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Hi all this is a houserule set a friend and i used quite often. It really works fine for us. Please try it yourself and please give feedback if you have any ideas to improve this approach for a more interactive gaming experience.


Apply the following changes to the usual 40K 10th Edition rules.

Turn, Phases, and Initiative:

A turn includes the complete execution of each phase for every unit of all players. At the beginning of each phase, a roll-off is made, and the winner has the initiative and can decide whether to go first in that phase or not. Each phase (Command, Movement, Shooting, Charge, Fight) is executed alternately.

Removing Casualties:

Casualties are always removed immediately when they occur.

Command Phase Actions:

Before the initiative roll, both players receive 2 Command Points.

Players alternate activating abilities that need to be resolved, starting with the player who has the initiative.

Afterward, all Battleshock tests are resolved alternately.

Movement Phase:

Players alternate choosing one of their units – starting with the player with the initiative – and move it according to the usual 40K rules. When a player has moved all their units, the other player continues moving their units until all units have been moved.

Shooting Phase:

Players alternate choosing one of their units – starting with the player with the initiative – and execute the shooting of that unit according to the usual 40K rules.

Charge Phase:

Players alternate choosing one of their units – starting with the player with the initiative – and fully execute the steps of the Charge Phase according to the usual 40K rules.

Fight Phase:

Players alternate choosing one of their units – starting with the player with the initiative – and fully execute the steps of the Fight Phase according to the usual 40K rules.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Myself and my gaming group played using the same formula and found it worked well, but the only issue we ran into was in moving units into charge range.

If your opponent didn't want a unit getting tangled in melee, they could just move the unit away from the threatening unit, effectively making kiteing really easy.

There are several response to this issue, one being that it's simply making the game far more tactical as it requires great position consideration. Another being one can use units to trap other, limit enemy movement and also makes deepstriking a lot more scary as it happens at the end of the movement phase. Getting a unit close enough so that the enemy's counter move still leaves you in charge is also a fair point.

It does make fast units particularly effective at hit and run as well.

I think a simple resolution to this would be a core strat that gives extra movement in some way, maybe doubles movement during the phase or additional movement at the end of the phase.


This also worked extra well for us as we added a retreat to battle shock, just to make that bit more impactful.

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