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5 hours ago, FarFromSam said:

Thank you for this.   GW needs to hire you as a translator.  If makes em money it's safe. 


 At the risk of going off topic,  the Lion was never willing to divulge much of anything even to his own legion.  Has His nap improved his demeanor?   Side question,  does he still do Forestwalks around the galaxy?


So yes to the Forestwalking (at least as of Lion:Son of the Forest), although he has been back with the Dark Angels so how much of that we will see going forward could vary. Iirc it was also said in one of the rulebooks that he and the Risen would go into his chambers, vanish for a while and then reappear, so that would indicate theyre forestwalking but it's more of a secret


As to his his personality, yes he's calmed down quite a bit from the "punch a Chaplains head off for questioning him" days. The first Dark Angel he meets in the book tries to kill him, then they hug it out and that Dark Angel ends up becoming basically his equerry to the other Fallen/notFallenbutnotpartofthecurrentchapter. He even gives inspiring speeches to mortals now, which is something that he wouldn't have done during the Crusade.



It's nice to see the Lion be reasonable, but it is troubling.   I hope they steer away from the bland likeable marvel character style, and stick with the original here's you're schtick, and we'll amplify... and double it... again.  


Concerning but optimistic.  It's like season 5 of game of thrones.  We have wildly diverged from the books fluff and lore, but the show is fine with plenty of time to salvage.  Most importantly,  it's better that nothing.


Edited by Gillyfish
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37 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

warp travel still works, it "just" has a higher and faster mortality rate for navigators and typically requires groups of them now. There's a big scene discussing that in Darkness in the Blood. The astronomican isn't entirely hidden, but its obscured, so its more difficult to use.


(in addition, the blood angels seem to have better than average ability to traverse the warp in the dark imperium, because of their super psychic golden winged chap and chief librarian)

Warp travel in the terran side of the imperium works mostly as it always has though.


also also, we know that messages from cadia and fenris to terra via "normal" means (essentially message relays) takes months, not years. This is straight up specified in the emperors legion novel.


Yeah that is one of the books I was thinking about. Main thing is that traversing the Imperium was not a quick task even before the Great Rift. It would have stretched the suspension of disbelief to have every Chapter reorganizing their armories even in the Old Times.


With the way that, supposedly, getting around at least half of the Imperium is significantly more difficult in the current setting, it makes it correspondingly more difficult to suspend disbelief.


Hence my statement that, to me, the distribution of the new tech and all that is needed to create and maintain said tech is harder for me to buy than the existence of the tech itself.

I was a Star Wars fan growing up, so I’ve gotten very good at just ignoring lore that I don’t like past a clear line of demarcation :whistling:


The great thing about fiction is that it’s all made up. Consume what you enjoy, and headcanon/ignore the rest.

2 hours ago, FarFromSam said:

It's nice to see the Lion be reasonable, but it is troubling. 

To paraphrase one character in the book: 30k Primarchs were basically teenagers considering their biology and the Lion’s emotions have less of an edge to them because he aged.


Regarding all the tech; it’s maybe 5000 years of military buildup. I do think retaining the 200 year time skip would have been better for explaining its spread.


The Rogue Trader book is all about Guilliman’s efforts to activate the great explorers ala 30k for finding new warp routes. So it would not surprise me if there’s more than three throughout the entire border.

11 hours ago, phandaal said:


I cannot remember the specifics. In the books I read, what I remember is they might comment that it was very hard to get around in the Warp. Some even said it was downright lethal.


If having Blanks on board is the trick to negate Warp storms blocking the Astronomicon (or for travel through Warp storms in general), one would think someone in the Imperium would have used that before M42, to explore uncharted regions of the galaxy that are blocked by Warp storms.


Either way, traversing the Imperium was supposed to be very time consuming even before Current Year, which I thought added nicely to the setting's sense of scale. The logistics involved made a tiny bit more sense when there was supposed to be time skip (although even a century is crazy fast for the Imperium to do anything, let alone remake the entire Adeptus Astartes across the whole galaxy). Now that we are in compressed time, it just feels really hand wavy.


I can't locate it now, but I remember that Torchbearer fleets' lore specifically mentions taking Sister of Silence to calm the warp and ease voyage through warpstorms. 

10 hours ago, FarFromSam said:

It's nice to see the Lion be reasonable, but it is troubling.   I hope they steer away from the bland likeable marvel character style, and stick with the original here's you're schtick, and we'll amplify... and double it... again.


I know exactly what you mean. Fortunately I feel that Lion, Son of the Forest does a reasonable job of showing his character growth as organic. Basically he is faced with a betrayal that forces him to confront his approach to command. While Luther's betrayal was smaller in scale than Horus's, it was also more personal and affected the Lion in a different way. My only criticism is that his change seems a bit too easy. He realises that he needs to change his approach and after that, it comes quite easily. Then again, Primarchs are often shown as having superhuman brains as well as bodies. There is little that they cannot learn if they are convinced it is necessary. During the GC and HH, the Lion did not see any reason to change his attitude as he believed he was right. The Fall of Caliban made him question that belief and ultimately adopt a different approach.


Also the Lion has suffered from inconsistent characterisation in the HH novels. Mike Lee's depiction of him is almost autistic in his inability to read people and situations while Gav Thorpe's is borderline psychopathic. His depiction in LSOTF is more like an evolution of David Guymer's portrayal from his Primarch novel. Cool and aloof much of the time but not uncaring of those under his command. Secretive when necessary but not unduly paranoid. This is also consistent with him secretly Forest Walking with the Risen. It is a tactical ability that is only on a need-to-know basis.

Phaan, maybe we'll get an explanation... maybe... yeah.


Jaxon, I like the 5000 year build up.  You've created the idea of systems worth of manufactorum stock piling an immense arsenal long forgotten because an administrative error lost the bitcoin password to the fortune.   Love that. 


Karhedron, you've nailed the inconsistencies,  it may be the dark angel's theme.  They're Knights... they're noble Indian worries, no they're a secret Gothic order hiding a foul history,  but also,  they are the super teched/ Emperor's own legion, but like, also... really good at bikes some times. At least we are consistently inconsistent. 


Rain, that's THE skill to have. 100%  enjoy the good stuff, it's all subjective anyway


Thanks for catching me up.  Yall make this forum great to come back to when life allows.  Cheers Frater.

7 hours ago, Karhedron said:


I know exactly what you mean. Fortunately I feel that Lion, Son of the Forest does a reasonable job of showing his character growth as organic. Basically he is faced with a betrayal that forces him to confront his approach to command. While Luther's betrayal was smaller in scale than Horus's, it was also more personal and affected the Lion in a different way. My only criticism is that his change seems a bit too easy. He realises that he needs to change his approach and after that, it comes quite easily. Then again, Primarchs are often shown as having superhuman brains as well as bodies. There is little that they cannot learn if they are convinced it is necessary. During the GC and HH, the Lion did not see any reason to change his attitude as he believed he was right. The Fall of Caliban made him question that belief and ultimately adopt a different approach.


Also the Lion has suffered from inconsistent characterisation in the HH novels. Mike Lee's depiction of him is almost autistic in his inability to read people and situations while Gav Thorpe's is borderline psychopathic. His depiction in LSOTF is more like an evolution of David Guymer's portrayal from his Primarch novel. Cool and aloof much of the time but not uncaring of those under his command. Secretive when necessary but not unduly paranoid. This is also consistent with him secretly Forest Walking with the Risen. It is a tactical ability that is only on a need-to-know basis.

Mike Brooks did a good job showing him having to fight his old tendencies.

18 minutes ago, HeadlessCross said:

You gotta say more than that.........inquiring minds must know the contents of said email!

It's the usual "heroes of the imperium, here's some fluff bits, collection of minis painted like these guys and *BUY THIS TODAY!*" email, just odd that it was Salamanders of all things.


Edited by Mogger351
Added pic
18 minutes ago, HeadlessCross said:

You gotta say more than that.........inquiring minds must know the contents of said email!

Here it is mate,




Everything Is Proceeding As I Have Foreseen GIFs | Tenor


4 hours ago, FormelyKnownAsSmashyPants said:

I want Primarch Vulkan, Vulcan He'Stan and Tu'Shan, all.

I hate bloat in every sense, but additional characters/units is really the only way to make the Chapters even if GW refuses sharing of units. 

Edited by HeadlessCross
13 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

So Salamanders are the poster boys of the next codex?


Salamanders (and Iron Warriors) seem to be the poster boys for HH 3.0 which is coming in about 3 months time. My guess is that 40K is just going to be leaning on this slightly.

14 hours ago, FormelyKnownAsSmashyPants said:

I want Primarch Vulkan, Vulcan He'Stan and Tu'Shan, all.

Vulkan He'Stan would be neat, I've always found his 5E model a bit clumsy looking somehow. Tu'Shan could be interesting I suppose? No more Primarchs, please.

20 hours ago, redmapa said:

Personally I welcome our new green poster boys, blue marines are so passè. 

Great. Salamanders are the only major chapter that looks worse than the Ultras. 

3 hours ago, Crimson Longinus said:

Great. Salamanders are the only major chapter that looks worse than the Ultras. 

How can you say that unironically when Imperial Fists exist in that hideous yellow? 

12 minutes ago, HeadlessCross said:

How can you say that unironically when Imperial Fists exist in that hideous yellow? 


Imperial Fists are one of the better looking chapters, especially if properly weathered. Bright basic green just is very unappealing colour.


And speaking of yellow, Salamanders originally had much better colour scheme:




lol, at the local GW today, my wife said she liked the salamanders because the green popped, and she liked the imperial fists because they were bright. My best friend plays salamanders and another good friend plays imperial fists


so clearly not everyone dislikes either of them.

Imperial Fists are yellow because it's a high-visibility color that stands out on an otherwise drab fortification construction site. Remember, safety first!

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