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Hey, I'm one of those who was into 3rd edition 40k as a teen, drifted away and came back during 9th.


Back in the day I think Gorkamorka was my actual starting point. It appeared one birthday and I had a great time building the orks and trukks, reading the books over and over, and playing through campaigns with my brother.


I haven't been back to orks since but I'm sure I will sooner or later. Right now I've got a pretty well fleshed out Thousand Sons army and a growing pile of shame that was supposed to be an Emperor's Children flavoured CSM army. But with the upcoming codex release I'm now not sure what to do with it...


I've been lurking for a while and look forward to finally being able to contribute. Cheers!


P.s. I quite like painting Space Wolves. Here's one who strayed too close to my "Hellbrute"



Edited by Plunge
including Hellbrute image
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Welcome!  Be sure to drop by the Chaos Space Marines subforum to share your stuff.  BTW, I like your "hellbrute" and his space wolf "friend". :smile:


As for what to do with your supposed emperor's children, you could always start on slannesh oriented chaos space marines faction painted in a complementary fashion to how you intend to do the new Emperor's Children models when you get some.  That's what's likely to happen to my Emperor's Children army - I'll probably paint the new models as their own (but related force) and keep my existing force as Heretic Astartes.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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