Karhedron Posted January 25 Share Posted January 25 Now that the new Codex has been fully leaked, I am starting this thread for a general analysis of all our new toys. This is for everything from broad impressions to deep-dives on individual units. I am going to get the ball rolling with HQs. Autarchs. No longer generate CPs but instead give the same ability as SM Captains to reduce the cost of stratagems to their unit. The Skyrunner has gone and the Wayleaper no longer has Lone Operative which greatly changes the way you want to use them. They can now join Aspect Warrior squads which is a big bonus. You now want them in Aspect Warrior squads to reduce the cost of vital stratagems, particularly in the Aspect Host. Overall upgrade although the loss of the Lone Op and Skyrunner options is sad. Eldrad. This guy is now our CP generator but you will need either a Guardian squad or a Warlock conclave to bodyguard him. He is not as good or effective as the old Wayleaper as he is more expensive, requires a Bodyguard and really needs to be within 18" of the enemy to be effective. I can't decide if he will become a fixture of every list like Calgar and Azrael or if the tax for taking him is too high. Farseers. Reworked since Fate Dice have gone. They give a squad of Guardians a single reroll (but not to support weapon platforms). They have also replace Fortune with Guide which now means they need to be within 18" of the enemy to use their abilities. This greatly limits their utility supporting home Objective Campers. Quite a downgrade. Spiritseers. Now work like Techmarines. They gain Lone Operative near Wraith units and can buff/heal any nearby squads. If you are bringing Wraith units, you will want one or two of these guys. Overall upgrade Phoenix Lords have generally seen an upgrade with most getting improved offensive profiles. The only 2 downgrades are both defensive. Asurmen has downgraded his 3++ to a 4++ and Fuegen has lost his FNP (although he retains his resurrection). Overall these are still good leaders for their Respective Aspects although Karadras is now so stealthy that the Codex writers apparently couldn't find him. Lykhis. The new PL on the block deserves an entry all of her own because she rocks! Warp Spiders have been toned down slightly in losing Devastating Wounds. Their improved AP means they will now struggle against units with a 2+ save. Lykhis dials the Spiders right back up to 11. As well as impressive offensive profile, her biggest special rule is that any unit she Hits suffers Critical Hits on a 5+ for the remainder of the turn. I cannot emphasize how big a buff this is. All Shuricannons have Lethal Hits and all Scatter Lasers have Sustained Hits. There are also lots of abilities and stratagems that give units these abilities and Preternatural Precision gives both! You remember how strong the Aggressor Bomb was with Fire Discipline? Lykhis can give a similar buff to significant chunks of your army in one go! I can see her a bodyguard of Spiders being a staple in a lot of armies. Even if you don't want to build your whole army around this, Lykhis and the Spider Exarch have lots of Lethal Hits attacks meaning they can easily mop a target in melee after mauling it with shooting. Emperor Ming, N1SB and Xenith 2 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emperor Ming Posted January 25 Share Posted January 25 I do have a worry, some of the new guard stuff looked good, then got crushing points hikes before its even out, now there just ok, some even falling into the 'meh' category Im certainly not making any list changes or purchases until i know updated points Saying that, i think ill drop wraithguard, not sure on max 5 Eldrad seems to sound like a huge investment for cp gen Yannri being locked out of taking Eldrad Plords and avatar is disappointing N1SB 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090368 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Father Ferrum Posted January 25 Share Posted January 25 Farseers & Eldrad needing a Guardian bodyguard and needing to be comparatively close to the enemy isn't a massive issue since every Guardian squad can Fade Back for free without turning off Fade Back for anyone else. Get within 18", use Guide. Enemy turn, if they get shot you can skitter back behind cover or out of assault range. N1SB 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090398 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 25 Author Share Posted January 25 The other option for Eldrad is a Warlock Conclave (which can also be added to a Guardian squad ala Victrix Guard). Eldrad plus 4 Warlocks are easier to hide, get -1 to Wound on incoming attacks, fit in a Falcon and get super-Destructor attacks (4D6+8 attacks at S7, Ap-1). I agree though, it does get pricey for +1 CP. Daemonic Brother and N1SB 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090438 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Father Ferrum Posted January 26 Share Posted January 26 ...Fade Back is a Normal Move. Could you embark a transport with a Fade Back move? N1SB 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090464 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 26 Author Share Posted January 26 6 hours ago, Iron Father Ferrum said: ...Fade Back is a Normal Move. Could you embark a transport with a Fade Back move? Yes, I think so. The Goonhammer reviews also mention this a couple of times so that seem to be the consensus. Iron Father Ferrum and N1SB 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090499 Share on other sites More sharing options...
N1SB Posted January 26 Share Posted January 26 Brothers, what do you think of the Wraith units, from Guards to Lords to Knights, with Spirit Seer backup please? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090587 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 26 Author Share Posted January 26 I am liking the look of Wraith units a lot. Wraithguard/blades have lost a point of Toughness but T6 2+ is still pretty durable and they have some nice rules in terms of Fall Back and Shoot or Fight on Death. Wraithlords are pretty good in a fire support role with some goodmelee deterrent against anyone trying to threaten your backfield. Take 2 with dual Brightlances and glaives and they can either hold your backfield or move up as your second wave. Spiritseers really benefit from the new Lone Operative rules and a single Seer can now support a couple of units while being effectively immune from Precision. Wraithknights are also good fun. The Sword and Shield variant is a simple wrecking ball that you can hurl into your opponent's lines and demand a response. The shooty version is also great. I quite like the Heavy Wraith cannon + Suncannon build. N1SB and Dr. Clock 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090600 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clock Posted January 26 Share Posted January 26 22 hours ago, Karhedron said: The other option for Eldrad is a Warlock Conclave (which can also be added to a Guardian squad ala Victrix Guard). Eldrad plus 4 Warlocks are easier to hide, get -1 to Wound on incoming attacks, fit in a Falcon and get super-Destructor attacks (4D6+8 attacks at S7, Ap-1). I agree though, it does get pricey for +1 CP. I think 4xwarlocks in a falcon is a cool choice, but I'd likely not add farseer or Eldrad to them alone, because that unit is dead as soon as almost anything targets them. Full conclave plus Storm Guardians is also something I wanna try to rush centre as an Overwatch threat, but I can't tell whether it's going to make sense to add the farseer to those full conclave units when I tend to think of 200 points as the cap on what I'm comfortable spending on a 'functional unit'. 10 storms + 4 conclave is 210... but with the farseer on there you just know it's gonna draw more fire, and you're going to be down 1 effective unit. It definitely feels like I'm dropping like 2 farseers from my old 'Ulthwé' list > I usually had 1 on bike as solo, 1 on foot and Eldrad, and then baseline 2 defender squads. I'm okay with the idea of usually just having Eldrad hanging out in 1 unit of Defenders midboard. Still seems like a decent debuff piece and as Wraithlord minder. He's just gonna try and doom something tempting for my prism and WLord while the Aspects do their dodge and weave thing. Generally my approach now is just pumping up my Aspect numbers in general since at first blush they do seem pushed above the other stuff. That said, I will certainly give a more traditional guardians-and-seers focused list a go just as soon as I can complete a bitzbox-raided storm squad to do the Conclave thing and the Defender/farseer thing all at once. 1 hour ago, N1SB said: Wraith units, from Guards to Lords to Knights, with Spirit Seer backup please? Seems decent. It's intriguing that in essence the Spirit Seers are immune to Precision. Seems like maybe in general wraith units are overcosted if taken without care for the Psychic Guidance requirement, but pretty much fine or even good if you have a plan for that. Correspondingly it seems like there's a good economy of scale you can achieve by running just 1 or 2 spiritseers and deathballing 2-3 wraith units around them for that overlapping guidance. The Spiritseer heal is okay, but it's not really why you're taking them I'd say - more just to have the skill buff bubble. I have too many fond memories of my WLord to leave him home very often, and I'm allergic to the idea of no seers or warlocks in a list, so my list will still often start with Eldrad, Defenders and WLord at baseline. I'm looking forward to running my WKnight now and again, although it doesn't seem particularly excellent. Locally we are getting more interested in games that are basically '2500 points but minimum 1 model worth 300pts or above', so in comparison to other units in the points range our Knights seem eminently reasonable. I have no experience or expectations re: Wguard. They do seem good in their bespoke detachment, but maybe not so much outside of that. Cheers, The Good Doctor. N1SB 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090615 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 26 Author Share Posted January 26 Wraithguard/Blades can work well in a support role in any Detachment, they don't need to be in the Spirit Coven Detachment to be effective. An Axe/Shield unit is a great durable brick for holding midfield Objectives or bullying units off them. Wraithguard with Cannons work in a similar way to Fire Dragons but are far more durable as well as longer ranged. Wraithguard with Scythes have some of the most terrifying Torrent weapons in the game and are a perfect target for the Overwatch stratagem. Scytheguard are also handy in that they can function without psyker support if needed. I would not field them in large numbers outside of their bespoke detachment but a couple of well chosen squads can add some much-needed durability to our fast but fragile units. They also work surprisingly well in our Grotmas detachment. If you are specialising in an armoured spearhead, there is some value in tough infantry. It means there is nothing below T6 in the army and your opponent's small-arms fire is largely wasted. Kryczek, N1SB and DemonGSides 2 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090629 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron Father Ferrum Posted January 27 Share Posted January 27 I have zero Wraiths. I have usually favored a more Ulthwé-ish style but I think I'm going to start with an Aspect Host with plenty of armored support. See how it goes. N1SB 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090653 Share on other sites More sharing options...
N1SB Posted January 27 Share Posted January 27 Oh wow, really love these ideas. Those are excellent practical points. I'm going to take time to digest this, thanks a lot. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090701 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bouargh Posted January 27 Share Posted January 27 It is not really a tactical analisis, but I looked the changes for War Walkers and Vypers with a puzzled eye. Getting both entries set now with unit sizes at 1-2 is, I would not say puzzeling, but eventually questionable. At least I raised an eyebrown. To me, it looks like a tentative to equilibrate the access to HW (other than Scatter laser and Shuriken cannon) for Aeldari, underlying an untold statment that they do lack these and that Aspects or other tools availables are not granting the required amount of lethality required. Inclusion of Battery weapons into Guardian squads is for me relevant of the same tendancy. Aeldari lacked structurally of access to hard S/AP weaponery and it is maybe a way to counter balance. I may like it (As I love both Vypers and Walkers), but I am not sure it is the most elegant way of solving it. In the end it might lead in extreme ways to some very standardized armies. But I might be over interpretating. In that sense, I foresee an increase of use of Wraithguards as an alternative. The very few games I had in 10th already taught me how powerfull these lads can be, whatever kind of D-Scythe o D-Cannon these constructs bear. Being now both included into the Hachette CP magazine and (aparently) future Patrol box... And they bring punch. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090704 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 27 Author Share Posted January 27 War Walkers look to have been bundled up in pairs now, not sure about Vypers. My guess is that this is to match other light entries such as ATVs and Sentinels which can be fielded in squadrons (although why 1-2 rather than 1-3 I do not know). I have never found access to heavy weapons to be a problem for Eldar. with Falcons and Wave Serpents both bringing decent firepower for their points and then access to more specialised units like Fire Prisms, Wraithlords etc. Vypers now bring an important rule in the shape of "Suppress". You can select one target hit by an attack and slap a -1 to Hit on it until the start of your next turn. This is really good if you opponent has brought any particularly big units or any that carry guns particularly valuable to your centrepiece units. Since you have to score a hit, I can see value in putting something like a Shuricannon or Scatter laser on here just to make sure that you get that hit. War Walkers on the other hand allow friendly units to get an extra Ap-1 when shooting at the same target that they have hit. Both abilities are valuable but Eldar already have access to plenty of high AP attacks so I think I would lean towards Vypers for the ability to suppress the enemy. However I can see a lot of value in War Walkers in an army using the Guardian/Avenger host Detachment. Speaking of firepower, it looks like the Brightlance is still the king of the heavy weapon hill. Missile Launchers and Starcannons occupy and awkward middle ground. Shuricannons and Scatter Lasers are available as chin canons and on bikes so can be spammed without taking up slots on more valuable platforms. Xenith 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090722 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted January 27 Share Posted January 27 2 hours ago, Bouargh said: Inclusion of Battery weapons into Guardian squads is for me relevant of the same tendancy. Aeldari lacked structurally of access to hard S/AP weaponery and it is maybe a way to counter balance. I may like it (As I love both Vypers and Walkers), but I am not sure it is the most elegant way of solving it. In the end it might lead in extreme ways to some very standardized armies. But I might be over interpretating. It feels like Stu Black and the 40k design team flailing around more than anything. They got rid of the force org chart so you can build whatever army composition you like without the guardian tax...and now make it so you need one guardian squad per Support weapon. Very much like unrestricting heavy support choices in order to let you take the models you want...then dropping war walkers down to 1 model units, so you can take 6 less than you used to be able to. Kallas 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090732 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 27 Author Share Posted January 27 (edited) Moving on to Aspect Warriors, most of the Shrines seem to have had a significant glow-up (with the understandable exception of Warp Spiders). The first change is that those little Shrine statues are now tokens which can be spent once per game to turn a single Hit or Wound roll into an automatic 6. In most cases this is just a nice little bonus but it can become very powerful if the Squad contains a Phoenix Lord. For example, you can trigger Devastating Wounds on Asurmen's sword or Maugan Ra's Maugetar. In the Aspect Host these tokens really become potent though. Firstly they can be used to double-charge the Preternatural Precision stratagem allowing you to gain 2 bonuses instead of one. Imagine stacking Sustained Hits 1 and Lethal Hits when targeting a unit that has been webbed by Lykhis and this scores Crits on a 5+! An ever sneakier use is to use Preternatural Precision on a squad of Fire Dragons with Fuegen to give Sustained Hits 1. Then spend a Shrine Token to give Fuegen a 6 to Hit. That doubles the firepower of his Searsong and allows him to melt a Land Raider by himself. This will probably be overkill against more targets but if you find yourself facing a Knight army, your Fire Dragons can pretty reliably melt 2 targets if you need them to. Dire Avengers now get 4 shots at 18" range and get Sustained Hits 1 at up to 9". They go up from 70/140 to 75/150 but are definitely worth it. In fact I can see these replacing Guardians in a lot of armies. 5-man squad make great action monkeys and a 10-man squad with Asurmen is a powerful unit, particularly with his free Fire and Fade ability. Asurmen's move counts as a Normal move meaning they can jump out of a Wave Serpent, hose a target and then jump back in again. I expect to see this unit a lot. Fire Dragons go from 90/180 to 100/200 but gain full rerolls to Hit, Wound and Damage against Monsters and Vehicles. This makes them incredibly reliable and see the trick with Fuegen above. The issue remains that they are a fragile unit that needs to get close to the enemy. However, careful use of Fade Back to get into cover or even jump into their Transport will help to keep them alive better than in the old rules. The Exarch now gets the option of a Fire Axe and Pistol which are actually worth considering as the Axe has 3 Attacks and does D6 damage. The Fire Pike will probably remain the default choice but the Axe is definitely worth considering, particularly if the squad also contains Fuegen. Because of their built-in rerolls, they work at full power, even when not part of an Aspect Warhost. Howling Banshees have lost an attack each but their swords are now 2D damage and have anti-infantry 3+ which emphasizes their role as elite infantry killers. Their price has gone from 70/140 to 85/170 but their killing power against MEQs has gone up by roughly 50%. Banshees natively get to Charge after Advancing or Falling Back so Jain Zar's ability to automatically Advance 6" is a powerful addition to the squad. If they start off mounted in a Serpent or Falcon, they can disembark for 3", Move 10" with Swift as the Wind, Advance 6" thanks to Jain Zar and then charge 2D6" for a total threat range of 21 - 31"! Edited January 27 by Karhedron Xenith and Mordekiem 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090766 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 27 Author Share Posted January 27 Striking Scorpions go from 65/130 to 75/150 but gain Scout 7", Stealth and AP-1 on the chainswords which feels like a real trade up. Mandiblaster no longer grant Devastating Wounds though, instead they trigger Crits on a 5+ which does stack well with the Sustained Hits 1 on the chainswords. This makes Scorpions better blenders against lighter infantry but they will have a harder time cracking anything with a 2+ save. 75 points for a unit to help screen the midfield and push back enemy Infiltrators is a pretty good and you can then use their Scout move to either pull them back to safety or threaten an exposed unit or Objective. I can see myself taking a 5-man squad with a Claw Exarch in every list as they are a nice, self-contained little package. You could consider going to 10-man and adding an Autarch for free stratagem usage since Karandras is not so stealthy he has sneaked off to Legends. Swooping Hawks have come down from 85/170 to 75/150 but have lost their important Skyleap rule (although they can get it back from Baharoth). Instead they can now generate Mortal Wounds on a unit within 8" at the end of each Move to represent their Grenade packs. Each model in the unit generates an MW on a 4+ but they cannot then be targeted by the Grenade Stratagem. This is a very different use for the Squad but free MWs without requiring CPs is always good. Their shooting is the same although the Exarch gets a range of shiny new guns to choose from. Baharoth has the Cloudstrider ability which is basically the old Skyleap rule but allows landing within 3" (or maybe 6") of the enemy (with the usual no-charges caveat). On the turn Baharoth enters play from Reserve, any successful Hit scores a Critical Hit. This is very tasty since he has Lethal Hits on his shooting profile and Sustained Hits 1 on his melee. Dark Reapers stay the same price at 85/170 but get a significant improvement on their Starshot profile which goes from S8 to S10 and 2 Damage to 3. This means that they can now function in a ranged anti-tank role and make pretty good backfield Objective Campers. Maugan Ra goes up 5 points but gets an extra point of AP on his shooting profile. His special rules have completely changed though. He now inflicts a Battleshock Test at -1 on one unit that he hits. He also has a special rule that if his entire squad shoots at the same target, the target suffers D3 MWs on a 5+. Also, every unit within 3" also suffers D3 MWs on a 5+ which can punish units that bunch up or Lone Operatives hiding out near friendly units. This is an interesting rule but the fact it requires a 5+ to trigger makes it feel too much like a gimmick for me as a lot of the time it will do nothing. Mordekiem and Mithrilforge 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090788 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clock Posted January 27 Share Posted January 27 Yeah - this really does feel like Codex: Aspect Warriors, but not in a terrible way... Here's my new starting-point Ulthwé Warhost list, based on rumoured points: Lhykis + 5 Spiders Wayleaper + 5 Spiders Eldrad + 10 Defenders 1x10 Dragons + Serpent 1x5 Avengers + 1x5 Banshees + Serpent 1x5 Reapers 2x5 Scorpions 2x5 Rangers 1x3 Shroudrunners 1x3 Windriders 1x Fire Prism 1x Wraithlord This list turns out marginally less expensive than it is 'now', purely due to the Spiders points drop. It has quite a few combos it can set up in a stack or separately, depending on how wide/tall the enemy is. It has good skirmishing, tonnes of speed, and good to great output if you can get into correct targets and combo efficiently. Honestly I've been running a list very similar to this all edition, to good result. The big difference is dropping second Defender squad + farseer for more dragons and Lhykis. 4 hours ago, Xenith said: and now make it so you need one guardian squad per Support weapon. Pretty sure you can just leave them on their own and not join if you don't want to... If anything I'd put one in a storm squad for the a 5++, then add the -1 to wound Leader (who gets Protect again? Conclave?). That group overall is gonna be a bit expensive though, but they'd be somewhat interesting to reserve up a flank and then come on and blast something down a fire lane, and maybe even survive for a minute. 4+/5++ I find from AdMech is just enough that it's not trivial to wipe 10 of them. Cheers, The Good Doctor. Karhedron 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090805 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kallas Posted January 27 Share Posted January 27 1 hour ago, Karhedron said: Their shooting is the same although the Exarch gets a range of shiny new guns to choose from. This is one of those things that I really dislike about the Codex. I haven't been keeping up with 10th much, but Eldar are one of the few I have been paying attention to - and the new slew of Exarch weapons that are...marginally different from the base weapons is annoying. Adding more profiles that are just slightly different and force you to roll more batches of dice is one of those things that was supposed to have been trimmed down on in 10th, but instead we're seeing more of it - and frankly, an Exarch's Lasblaster being +1S and +1AP over a regular Lasblaster is nice, but just unnecessary. I am happy about Shining Spears no longer being utterly trash. Start of 10th, they hit like wet noodles, but now they actually damage things and their Extreme Mobility rule for ignore vertical distances is really handy. Kryczek and Xenith 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090811 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted January 27 Share Posted January 27 2 hours ago, Kallas said: the new slew of Exarch weapons that are...marginally different from the base weapons is annoying. Adding more profiles that are just slightly different and force you to roll more batches of dice is one of those things that was supposed to have been trimmed down on in 10th, but instead we're seeing more of it Yea, when chainswords, power swords and power fists are all 'relic weapons' with identical stats in a vanguard unit, melding the spinneret rifle into a base profile would have made sense. I recall it used to have pinning in 4/5/6th ed, but now it's just longer range? Kallas 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090845 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 27 Author Share Posted January 27 5 hours ago, Xenith said: They got rid of the force org chart so you can build whatever army composition you like without the guardian tax...and now make it so you need one guardian squad per Support weapon. @Dr. Clock is right, you can take Support Weapons on their own if you want to. In fact a Shadow Weaver at 50 points is not bad for 5 T6 wounds and indirect fire. Park it out of LOS and just make a nuisance with chip damage and by slowing stuff down or risk taking MWs. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090885 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMawr Posted January 28 Share Posted January 28 Some clarifications asked for those who understand rules better : - Am I understanding correctly that the corsair units, while lacking Battle focus do have battle focus when led by Yvraine or the Visarch ? and if not, does this then not also mean Guardians lose battle focus when joined by a Support weapon ? - And likewise, while its clearly not "as intended" but am I understanding correctly that when lead by Yvraine and or the Visarch, corsairs are able to be transported by Raiders and Venoms ? to explain why I think so : In contrary to all other transports, wich target <keyword> models, these datasheets reference models from <keyword> units... while this might seem irrelevant, the rules also say that a leader+bodyguard unit, as an unit, have all the combined keywords, and since both Visarch and Yvraine are keywords, a unit they join are also considered having that keyword. So, a corsair unit lead by Yvraine is an Yvraine unit ( but they are not Yvraine models.) since the requirement for riding the Raider is not "Yvraine model" but rather models from an "Yvraine unit" they can ride it.. right ? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6090947 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bouargh Posted January 28 Share Posted January 28 12 hours ago, Karhedron said: @Dr. Clock is right, you can take Support Weapons on their own if you want to. In fact a Shadow Weaver at 50 points is not bad for 5 T6 wounds and indirect fire. Park it out of LOS and just make a nuisance with chip damage and by slowing stuff down or risk taking MWs. Aditionally, putting a support weapon in a guardian squad gives you a wound buffer, but does it makes sense for indirect fire weapons? guess no as it is a trade off between more wound and a high exposition to LoS. An indirect shooter is maybe better used if well hidden. But I cannot read the keywords on the HW platform DS... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6091016 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 28 Author Share Posted January 28 43 minutes ago, Bouargh said: Aditionally, putting a support weapon in a guardian squad gives you a wound buffer, but does it makes sense for indirect fire weapons? guess no as it is a trade off between more wound and a high exposition to LoS. An indirect shooter is maybe better used if well hidden. I guess that the Vibrocannon is a good choice for putting in Guardian squads as it is direct fire and D6 S9 Ap-1 2D shots is never a bad thing. Probably best in a Guardian Warhost where you will want to be taking lots of Guardian Squads anyway so that you can stack up on the Vibrocannon hits. Shadow Weaver and D-Cannon are still good, even if you don't end up using the indirect mode (they are more accurate on direct fire too). The other thing to remember is that even if you are not trying to hide the support platform, your enemy may still have units that they want to hide from your shooting. Dropping some Indirect fire on those pesky Action Monkeys (Action Mon-Keighs?) that are quietly racking up VPs for your opponent can be very satisfying. Dr. Clock, Iron Father Ferrum and Bouargh 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6091024 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 28 Author Share Posted January 28 Moving on to vehicles, the Wave Serpent has gone up in price from 110 to 120 points. It has changed its Shield rule from D3 MWs once per game to -1 to Wound when attacked by >S9 attacks. Overall I think this is probably an improvement as you really want your Serpents to be delivering their cargo and then surviving as long as possible to reposition, score and generally make a nuisance of themselves. Twin Brightlance and Shuricannon is probably the optimal loadout but if you are confident that you have enough anti-tank, I can see value in an all-Shuricannon loadout, particularly if you have Lykhis around to give you Crits on a 5+. Best used for getting Banshees, Fire Dragons, Wraithguard/blades or Avengers where they are going in a hurry. The Falcon goes up from 130 to 140 points and keeps the same rules which feels a bit of a shame. Also the Fire Support rule was most strong on Fire Dragons but since Dragons now get full rerolls anyway, they don't really need it. Might be useful with a squad of Dark Reapers hopping out, shooting at the same target to get Wound Rerolls and then using Battle Focus to hop back in. Another option is using its Deep Strike ability to drop a Warlock Conclave close to the enemy and then hit them with 8+4D6 S7 Destructor attacks with full rerolls to Wound. That should put about 10 wounds on a squad of MEQs before they throw their Singing Spears. The Fire Prism sees a drop from 170 to 155 points but this comes at the cost of weakening the Linked Fire rule. If a Prism uses the Linked Fire rule, the shot goes down to just 1 attack. This means using the rule will halve the firepower of the main gun! By way of consolation, the Dispersed mode gets an extra point of AP so it is now a lot better at mowing down MEQs. The Fire Prism is still good and rivals the Gladiator Lancer for points efficiency but there is certainly less incentive to run multiples and use Fire and Fade now. The Nightspinner has taken a hefty price cut from 210 to 180 points which is just as well as I don't think I ever saw anyone running one at the old price. Like most monofilament weapons it has swapped Devastating Wounds for AP -1 which is a definite downgrade although makes it a bit more reliable into light/medium infantry. The main rules remain unchanged and I don't see this getting much use. Mordekiem and Dr. Clock 1 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/385162-new-aeldari-codex-analysis/#findComment-6091028 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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