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I've been getting back on the horse with regards with my Heresy era Ultramarines, so adding to my collection and focusing on character.


This is my latest work, Praetor Vorenus:










A lot of work to create a sheathed blade and used a 40K Ultramarine drawing a blade.


Gameplay theoretical:



• Paragon Blade

• Lightning Claw

• Mantle of Ultramar


Any tips on ways to represent those blades as effective weapons for a Praetor beyond a pair of power swords?


Gameplay Practical:


He's gonna be alongside a bunch of Invictarus Suzerain, like jumping out of a Spartan. They'll have plenty of AP2 but also crucially a couple Thunder Hammers.



Edited by Captain Idaho

Looks excellent - what was the base model?


For the twin swords, I'd say that paired lightning claws are a great shout, or use as a paragon blade when you feel like it. 


Dual claws is maybe not the most 'competitive' (hawk tuah) choice, but is cool and fits the model, and synergises with the lots of AP2 in the suzerain unit. WS6, shred and rending 6+ has also allowed my LC praetor to go after dreads when he's been feeling bold and chip the last couple of wounds off. Definitely the most cinematic option! 

Edited by Xenith

Thank you, good response.


You know, I've forgotten how cool Rending was regarding 3rd edition/HH style rules!


I think you've got me there, I'm doing it! Rule of cool. Plus plenty of AP2 flying about in melee with other choices anyway.


6 attacks is pretty good, 7 on the charge.


6 hours ago, Xenith said:

Looks excellent - what was the base model?


Thank you, must say I've been inspired by seeing you and Jol's Heresy models to put effort in for mine.


Here's the base model:




With careful green stuffing and the drawing blade from this guy:




Wasn't easy to make work, as well as the sheathed blade at his waste, nor as clean as could be. But was great to see him finished.


Yes yes yes! And put pics up of course!


Yeah the drawing sword gives a menacing narrative to any model.


On the topic of miniatures kitbashing, does anyone have good suggestions for Marines holding a sword two handed?


I'm looking to work on anyone Aerion Mersaror kit bash and one of his iconic art pieces shows him wielding his blade in two hands.

Is it this image of Mersaror you're aiming for?


r/Warhammer40k - digital art selected for the #.


If so, I'd suggest looking at Stormcast Eternals Vanquishers for some appropriately-sized double-handed sword poses. I can't think of many other ranges that would give you arms long enough and hands large enough to look appropriate. The linked box (pic below), should give you a couple of options that can be kitbashed with Terminator arms and a new sword haft/blade – in particular the chaps at the top right and bottom right.





If it's absolutely got to be Space Marines, then I think the Dark Angels Inner Circle Companions might be a good place to start. I think these will work well for gauntlets and forearms, but the poses will be too tight for a Terminator – though given your conversion chops evinced above, I don't think you'll struggle:


Inner Circle Companions


Inner Circle Companions


... and because I couldn't resist, here's my take on him, from way back in 2015(!)


Edited by apologist

Oh wow I forgot how good your Merasor looks. He's great.


What did you use for a head? My friend is 3D printing me a head so I'm cheating a little :laugh:


Your suggestions for arms are perfect. I'm eyeing up the Vanquisher at the top right already. 

On 1/29/2025 at 10:31 AM, Captain Idaho said:

Yes yes yes! And put pics up of course!


Yeah the drawing sword gives a menacing narrative to any model.


On the topic of miniatures kitbashing, does anyone have good suggestions for Marines holding a sword two handed?


I'm looking to work on anyone Aerion Mersaror kit bash and one of his iconic art pieces shows him wielding his blade in two hands.

Grey Knights are the obvious suggestion here. Two-handed sword and halberd poses in power armour and two-handed halberd poses in terminator armour.

Edited by TheArtilleryman
On 1/29/2025 at 12:04 PM, Captain Idaho said:

What did you use for a head? My friend is 3D printing me a head so I'm cheating a little :laugh:


It's an old Sanguinary Guard head, I think. I trimmed off the hair/halo, and shaved the brows flat, then used a little greenstuff to create a new forehead/nose. Looking forward to seeing your take on the character :)

Yeah I've got a few heads on the way from the magical trading post ebay, so we'll see if I can work something.


I was going to do similar with a bit of a trim of features and green stuff'ng the needed features.


If not I can fall back to 3D printing but it's a last option as I enjoy modelling. 

Edited by Captain Idaho

Cor that wasn't easy but did it this evening after a botched attempt previously. 


So using this as a guide:




I worked on the following head:




In progress...




And finishing up with the following:




It's still wet and needs a trim in places but I'm really happy with it. Can't risk handling it for a better pic. Maybe tomorrow!


Gonna finish it tomorrow with some work on the rear part of the helmet.

Edited by Captain Idaho

Right oh, finished Merasor's helm. Actually really pleased with how it came out from the original model. The shine and white marks will cover nicely once painted. 






I've also been working on his sword. Needs a little smoothing out but is actually flatter than the pics appear due to lighting etc. Paint job will fill that one too:




Silly think needed a lot of work as it is more gladius Ultramariney now. The blade was even cut off and reattached to the hilt.


This will be the toughest part of the model. If it doesn't work with Cataphractii armour and arms easily I'll just go with a Combi-bolter and power swords as that's still accurately representative. :smile:

No pics tonight as it's been a nightmare and I'm now in bed whilst things dry!


Fitting the head in place required a lot hacking and sawing due to size issues which took up time to be accurate...


...but then getting the sword in place between 2 arms was a nightmare. Most if not all Cataphractii arms and shoulders are angled away from the body but those that aren't were unsuitably structured as Lightning Claws.


So experimenting and hacking and green stuff all night. Ultimately I tried 2 older style plastic Terminator arms I had already cut the weapons off as a base, then attached shoulders plates. All was good until I tried to straighten bits and the sword snapped at the hilt.




Although he looked menacing, the model crucially didn't have the shoulder tassels that Cataphractii are supposed to have and the art consistently showed.


Fixing the sword whilst the arms were covered in green stuff was too much in the end and it was all removed.


The pose will be shown tomorrow but it's essentially Twin Bolter and Sword from the standard kit. This isn't terrible as it's exactly what he looks like anyway in all art bar the front cover I was originally going for.


He looks good and will look great painted... but man I wasted a few hours tonight.

Edited by Captain Idaho
  • 2 weeks later...

Wanted to post this up sooner but the little trinket purchase from Ebay hasn't arrived. Very frustrating as I want to paint it bad!


Anyway, here is my work on Mersaror.








I'm pretty proud of it as it has plenty of homage to the art:




And the trinket in question:




Basically the closest thing to such I could find was the Devastator sergeant power sword. Which hasn't arrived rather annoyingly so I can't paint it until I have that little thing. If anyone has any alternative ideas that are closer to said trinket, let a battle-brother know :smile:

Edited by Captain Idaho

Quite proud of this model now. Finished the work on it and have been smoothing out the work for painting.




Post trimming but better angle on said trinket.




Note the little trinket added hanging from his right pauldron. Sternguard body chain and a little Imperial Eagle from the aforementioned Devastator sergeant power sword.

Edited by Captain Idaho

Thanks. Within my skill bracket, it's probably the accurate I could manage but I think a solid homage to the art.


Looking forward to painting it up.


Here's a query... the tassels dangling from the shoulders and front skirt aren't on the art, though I didn't have much choice... was thinking of red to match the rest of the army of mine.


But maybe a brown or grey? What do people think?


Actually thinking either a black or a white to match his white pauldrons.


Though honestly... black for subtlety is winning in my head.

Edited by Captain Idaho

Finished him! Here is my version of Aerion Mersaror:




And using slightly different emphasis to get less warmth on the gold (closer to actual real view):








Light exposure was hard to deal with but I'm very happy with the result. The white makes photos far too warm or less exposure dulls the rest of the miniature. I'll see if I can do a better photo!


Bonus cookies if you can guess where the little powered unit came from. :smile:


Edited by Captain Idaho

Think this is a better photo:




I'll stop obsessing now :laugh:


Next up, I'll shaded the bases of the collection but I fancy working on a Contemptor. Multi-melta or Lascannons is the question.

Edited by Captain Idaho

That's lovely - the head/helm works really well and I'm also a fan of the little teleport beacon thing on the base! Are you going to keep the Combi-Bolter blue, do you think?

I am. Whilst all of my 30K Ultramarines are black bolter'ng, the graphic novel he has a blue bolter so that's where I went there.


Odd really but I made it slightly darker so it didn't make my teeth itch too much!

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