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I've been getting back on the horse with regards with my Heresy era Ultramarines, so adding to my collection and focusing on character.


This is my latest work, Praetor Vorenus:










A lot of work to create a sheathed blade and used a 40K Ultramarine drawing a blade.


Gameplay theoretical:



• Paragon Blade

• Lightning Claw

• Mantle of Ultramar


Any tips on ways to represent those blades as effective weapons for a Praetor beyond a pair of power swords?


Gameplay Practical:


He's gonna be alongside a bunch of Invictarus Suzerain, like jumping out of a Spartan. They'll have plenty of AP2 but also crucially a couple Thunder Hammers.



Edited by Captain Idaho

Looks excellent - what was the base model?


For the twin swords, I'd say that paired lightning claws are a great shout, or use as a paragon blade when you feel like it. 


Dual claws is maybe not the most 'competitive' (hawk tuah) choice, but is cool and fits the model, and synergises with the lots of AP2 in the suzerain unit. WS6, shred and rending 6+ has also allowed my LC praetor to go after dreads when he's been feeling bold and chip the last couple of wounds off. Definitely the most cinematic option! 

Edited by Xenith

Thank you, good response.


You know, I've forgotten how cool Rending was regarding 3rd edition/HH style rules!


I think you've got me there, I'm doing it! Rule of cool. Plus plenty of AP2 flying about in melee with other choices anyway.


6 attacks is pretty good, 7 on the charge.


6 hours ago, Xenith said:

Looks excellent - what was the base model?


Thank you, must say I've been inspired by seeing you and Jol's Heresy models to put effort in for mine.


Here's the base model:




With careful green stuffing and the drawing blade from this guy:




Wasn't easy to make work, as well as the sheathed blade at his waste, nor as clean as could be. But was great to see him finished.


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