained 1? 4A S5(?) AP(illegible, but looks most like a 3 to me) and damage 1... So yeah - weird.


Warlock Conclave is 2-4 unit size and their destructor attacks and strength go up for every friendly psycher within 6". As a unit they can lead Guardian infantry. They give the unit they lead -1 to be wounded.


Warlock Skyrunner is unit of 1-2 that can lead windriders and gives them ignores cover. Shuriken cannon bikes with warlock could be strong anti-Meq and light vehicle/monster choice methinks.


Shining spears are damage 3! Also they ignore vertical distances when moving... feels decent!




The Good Doctor.



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