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My bud and I grew weary of the update-mania of the current edition system. 4th Edition 40k, while not perfect, seemed to be a sweet spot. We're looking forward to playing with a ruleset that's inexorably locked in the past, without any model inflation issues, and drips with nostalgia for an era neither of us were wargaming in. With an agreement to start with the venerable Space Marine codex, we started building 1,000pt armies - his Salamanders, my homebrew chapter (which I have waxed about elsewhere on B&C - on a thread that desperately needs an update!): the Cardinal Guard.


I quickly banged out a strictly codex-compliant force consisting of a Captain and Command Squad (complete with Apothecary, Standard Bearer, and Company Champion), Dreadnought, 2x 5-man Tactical Squads, a 5-man Heavy Bolter/Plasma Cannon Devastator Squad, and an adorable Lascannon-armed "Blast-Piggy" Razorback for the brass.


Models are 3D printed, from a variety of sources, aiming for true scale - the various makers' work will be obvious to those who have surfed the purple site and the broader network - IYKYK.




They're roughly Primaris size, and tower over a printed standard human, while still maintaining all the attributes of the classic MkVII armor silhouette. Finding the right scale was a trial-and-error process that took three individual prints to find the goldilocks zone.


After that, I worked on a test scheme Marine. As a non-painter, I mostly use speed-paints and the tried-and-true methods therein. I won't win any painting contests, but the workflow is fast enough to scale to my level of motivation and free time. Simple as a tri-color zenithal, wash with Druchii Violet, all-over drybrush, then application of my Army Painter Speedpaint colors by the panel. A largely brain-dead approach to painting models that look like they might have volume from 3ft away. In general, the tops of the arms, shoulder pads, and head get the most light, while the legs, body, and bolter tend to subtly push darker.




With a test model in the bag (he was originally destined to be a Salamander!), I printed and assembled the two Tactical Squads who will make up the core of force. These are Tactical Squads Andreus (right) and Mattean (left) - 1st and 2nd Squad of 5th Company, Cardinal Guard "The Lords of Winter". I waffled on their special weapons (Plasma Guns and Meltaguns both cost 10pts) and left the gunners of each squad unarmed at this point. In addition, the marines would later see their shoulder pads replaced with gothic-numbered ones.



Over the weekend I resolved to knock out First Squad - starting with the eponymous Sergeant Andreus. This was the challenge to nail the first model and ensure the workflow was refined. The extra time committed to him, ironically, has him looking the sharpest of his fellows.




Not pictured is his Lectitio Divinitatus, on his back hip - each NCO and Officer of the Cardinal Guard is a minor Chaplain, ordained by the Adeptus Ministorum, holding the rank of "Velocitari". The numbered shoulder pads are now visible, as is my attempt at a simple free-hand for 5th Company's marking on his tilt-shield. I decided to migrate weapon casings to the cold-ashy color of the helms and shoulder pads - the black doesn't quite stick out enough with an already dark scheme. With Andreus complete, I cranked out his squad:



Not horrible! Definitely not winning any prizes, but they look great from the tabletop and have me pumped to work on Squad Mattean.


My TBD list is as follows, for now:

- Tactical Squad Andreus (complete)

- Tactical Squad Mattean (printed, unpainted)

- Ancient Lacrioso (mid-print)

- Devastator Squad Donetal (partially printed)

- Captain Marius Patrenaro (TBD)

- Command Squad Marius (TBD)

- Razorback (TBD)


Happy Hunting!

Edited by TheSpeckledTrout
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1 hour ago, Brother Christopher said:

Interesting stuff. The Marines - for whatever reason - bring to my mind the take on SM armour from Dawn of War 2.


Post facto they do have very Blood Raven colors - something I realized past to point of no return!

2 hours ago, Brother Christopher said:

Interesting stuff. The Marines - for whatever reason - bring to my mind the take on SM armour from Dawn of War 2.

The chunkier shape of the chest plate and legs is very reminiscent of some space marine artwork that I just can’t place - I know I’ve seen pictures of marines looking exactly like this before but I can’t find any right now. Doing my head in

19 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

The chunkier shape of the chest plate and legs is very reminiscent of some space marine artwork that I just can’t place - I know I’ve seen pictures of marines looking exactly like this before but I can’t find any right now. Doing my head in


I was flipping through the 4th Edition SM Codex - this Crimson Fist has similar proportions.



Update from the weekend - photos inbound later this week.


Tactical Squad Mattean is painted, still awaiting the finishing touches - basing and varnish. Ancient Lacrioso, 5th Company's Dreadnought, is assembled and awaiting paint. Devastator Squad Donetal is partially assembled (heavy bolter linked ammo is fiddly). The Razorback is still awaiting fabrication, and Command Squad Marius is still in concept phase. A little more than 50% complete with the 1,000pt Demi-Company. 

Squad Mattean is all wrapped up!




Like Squad Andreus before, this is a bare-bones Tactical Squad equipped with a plasma gun, and the Sergeant with a power sword. Nothing incredibly special, just a compulsory troops choice.




With both Ancient Lacrioso (Dreadnought) and Devastator Squad Donetal ready for paint, it'll be a toss-up as to which I hit next. The demi-company's Razorback is slowly fabricating. All the characters of Command Squad Marius and the Captain himself will take some time - I want to get them just right in the fabrication phase, where I can make some very deliberate design choices.

It looks like your exposure is a bit off (probably being thrown off by the background at a guess).


I've had a go at lightening them to show the detail a bit better (hope you don't mind!):




Edited by Firedrake Cordova
20 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

It looks like your exposure is a bit off (probably being thrown off by the background at a guess).


I've had a go at lightening them to show the detail a bit better (hope you don't mind!):




Nice, thank you! My photo set up doesn’t amount to much more than printer paper and a phone camera.

With vacation at sea (and time away from work and hobby) imminent, here's a quick sneak peak of what's next on the painting table - 690/1000 points complete!


Devastator Squad Donetal

Looking crispy and ready for the paint - my favorite models in the force so far!





Razorback (Name TBD, "the Gun-Piggy"

Scaled up to absolutely dwarf a plastic Rhino chassis - can now conceivably fit six dude +ammo




Ancient Lacrioso (the Siege Hammer is just a Dreadnought CCW w/ Heavy Flamer)




The Force So Far

Pretty crazy to think that this is what 700 points looked like twenty years ago - army bloat is real! All that's left to fabricate is my glorious command element.


Edited by TheSpeckledTrout
  • 2 weeks later...

Devastator Squad Donetal done!


Though the painting grows monotonous, it's offset by the growing satisfaction of watching a group of painted models expand.


I'm hoping that this squad will be a lynchpin of my 1,000pt force. In terms of modelling, there was a bit of a mental hurdle to overcome. This isn't a 30k Heavy Support Squad, or a Primaris unit - it's a classic Devastator Squad, no need to match all the heavy weapons. In the case of Squad Donetal, that meant Heavy Bolters and Plasma Cannons. In terms of capability, they're well equipped to tear up my opponent's Tactical Squads, have a fighting chance against his Terminators, and may be able to get some pot shots off on his Dreadnoughts. More than anything else, it's just a cool combination.







Next up, Ancient Lacrioso, 5th Company's Dreadnought.


On 2/18/2025 at 12:40 PM, TheArtilleryman said:

Great stuff here once again. I love the prints.


Do you have a pic that shows the size difference between the printed Razorback and a normal one?

Gun-Hog v. Plastic Deimos Predator



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