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Hi all. I thought this might be useful to outline what is coming this year for 40K in roughly the order it is coming and based on what has been rumoured. Any speculation on my part will be marked with an asterisk. Obviously there will be kill team and MTO in there also. Likely a fair chunk of these will be in release sets too with older models. 

emperors children - know contents 

death guard - lord 

thousand sons - automata

world eaters - single model (surgeon) or larger wave* 

daemons - likely no codex but possibly some models with the relevant cult marines*
black Templars - single model (the long rumoured ancient?)*

grey knights - single model dread knight upgrade 

space marines - second wave - unclear if new book / boxed sets also. 
chaos knights - new armiger size release

imperial knights - new shield questoris knight 

Votann - second wave?*

drukhari - single model vs wave release? 
corsairs - rumoured small wave release. 
space wolves - full wave release. 

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21 minutes ago, jimbo1701 said:

Hi all. I thought this might be useful to outline what is coming this year for 40K in roughly the order it is coming and based on what has been rumoured. Any speculation on my part will be marked with an asterisk. Obviously there will be kill team and MTO in there also. Likely a fair chunk of these will be in release sets too with older models. 

emperors children - know contents 

death guard - lord 

thousand sons - automata

world eaters - single model (surgeon) or larger wave* 

daemons - likely no codex but possibly some models with the relevant cult marines*
black Templars - single model (the long rumoured ancient?)*

grey knights - single model dread knight upgrade 

space marines - second wave - unclear if new book / boxed sets also. 
chaos knights - new armiger size release

imperial knights - new shield questoris knight 

Votann - second wave?*

drukhari - single model vs wave release? 
corsairs - rumoured small wave release. 
space wolves - full wave release. 

It’s already confirmed demons are no longer their own faction I thought.

12 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

It’s already confirmed demons are no longer their own faction I thought.

I mentioned them as some of the rumour engines appear like they could be daemons so despite no codex I wonder if some models are coming either primarily for aos or incorporated into the cult marine books. 

36 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Grey Knights ought to have an upscaled refresh. Change no lore but just give them upscaled models like Crowe. That would be nice.

agreed but valraks source hasn’t mentioned them - he seems to think 11th. Bit of an odd move as they stand out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the power armour and for the sake of 2 kits I would have thought they would be a priority. Unless GK sell poorly of course. 

There is the GK kill team rumor, wich unless something new could technically be 50% of a refresh.

But I dont think the 4 PA units will remain one kit when updated, probably split in two.

And im half wondering if the GK kill team is going to be something really leftfield.. grey knight techmarine with a bigger unit of some new GK specific servitor type, giving them a chaff unit like CSM factions have... lorewise an anti daemon engine thing or something.  


6 hours ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Grey Knights ought to have an upscaled refresh. Change no lore but just give them upscaled models like Crowe. That would be nice.

Nope, now you get sigma grey knights!


magos superior supreme has actually been working on them for 5k years and created 10000000000 in that time!

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
On 2/9/2025 at 2:38 PM, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

It’s already confirmed demons are no longer their own faction I thought.

It's confirmed that Slaanesh demons will be in the EC Codex. It is still possible demons may have their own book later. Just like in the Aeldari book they listed the Ynnari Dark Eldar.  Dark Eldar will still get their own book. "EC Daemonettes", "WE Bloodletters", "DG plaguebearers", etc. in their respective cult marines codexes may still result in a Daemons book at a later date. Or they could be squatted. If named Slaanesh demon characters are not in the EC book I bet they get their own dex. They may also kick the can down the road until 11th edition.

3 hours ago, Wolf Guard Dan said:

It's confirmed that Slaanesh demons will be in the EC Codex. It is still possible demons may have their own book later. Just like in the Aeldari book they listed the Ynnari Dark Eldar.  Dark Eldar will still get their own book. "EC Daemonettes", "WE Bloodletters", "DG plaguebearers", etc. in their respective cult marines codexes may still result in a Daemons book at a later date. Or they could be squatted. If named Slaanesh demon characters are not in the EC book I bet they get their own dex. They may also kick the can down the road until 11th edition.

I'm expecting them to say that Demon players will have to make do with the index detachment and the Grotmas 4, and then maybe a book in 11th but I think the plan is the AoS model where demons only exist in the monogod books for sake of ease.

11 hours ago, Wolf Guard Dan said:

It's confirmed that Slaanesh demons will be in the EC Codex. It is still possible demons may have their own book later. Just like in the Aeldari book they listed the Ynnari Dark Eldar.  Dark Eldar will still get their own book. "EC Daemonettes", "WE Bloodletters", "DG plaguebearers", etc. in their respective cult marines codexes may still result in a Daemons book at a later date. Or they could be squatted. If named Slaanesh demon characters are not in the EC book I bet they get their own dex. They may also kick the can down the road until 11th edition.

I mean every other faction has either already been released, or on the roadmap, except demons and LoV if I’m not mistaken, so it’s still possible, but seems very unlikely at this point.

On 2/9/2025 at 9:41 PM, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

As for DE, I’d bet they get a full release wave whatever that means, but definitely more than a single model.


id bet on a new warrior kit, maybe court of the archon kit, and possibly a brand new kit.


When looking back the last few codexes of an edition always had a "bigger" release ( Guard, World eaters, Leagues of votan in 9th and SoB, GSC, CSM 2.0 in 8th... though 8th had weird release "patterns", in AoS it was FEC, CoS and seraphon in 3rd and Hedonites, Lumineth and Soulblight in 2nd.) with the exception of the odd-duck codexes ( knights and daemons.)

When the rumors said 11th edition was this year I was doubting this would hold up, but now that its back to normal I do think DE will have a much more sizable release than we anticipate.. at minimum world eaters size ( wich for WE ofcourse was small, but for DE 5 kits would be big), but it will probably be early 2026.




Might be Interesting for the speculation :




Those with an orange layer over it are mentioned in the rumorverse. The named ones very likely popping up in the end of edition campaign books ( I included Tankbustas and Vespids as they are part of my point as well... they where not purged and updated later in the edition after the codex, even when the details of the kit changed.) apart from Sly Marbo ( he is very new after all, despite being resin.) I again expect all the resin leftovers to be updated before their next codex comes out.


My speculation regarding these


I half expect the kill teams to go "weirder" less typical 10 man units and more assymetrical ones before 11th edition comes.

Sniperdrone and weirdboy I definitely think could be in one of the 12 kill teams this edition still holds. ( return to oldschool weirdboy+minderz unit perhaps, sniperdrone as part of a stealth team.) possibly lokhust destroyers, although the survival of that one could be tied to the kit already been updated but held back ( as the CSM biker and Vyper of that category have been.)


Im almost certain this summers Spacemarine character release will also bring along Cato sicarius and Pedro kantor, as it completes the list ( not the Jumppack chaplain, but I think it stayed not as a resin miniature but as the blood angel plastic one.. so really shouldnt be on the list, top candidate for the 11th boxset though.) otherwise we will see them in the end of edition campaign.


Leaving only the C'tan, the dark angel characters and the Inquisitor... the last one I think might survive through 11th edition without plastic release by merit of the Warhammer+ one existing and technically being widely available. C'tan probably ending up as large end of edition campaign token centrepiece release(s) ( making them keeping the original datasheets around pointless.) and Sammael and Ezekiel to make sure there are still some spacemarine heroes in that campaign ( there always are.)


21 hours ago, TheMawr said:


When looking back the last few codexes of an edition always had a "bigger" release ( Guard, World eaters, Leagues of votan in 9th and SoB, GSC, CSM 2.0 in 8th... though 8th had weird release "patterns", in AoS it was FEC, CoS and seraphon in 3rd and Hedonites, Lumineth and Soulblight in 2nd.) with the exception of the odd-duck codexes ( knights and daemons.)

When the rumors said 11th edition was this year I was doubting this would hold up, but now that its back to normal I do think DE will have a much more sizable release than we anticipate.. at minimum world eaters size ( wich for WE ofcourse was small, but for DE 5 kits would be big), but it will probably be early 2026.




Might be Interesting for the speculation :




Those with an orange layer over it are mentioned in the rumorverse. The named ones very likely popping up in the end of edition campaign books ( I included Tankbustas and Vespids as they are part of my point as well... they where not purged and updated later in the edition after the codex, even when the details of the kit changed.) apart from Sly Marbo ( he is very new after all, despite being resin.) I again expect all the resin leftovers to be updated before their next codex comes out.


My speculation regarding these

  Hide contents

I half expect the kill teams to go "weirder" less typical 10 man units and more assymetrical ones before 11th edition comes.

Sniperdrone and weirdboy I definitely think could be in one of the 12 kill teams this edition still holds. ( return to oldschool weirdboy+minderz unit perhaps, sniperdrone as part of a stealth team.) possibly lokhust destroyers, although the survival of that one could be tied to the kit already been updated but held back ( as the CSM biker and Vyper of that category have been.)


Im almost certain this summers Spacemarine character release will also bring along Cato sicarius and Pedro kantor, as it completes the list ( not the Jumppack chaplain, but I think it stayed not as a resin miniature but as the blood angel plastic one.. so really shouldnt be on the list, top candidate for the 11th boxset though.) otherwise we will see them in the end of edition campaign.


Leaving only the C'tan, the dark angel characters and the Inquisitor... the last one I think might survive through 11th edition without plastic release by merit of the Warhammer+ one existing and technically being widely available. C'tan probably ending up as large end of edition campaign token centrepiece release(s) ( making them keeping the original datasheets around pointless.) and Sammael and Ezekiel to make sure there are still some spacemarine heroes in that campaign ( there always are.)


Don't forget about Seth. An OOP, resin fan favourite. I'd put him in the running ahead of Cato.

16 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

Don't forget about Seth. An OOP, resin fan favourite. I'd put him in the running ahead of Cato.

God yes, a new Seth would be great. The old model was amazing, really managed to look dynamic without looking silly. Probably one of the coolest metal Marines from a period where we got loads of really cool metal Marines. Helped that his choice of weapon was a big honking chainsword.

34 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

Don't forget about Seth. An OOP, resin fan favourite. I'd put him in the running ahead of Cato.


Yes, but seth is no longer in the codex, cato is still in his codex despite both being OOP resin kits.. wich is the point.

that image list isnt a subjective wich would I or other fans like to come back more list, its and objective representation of all the datasheets that where left behind despite their resin kit being OOP.. wich doesnt apply to Seth.



edit :

Though any theorising on the why is ofcourse a subjective thing.

The fact that Yriel is both removed and rumored to get an update could just indicate that halfway through the edition GW decided to remove all resin miniatures, even IF an updated plastic model is in the pipeline.


Still, if they give every "vanilla"chapter a new character as is rumored and hinted at by the roadmap, Im pretty sure Ultramarines wont be left out, and cato sicarius is the most likely option, Seths popularity doesnt matter there, as he is not a vanilla chapter character.


Edited by TheMawr

Pre-codex (as in we don't know what changes/new units may be coming) the Grey Knights are really only missing 1 model, an actual generic Brotherhood Champion.


Crowe is currently the only "Brotherhood Champion" model; and imo, other than using his original metal/finecast model, is a little too distinctive (warp-smoldering sword) to use as a generic Brotherhood Champion.


My personal GK Wish list:

  • Brotherhood Champion (generic and/or terminator variant)
  • Powered Armor HQ datasheets (foot and/or Interceptor Captain, Librarian, Chaplain, etc... variants)
  • as another poster above said, hopefully a cheap "SM Scouts"  type unit
  • either giving Paladin's the option to take an Apothecary or having access to a separate HQ Apothecary character again.

In the Lore, when promoted to full battle brother status after their 50 years as a "Scout", all GK are given a suit of Powered Armor, an Interceptor Pack & a suit of Terminator Armor.

I'm just hoping GW remembers this...

Moving a little bit into the future here but with the factions in the game not far off total plasification now what would people like to see for factions going forward:


1. Return of old classics (ie guard regiments, older special characters etc) 

2. now defunct FW units brought to plastic (ie c

shadow spectres, reaper, hazard battlesuits) 

3. completely original models and ideas 

3 minutes ago, jimbo1701 said:

Moving a little bit into the future here but with the factions in the game not far off total plasification now what would people like to see for factions going forward:


1. Return of old classics (ie guard regiments, older special characters etc) 

2. now defunct FW units brought to plastic (ie c

shadow spectres, reaper, hazard battlesuits) 

3. completely original models and ideas 

Honestly, all three sound like good directions to go. 

1 hour ago, jimbo1701 said:

Moving a little bit into the future here but with the factions in the game not far off total plasification now what would people like to see for factions going forward:


1. Return of old classics (ie guard regiments, older special characters etc) 

2. now defunct FW units brought to plastic (ie c

shadow spectres, reaper, hazard battlesuits) 

3. completely original models and ideas 


If we can pick all three, then all three, but if we are just picking one I'd pick bringing back the old FW catalog into plastic


Old FW just brought so much flavor into things and explored sections mainline GW didn't.


Read a lore article/watched a video on Badab? Cool, they've got you covered with some honestly fantastic models


Want to expand your Guard with drop troops, Tau with battlesuits or something like that? Got you


Especially for the Heresy, do you want to make your guys really decked out in Legion specific stuff (torsos, shoulders, weapons, helmets, etc). Got you there too


Even their terrain I'd love to see come back, because things like their sandbag fortification or castellum were great and very different from what the main studio offered



2 hours ago, jimbo1701 said:

Moving a little bit into the future here but with the factions in the game not far off total plasification now what would people like to see for factions going forward:


1. Return of old classics (ie guard regiments, older special characters etc) 

2. now defunct FW units brought to plastic (ie c

shadow spectres, reaper, hazard battlesuits) 

3. completely original models and ideas 


3.. and also 1.. honestly as people have said the 3 kind of go hand in hand.

As is shown GW usually doesnt translate FW concepts directly as is, sometimes straying much more into the territory of "3" ( prime example : Kroot cavalry.)

Another prime example of all 3 being the same thing is Eldar corsairs, they are a return of "old classics" (without miniatures) a remade defunct FW unit AND a by all means a completely original model and idea all rolled into one.


One of the main things I have wanted for decades now is Exodites.. at minimum the 2 units that had a datasheet in 2nd edition, though doing all 4 epic units as 40k kits is even better.

So.. that would fall under 1 I think ?


But if I had to choose one, I choose option 3. Im not the "us/we" people usually talk about when they say "Give us new stuff we didnt want instead of rehashing model X" Fresh stuff is healthy for the fanbase, setting and.. very importantly but often forgotten, its healthy for the designers. Letting the creativity run wild for something new also increases the creativity when working on updating excisting things, this is I think one of the reasons AoS and Necromunda have more hits/less misses, even on updated stuff, than 40k has. 

( but now I do the same I complain about in the beginning of this paragraph... I apply how it works for me on others.. hmm.. )

Here's my predictions for the stuff we haven't seen yet:


Thousand Sons - Rumored automata unit

World Eaters - Ne character model, maybe an apothecary or champion type

Daemons - Maybe codex towards the end of edition, otherwise rolled into cult armies
Black Templars - New character model, probably ancient

Grey Knights - Either single model release or surprise range refresh

Space Marines - Resin heroes moved to plastic (i.e. Lysander, Vulkan He'stan, Kantor, etc.) Second wave releasing with 11th edition.
Chaos Knights - New war dog types

Imperial Knights - Questoris knight with Cerastus-style lance & shield

Leagues of Votann - Second wave. Jump infantry, walker, Hernkyn light infantry character, standard bearer, another vehicle of some sort

Drukhari - Partial range refresh
Space Wolves - Range refresh with new Logan Grimnar and Bjorn the Fell-Handed


After the "codex" releases, we;ll see another end of edition narrative campaign with books and single character releases. My prediction for the models here is plastic Huron Blackheart, Karandras, and an unnamed Krieg Marshal on foot. Maybe another character model but not sure who or what it might be (maybe Grotsnik because orks are slated for 11th.)

As for Kill Teams, I suspect we'll get:
Catachan Jungle Fighters
Something for Tyranids (either Warriors or Gargoyles, maybe both in a combined box with 3 warriors and 5 gargoyles)
Ork Stormboys
New Deathwatch Vets

Edited by Commissar Greif
20 hours ago, jimbo1701 said:

Moving a little bit into the future here but with the factions in the game not far off total plasification now what would people like to see for factions going forward:


1. Return of old classics (ie guard regiments, older special characters etc) 

2. now defunct FW units brought to plastic (ie c

shadow spectres, reaper, hazard battlesuits) 

3. completely original models and ideas 

I will say, I've been a bit suspicious about what they're planning for guard lately. Logic points towards Catachan being the next range to get updated, but lately there's been a lot of stuff about Armageddon and the Steel Legion popping up. Has me wondering what they might be planning. Releasing another "coasts and gas masks" range might be odd but GW has made weirder decisions before.

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