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Hi - After reading the stuff about Aeldari on the material published her or there on Internet (ie before getting access directly to the genuine material) it led my thinking about what might happen to the dark counter parts of the Craftworlders.


Here are my expectations, or better said, my wish-list.



What do you expect/wish?

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I also expect the Court and beast pack to be gone. 

Tantalus to be moved to Plastic simply because there is no big impressive vehicle for DE

Corsairs to be more prominent in DE


Detachments I expect:

Original detachment no one uses will get some buffs

Sky Splinter as the big transport centric detachment with some better buffs

Kabalite, Wyche and homunculi oriented detachments

Corsair Detachment(only because codex eldar didnt get one)



True Born brought back 


Greatest Fear:

Scourges will be armed like the box comes which will make them useless. 


Two Combat Patrols, a box of Mandrakes, three Venoms and Drahzar. Maybe Lilith and some Wyches. A pair of Chronos/Talos. 

Thats a good start to the army and some effective units. 

We havent heard even a whisper from GW about a release for DE so I think we are looking at end of the year at the soonest.

2 hours ago, INKS said:

let me ask this: If you started today, what would you buy? Or how would you start?


I agree with @Galron, 2 patrol boxes are likely to be a good investment and a good value for the money. For expansion I would however favour reavers.

My baseline hope would be for plastic Court, Beast Packs and Grotesque kits.


A plastic ‘Vect / Generic Archon on Tantalus’ kit is hitting wish list territory.


I dislike Vect as a character but he’s tolerable means to an end.


I just don’t like Corsairs. I will be disappointed if we get stuff shoe-horned in for them while missing out on quintessential Drukhari units.

My prediction based on the Macharius and the Rogal Dorn Tank is that the Tantalus will be phased out and the Drukhari will instead get a vehicle that is uglier and power crept into being more effective. Bonus points if the underside of the vehicle is missing for... reasons. Either that of the Tantalus will be sent to the Horus Heresy to add insult to injury... somehow. :teehee:


I was sitting here thinking "The Scourge kit is perfect, it needs no changes", then some people here pointed out that there isn't enough weapons to equip the squad properly and they may get "finecast tankbusta syndrome" and end up with a poorly equipped squad with poor internal synergy. I hope now that they do get a good update with more weapon sprues included before it's too late.

Or they simply "fix" and "improve" scourges by letting them be equipped with 1 dark lance, 1 haywire blaster, 1 heat gun, and 1 splinter cannon or follow the DKoK squad confusion and have several blocks of weapons to choose from but no more than 1 weapon from each section and no doubles unless you have more than 5 guys but still no more than 2 of the same weapon to a maximum of 4 special weapons and now we have to take shard carbines.

I'm pessimistic about what we'll see for Drukhari this edition. A medium to large release with existing resin  units moved to plastic would be fantastic but I just don't see it  happening this time, this is all on gut feeling though and GW are more than welcome to make me look like an dummy here.


In terms of wish listing though what I'd really love to see is the return or Trueborn and Bloodbrides as their own units and with their own bespoke kits, not just upgrade kits for Warriors and Wyches, I'd like to see some armour and heads that really look 'elite'. 

Something else I'd really like to see something new, like NEW new and if we were to get a big refresh (perhaps in 11th) I think we'd get something we haven't seen before. Last time Aeldari got a big release they got a new unit with Shroud Runner and this time they got a new character, AM also got new units with both their recent releases. I think GW like to introduce something NEW if they can along side redoes of older kits.

For this I'd like to see a new medium sized vehicle, either a new variation of the Raider or something in that range. A big shiny centre piece like the Tantalus would be great but I'd also like to have more option for smaller games where that wouldn't be appropriate or just to have more options when building an army. Or they could bring back the Reaper that Forge World use to offer, that's not NEW new but it the sort of class of vehicle I'd like to see.



For those who fear the disappearance of Court and Beasts, I think they are VERY likely to make the transition to plastic. Why? Because the Index datacards for those units, they were reconfigured to mirror 10th ed design ethos: you will buy the Court as a unit, and it will contain 1 Lhymaean, 1 Medusa, 1 Sslyth and 1 Ur-Ghoul. You will buy a box of Beasts, which will include the Master, 1 Fiend, 2 Khymerae and 3 Razorwing flocks. This will be the ONLY way to field these units... And that's going to suck, but the models should be good.


I am expecting Grotesques as well; not having them is throwing money at W. Artell, whose "totally not Grotesques" are awesome (along with his totally not Vect). If these units don't come, I'm going to be disappointed. But beyond these units, I'm not sure what to expect.


I LOVE the idea of a plastic Tantalus/ Dias of Destruction dual build. This edition is nice for the Tantalus; in previous editions, the transport capacity of 15 was weird, but in 10th it's PERFECT for Achon + Court + Kabalites. The Dias build would likely have a reduced transport capacity because the throne would take up a lot of real estate.


Personally I don't expect or want new Kabalites or Wyches- those models are just fine as they are, and wasting the release spot on them would prevent us from getting other units that we actually need. The Wracks are a bit different: I like the current models well enough, but they need to be in boxes of 10... Although given the 10th ed design, if they boxed them as 10, that would be the fixed unit size. That said, of the three basic troop types, wracks actually COULD stand an update, and if they're doing Grotesques anyway, reworking the Wracks at the same time could be great for ensuring unified design cues.


Since Mandrakes have been done, I wouldn't be shocked to see Kheradruahk, and I would LOVE this if they follow the old artwork where he's a four-armed topknot mandrake. 


IF they redo the Beastmaster, they might also update Hellions... And if they do, that also sets up Baron Sathonyx.


There's also a strong likelihood of Urien.


I would LOVE to see the return of Trueborn/ Bloodbrides and Haemoxytes... But I don't think that will happen.

I'd like Lieutenant-level Archons/ Wyches/ Haemonculae.... But I don't think that'll happen either.

I'd love an Archon and a Succubus on a bike... But that's REALLY unlikely to happen.


A new Archon would be good; I'm okay with the Succubus and Haemonculus we have... But if they redo one, they'll probably redo all three.


Finally, Corsairs. There was a rumour about a new Corsair unit; we didn't see one in the Aeldari dex... So maybe we see it released with the Drukhari insted. We didn't get Yriel to lead Corsairs in the Aeldari book, so maybe we get Sliscus instead.


Another thing that's likely to happen: GW will give us at least one new unit that nobody asked for, preventing us from getting a unit that we need, and no one will like it.






With the exception of some of the character kits (mostly the Archon) I honestly wouldn't want any of the main plastic kits refreshed/replaced. Not only do they do everything they need to, they're honestly stellar kits that have aged magnificently and I don't think replacements would realistically be able to give any meaningful improvements over the current boxes.


In terms of stuff I would like to see, obviously new releases for the OOP metal/resin stuff would be great, especially the court of the Archon. Give us a Gobbapalooza style box and I'll be pretty chuffed. Likewise, resurrecting the victims of GW's "no model no rules" purge from the 5E characters (Malys, Sathronyx etc) with models would be fantastic. And of course a proper Grotesque kit (the Finecast one being one of the few undeniable duds in the Dark Eldar range).


That's mostly just bringing back models that already existed (or semi-existed in the case of Malys and friends) and have been retired  As for entirely new concepts or heavy overhauls of existing ones though...


>A plastic Tantalus is the main one. I'd give it three build options; "Tantalus command barge" (pretty much a straight port of the FW design, but in plastic and festooned with optional extras, notably crew, slaves, loot etc, for a full "floating diorama" vibe and also a massive amount of bitz depending on how you build it, think the Arachnarok's "bonus goblins"), the "Tartarus extermination barge" (the Ravager to the Tantalus' Raider, sacrificing transport capacity for a dizzying array of weapons, making it a highly mobile gunship with a massive weight of fire balanced out by trademark Dark Eldar paper armour) and of course Asdrubael Vect's personal carnival float of horror, the Dais of Destruction (which strikes a middle ground between the Tartarus and Tantalus in terms of number of guns, having room to transport his favourite cronies but trading some deck space for a few particularly fancy guns and some surprisingly effective defence systems). Bonus points if it comes with Vect on foot if the lord of Commoragh feels like getting some exercise.

>The Reaper could absolutely make a comeback- being as it was an upgrade for the Raider it would be comically easy to resurrect, and you could give some different gun options for it too. A nasty chemical/poison weapon would be very on-brand I feel.

>As others have said, Kaballite Trueborn and Hekatrix Bloodbrides as a separate kit would be very cool, and a good way of increasing the variety of infantry in the range. I don't expect them to keep the balljointed waists but I'd like the shoulders and necks to be compatible with the Wych and Kaballite Warrior kits, so some mixing and matching between the old and new boxes is possible.

>For a massively deep cut, bring back the Rampage "example build" from the old Vehicle Design Rules as a new vehicle. Have it as a midpoint between the Raider and Tantalus chassis, with the option of either a small transport capacity and some decent firepower, or eschewing transport altogether for some additional, heavier weapons.

I feel like a number of the plastic kits could use an upgrade or re-sprued. However - there are so many kits that are not plastic that it just doesn't seem smart to even look at those for a long time yet and it's already been a long time.

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