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This will likely just be a vanity thread, but I just wanted to show off my first fully painted & assembled mini, which is one of the Thunderwolves. Apologies for the bad photo quality as I took the pics with my iPhone.


The coloring is very basic, no real shades or layers, just Corax White for the fur, Leadbelcher for the mechanical parts, Abaddon Black for the claws, nose & foot pads, Mephiston Red for the tongue & cybernetic eye, Wraithbone for the teeth & Tuskgor Fur for the saddle. I have yet to paint the riders as I haven’t fully committed to a color scheme (I have been very focused on my Ordo Celestia project), but I do plan on painting the other wolves & the riders at some point. Anyway, let me know what y’all think & any suggestions & feedback is greatly appreciated & as always thank you & God bless.

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Looks good for a first go :smile: 


For what it's worth, it looks like your camera was insisting on focussing on the table - maybe the model was inside the minimum focussing distance? It might be worth having the phone a bit further away, and then cropping the image down to just the model?

1 hour ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Looks good for a first go :smile: 


For what it's worth, it looks like your camera was insisting on focussing on the table - maybe the model was inside the minimum focussing distance? It might be worth having the phone a bit further away, and then cropping the image down to just the model?

Yep, took my way too long to realize this. You have to be at least a foot away in a lot of cases.


Also, a very easy way to add contrast would be to wash the whole model with Agrax Earthshade and then just carefully and lightly drybrush back up each surface with the original color.


The base colors are neatly painted, and it is a little scary at first to start taking on extra stages at first, but a simple wash/drybrush will both blend and provide contrast to the base layers.

Finished another mini, this time it’s Kaldor Draigo.


…or at least that’s who the base model is. This time around I experimented with layering over bases & small detailing. His armor is Auric Armour Gold layered over Balthasar Gold & I’m really happy with how it turned out. His sword is Fenrisian Grey layered over Leadbelcher & his gun is Thunderhawk Blue over Leadbelcher.  I tried layering Thunderhawk over Leadbelcher for the sword, but I didn’t like it, so I layered Fenrisian over it & liked it less, so I painted over it with Leadbelcher then layered it with Fenrisian. I also put magnets in his head & neck so I can switch heads, but I currently don’t have any alternate heads I like yet.

Looking good, definitely better than my first! Keep up the good work, as long as you keep painting stuff and enjoying it, you'll be amazed at what you can do after a bit.

  • 1 month later...

That wolf looks cracking for a first miniature, nice job! I think the others are right about the camera being a bit too close to the model. It took me ages to start getting semi-decent photos.


Nice work on Draigo too, if I may offer a suggestion, it would be to do a blue filter over the gold (I typically use the Guilliman Blue shade, but I see that it's no longer produced). Blue can make the shine a bit less raw and give the metal a more aged look. Alternatively a red or purple filter can make it look more warm which would work well with robes of similar colours. Metallic paints can be filtered  and washed to create nice effects really easily, making them my favourite to work with. 

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