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If you are not yet a member of this club and would like to join, please contact the administrators by private message.


Welcome to the Adeptus Bloggus club, a club dedicated to improving the blog experience at the Bolter & Chainsword. This club is a continuation of a private message discussion conducted among the administrators and community members who, at the time, had B&C blogs with more than 10 entries or who had external blogs (clicking the link will only work if you were in that conversation :wink:). We saw that the discussion was branching out and had the potential to become very complicated, so a club allowed us to explore the issue more efficiently and effectively.


This club will definitely remain active in the short term until we get the blogs where we want them. The club may remain active indefinitely, however, as an ongoing method for evaluating and improving the blogs.


For those of you that are participating in a club for the first time, you'll see that a club works as a sort of miniature version of the Bolter & Chainsword. We have selected the features that this club has based on the perceived needs of the club (i.e., a discussion forum and gallery images). Clubs, too, are an underutilized feature, but they provide members of the community with great utility in their pursuit of the hobby, especially in terms of running special projects such as this.

Edited by Brother Tyler
Removed requirement to contact Admins to join the club
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Note that I've changed this club from Read-Only to Open. As Read-Only, everyone could read the discussions, but only members could participate and you could only become a member if you were invited. After thinking about it more, I expect to pose some questions to members that don't own blogs and I don't want them to have to go through the hassle of requesting to become members. So now, anyone that wants to help make the Blogs feature better can join this club without needing to be invited.


There are some discussions that are/will be reserved only for members that own blogs, either here at the B&C or elsewhere. These will be described as "Blog owners only" in their titles. Replies from non-blog owners in those topics may be removed (though they may be retained if we think they are relevant).


Similarly, there will be some discussions that are/will be reserved only for members that don't own blogs. These will be a little different as there will probably be points/questions made by non-blog owners that blog owners may want to address. As a general rule, the goal in these discussions will be to gain an understanding of why non-blog owners don't own blogs. While I expect that there may be some attempts at persuasion, I don't want to try to hard-sell people on creating blogs (though I am unashamed to admit that I'm a huge fan of them and you should create one :wink:).

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